Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and ninety - damn, you lied to me

"Batman" can start preparations, this is the most pleasant news Wayne has heard.

This project has not started yet, it can be said that he has poured a lot of energy into it. This is not a single "Batman", but the beginning of his leveraging the Hollywood film industry.

"Jimmy." Wayne didn\'t answer Kevin Tesuhara\'s words and turned to look at his agent. "The bottom line about my personal treatment can be appropriately relaxed. I need this film to start preparations as soon as possible, the sooner the better!"

The agent nodded after listening, as did Kevin Tesuhara.

Wayne\'s meaning is obvious, he is willing to sell him a face, so that it is good for himself and Warner Bros. The sooner you start this project, the more prepared you will be. This is a win-win situation.

Of course, what Kevin Tesuhara wants is his attitude, and Warner Bros. will also greet him himself, in order to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

Of course they are willing to give Wayne\'s worth, because this young director has proved more than once that the huge profits distributed to him by the production company will definitely be multiplied back in the end.

As long as Jimmy, the agent, offered a price that was in line with Wayne\'s worth, or even slightly higher than his worth, Warner Bros. would pinch their noses and agree.

However, Jimmy\'s attitude shows that he is obviously not satisfied with lying on Warner Bros. to **** blood.

This time, if his client doesn\'t say hello, he will definitely bite off most of the meat in one bite, and the negotiation will inevitably turn into a tug of war. Whether there will be any accident in the end, no one dares to say, the idiom Kevin Tesuhara may not have heard of the idiom of night long dreams, but he understands the meaning contained in it.

"I will push forward the negotiation work as soon as possible, you can rest assured on Warner Bros. side." Kevin Tesuhara nodded and put his words on the bright side.

"Also, Wayne. The post-production work for "Joker\'s Return" is about to begin. If you add the pre-production for "Batman", will you be too busy?"

Wayne laughed when it came to this, but luckily he pulled a top temp.

"Don\'t worry! Tim Burton has already agreed and will be the production manager of this project. I may be a little busy in the early stage, but there is Zach Snyder on the "Joker" side, and he can fully understand me. production concept.

When the production of "Edwood" is over, I can turn my mind back to "The Clown" and let Tim Burton focus on actor training, special effects prop production and so on. The only thing to consider now is that the right Bruce Wayne must be found as soon as possible, and this role will take at least a few months of training. "

In Wayne\'s plan, Batman Bruce Wayne must be a strong man, and he can never play a handsome man.

This is a realistic film, especially in the first plan. Not a brawny, not convincing at all for Batman.

After a long period of training and testing, Bruce Wayne finally returned to Gotham City. Yes, Wayne will indeed make him human and fragile, but that refers to the fragility of the spiritual world and the spiritual world. .

He will be lost in the shadows, and then he will find himself in the bat swarm. The step-by-step growth also refers to spiritual growth. Physically, Batman is a strong man as soon as he appears.

A violent and strong man who is full of destructive power, but has been trying to restrain himself.

"Okay, after we sign the contract, Warner Bros. will send a message to the major brokerage companies, Wayne, you don\'t know, the actor who wants to be the male lead of your new project can line up from Burbank to New York!"

Kevin Tesuhara is so confident in this that it is now clear to all of Hollywood that starring in the lead role in a Wayne Greenberg movie will definitely be one of the quickest paths to fame.

He continued: "Also, the reason why the film financing went so well this time has a lot to do with you. For Wayne Greenberg\'s new project, this sign is very useful."

Wayne spread his hands. "Well, as long as it helps the movie, you can use it as you like."

Several people laughed at the same time, the main purpose of coming here has been achieved, and Kevin Tesuhara is in a very good mood.

But there are other things, he is going to take advantage of this rhythm and say it together. "The team led by Colin Howard and lawyer Ryan has been in contact with the Warner Bros. board many times. What\'s your opinion on this matter?"

This is the most puzzling thing. Wayne himself must be interested in taking a stake in Warner Bros. This is very clear, and there is no such thing as waiting for a price.

The price and share given by the Warner Bros. board of directors have almost reached the bottom line that they can bear. Both parties know that, even if it is delayed for a long time, it will not change much.

"Kevin." Wayne thought about it for a while, but chose to tell the truth. After all, he and himself are natural allies, and his investment in Warner Bros. will also benefit his work.

"The investment will be after the release of "Joker\'s Soul". I will have more funds at that time, and Colin Howard is also constantly helping me contact the bank to get more loans. You should understand , this opportunity is rare, I will definitely try my best to buy it, otherwise it is better to make a film honestly.

If I take out a loan now, with my worth and credit limit, it will definitely not be as much as when a new movie is released. I am very confident about this. The more shares I can hold, the higher the voice in the board of directors will be, which is a good thing for you and me, so don\'t worry about it. "

Kevin Tesuhara listened and nodded thoughtfully. The premise of all this is based on the results of "The Clown Returns". This young man seems to be very confident in this film.

For this new horror film, he has almost no knowledge of the production progress. He has put all his mind on promoting "Batman". Kevin Tesuhara knows better than anyone that if "Batman" can be successful , it is by no means just a film success.

There will be larger plans in the future, and the benefits involved are by no means comparable to a horror film.

Thinking of this, he laughed at himself. The box office performance is exactly the last thing Wayne Greenberg needs to worry about. He has proved himself countless times.

And if other directors succeed, there will definitely be a large number of follow-up works in the market, and Hollywood has always been like this. But Wayne\'s film is too special, no one has imitated it, and the final product can only become four different.

"Well, I can tell you in advance that the head office will definitely support the cosmic plan. As long as your new "Batman" achieves the expected success, Time Warner will support Warner Bros. and DC Comics even more than before. ."

After saying this, Kevin Tesuhara stood up and prepared to leave. The things that should be talked about have been discussed, and he is not going to continue to disturb Wayne\'s vacation. This young man will be busy soon.


After the chat, he suddenly asked: "What is your attitude towards Oscar? If you do all your PR, "Joker" still has the hope of winning a screenwriter."

As long as you are a director, you will be obsessed with Oscar, which has been proved countless times by Kevin Tesuhara.

"Forget it this time." Wayne stood up and shook his head. "Maybe my assistant hasn\'t informed the company yet, I\'m not going to go to the nominee luncheon, and I\'m not going to participate in the various pull-ups and vote-pulling sessions that follow.

I\'m not going to participate in the Golden Globe Awards this year. I\'m not an actor, so I don\'t need to maintain exposure. After all, the director still has to rely on the film to speak. I even thought about not going to the Oscars! It depends on whether you can squeeze in time, you should know how busy I will be in the future! "

"Ok, I understand, you continue on vacation!"

The two shook hands, and Wayne watched as he walked to the car, which drove down the garden and out of the manor.

"Wayne, I..."

"Okay, Jimmy." He knew what the agent was trying to say, and waved his hand to stop him. "It\'s up to you to negotiate, but the principle is to get the contract done as soon as possible. Trust me, Warner Bros. thinks the same way. This matter will be easier than you think."

Jimmy shrugged, nodded and turned to go back. But after taking two steps, he turned back and said, "Let Sergey take me there, Kevin just left first..."

Wayne\'s first day of vacation in Los Angeles was half the time talking about work. But fortunately, at least there was a surprise. After eating a satisfying Chinese meal, he got his wish and climbed the long-lost mountain again.

Outside the spacious bathroom of the bedroom on the third floor, through the hazy glass, you can observe the mist in the bathroom. Suddenly, a pair of flawless white hands pressed against the glass wall, and the breath from his mouth melted the thick fog on the glass, revealing Bella Grant\'s coquettish face.

It was as if she had suddenly suffered an accident~www.novelhall.com~ Through the glass, she suddenly widened her eyes, and then her entire upper body fell on the wall.

The two golden retrievers seemed to have been stimulated by something, and ran to the balcony together with their ears drooping.

More than half an hour later, Wayne came out with Bella Grant wrapped in a bathrobe, and came to the lounge chairs on the balcony together, holding black tea and watching the night view of Los Angeles.

Maybe it was because of the uncomfortable posture, the beauty editor wanted to sit up, but suddenly frowned. "Damn it, Wayne! You lied to me, it\'s not female friendly at all!"

Wayne cheekily stroked the two dogs with one hand and sipped lightly with a cup of black tea in the other, as if he hadn\'t heard her complain.

After a while, his voice sounded darkly. "Bella, it\'s a waste of your perfect **** to not try it, trust me, I\'ll go get some lube tomorrow."

"Damn, you just used this tone to deceive me!"