Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and forty-two - image elements and audiovisual language

"John, if you take away your worries and only consider it from an audience\'s point of view, do you think this film will attract you to watch it forever?"

This question is very important, and Wayne\'s way of asking questions also reminded the production manager that he was a bit worried about this film because it was too out of line with the mainstream.

After thinking about it carefully, John said with certainty: "No problem, although the angle is relatively different, but in terms of the attractiveness of the film, there is absolutely no problem! The social problems expressed only from the film are like empathy. I can actually find my own shadow from Arthur\'s body!"

That\'s right, although Wayne made some changes to the film, most of the changes are the performance of the camera. The whole film is full of a faint comic style, and you can\'t notice it if you don\'t watch it carefully.

Why does the film "Joker" attract so many people to watch it? A large part of the reason is that, more or less, from Arthur, he can find a part of himself in common.

Compared with the social environment, North America in the early 1990s was definitely more suitable for this film than it was in the 20s or so years later. Various movements have not yet emerged, and people have not yet had any channels to vent their various social problems.

Before making the film, Wayne believed that more people would feel the same after watching Arthur, especially the venting of all kinds of injustices at the end of the film!

Today ended the day\'s work early. Both John and Zach Snyder have left the studio, but the main editor Dawn Scott and Wayne stayed. There are still some color issues at the end of the film, they need to discuss .

Dwayne Scott, who left the editing table, is actually a middle-aged technical house. Wayne has worked with not many editors, but the only two can be said to have master-level skills.

Sitting on the lounge bench outside the studio, Dawn Scott took a large cup of coffee, took a sip, and said, "I have to remind you, Wayne! Zach Snyder is a film novice I didn\'t see it, John I don\'t know much about color theory.

But the film viewing experts from Warner Bros. and the theater company will definitely understand your layout at a glance. The color of the film is too monotonous, which is very likely to cause fatigue of watching the film. Will it have a great impact on the final market performance? "

Although this editor is a technical person, he is also a smart person. He should have discovered the problem during the first fine-cut, but he has been refusing to say it until the film is about to be completed.

"This is the first time I\'ve tried to express my creative ideas through a film." He reached out and patted the other person\'s shoulder, with a flat smile on Wayne\'s face. "I know what you mean, it\'s too late to regret it, right? No, it\'s too late! This will be the final color scheme for the film!"

The movie was made by Wayne, and it had neither fancy special effects nor any action-ability elements. What can you rely on to express the ideas in the director\'s mind? That is the color and audiovisual language in the image element!

If the audience only pays attention to the beginning and ending of the plot, it will not only ignore the director\'s painstaking efforts, but also lose a lot of fun watching the movie!

Like light and shadow, color is an important visual presentation in film art. Wayne has carefully designed his own film color for this "Joker", which will be an important step for him to move from a novice to a master!

The colors on Arthur\'s body are mainly composed of red, yellow, green, and blue, and the main tone of this film is composed of these four colors, which is also what Dwayne Scott is worried about.

The first scene from the beginning of the film is composed of red and blue. Arthur\'s first shot is facing the mirror and applying makeup. The red light hits his face, and the background is cold blue. When he put his finger Put it in the mouth and pull it upwards forcefully, the contrast will become so great.

All the daytime exterior scenes in the film, on the streets, shop signs, awnings, cars, pedestrians\' clothes, all of them, still can\'t escape red, yellow, blue and green.

Through the contrast of tones, it conveys the environment of the characters to the audience and reveals the inner world of the characters. This method will not be unfamiliar to any senior movie fans. Except for this part of the fans, they will accept the emotions expressed by the director through color, but they have not understood it in depth.

In the scene on the bus, Arthur\'s clothes are yellow from the window, the car is green, and inside the bus, the children\'s clothes are red. On the streets at night, the overall tone is cool blue, and the neon lights are red and green.

After a few scenes, Wayne can make the audience feel the coldness and despair of Gotham City through the screen through the contrast changes of these tones!

These colors are invisibly used by Wayne as a narrative tool, and the intentionality of the colors is also deepened, rendering the atmosphere and connotation of the film.

In all the scenes of Arthur interacting with his mother, although the light is warm, the two are in the shadows, and when they are with the talk show host behind, the warm light will hit their faces, warm and energetic, Then when the picture turned to reality, it turned into a cold blue so icy cold.

In Gotham City under Wayne\'s lens, the people in the real state all use the color tones to make the audience feel the cold and depressed emotions all of a sudden.

Except for Arthur\'s side in Gotham, there are warm sunshine everywhere, but these never shine on his face. Wherever Arthur goes, he in the camera has nothing to do with warmth.

"Wayne? Wayne!" Dwayne Scott saw him suddenly stunned, and pushed him on the shoulder.

"Ah! I\'m sorry." He stretched out his hands and rubbed his face hard, which relieved his tense spirit. "I\'m distracted, and now as long as I think about the color, layout, and camera language of the film, my brain starts to automatically calculate!"

Putting down the coffee cup in his hand, Dwayne Scott turned to face his eyes and said with a serious expression: "Listen to me, you have been too deeply invested in your work during this time, you have to find a way to relax yourself, Actors often get too deep into the play and can\'t get out, and so does the director!

Go back and have a good rest, luckily all the work on this film has come to an end, otherwise I doubt you really need to see a psychiatrist! I had this state of yours when I was young. It\'s good for you to empty your mind! "

The mention of a psychiatrist made Wayne move. One thing is clear in his mind, his mind wandering is getting worse, especially when he is working.

There is also a tyrannical emotion hidden in his heart, a calm mind can keep suppressing this emotion, but he himself knows that at some point he is indeed a bit perverted, and Harry-Berry has even been frightened by him.

Do you really have to get a non-disclosure agreement and see a psychiatrist after work on this film, if necessary?

"Thank you, I understand my situation!" Wayne nodded like an editor and got up to go back to rest.

As soon as he entered this post-production studio, various plans for post-production appeared in his mind. Maybe it was not a psychological problem, but it was just too deep into the play.

Rolls-Royce was driving smoothly on the streets of Los Angeles. Wayne suddenly opened the front and rear partitions, looked at Sergey\'s back and asked, "You said, do I really have some mental problems? Now I\'m distracted. It\'s getting longer and longer."

"Boss, you think too much. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" As a security guard and driver, Sergey knows his boss very well. "You are just too devoted to your work. Trust me boss, I have many comrades with mental problems. You only need to rest for a few days in this situation, and you will definitely return to normal state."

Mental problems? No one has more serious mental problems than retired soldiers. Sergey is an elite instructor in the army. He has seen many problems. At most, his own boss is just too invested in one thing.

"I suggest that after this work is completed, don\'t start the production of the next project seamlessly as in the previous years." After thinking for a while, the voice of the Russian bear came again. "Find a place that you like and yearn for the most and go on vacation. It works better than anything!"

"Do you want to go on vacation too? Well, let\'s go on vacation for a while after this movie is down..." For three consecutive years and three consecutive films, Wayne has been forcing himself to move forward step by step.

If the film does the box office he expected, it should give him a breather, and it didn\'t take long before Sergey heard a slight snoring from the back seat.

The Russian bear grinned, this is because he is too tired!