Hollywood Drawing

~: One Hundred and Fifty Six - Box Office Champion, Breaking Records

When the first ray of sunshine in Los Angeles fell, Jeff Robinoff walked into the Warner Building with a cheerful smile on his face.

On the way, facing the Warner employees who greeted him from time to time, today\'s film and television director was also extraordinarily patient and easy-going. After returning to the office, he simply sorted out the information and went directly to the large conference room on the seventh floor.

Today is the weekly executive meeting. Over the past weekend, every Warner Bros. executive looked at Jeff with a jealous look, and scolded this fat man for his luck against the sky.

"Joker" not only exploded unexpectedly at the box office, but also triggered social hotspots throughout North America. Not only film critics from various media have been discussing the film, but even fans have spontaneously formed a movie viewing trend.

Once this trend is formed, it will become unstoppable. If your friends, colleagues and family members have watched the film and are still discussing the plot anytime and anywhere, will you be curious? Even if it is to follow the trend, I will go to the theater to watch it again.

CEO Kevin Tesuhara looked at the group of executives with satisfaction, and this was the first thing he said after the meeting. "Jeff, let\'s talk about the various performances of "Joker" as a planner."

This was something everyone had expected for a long time, and everyone knew that the box office numbers would definitely not be low, but Jeff Robinoff asked the secretary to send out the statistics, and the numbers he said still shocked a group of people.

"Because of the Super Bowl publicity and various promotional activities before the film\'s release, the film has aroused enough anticipation from the public before its release, so when the theater opened on Friday, the public spontaneously watched the film. upsurge.

On the first day of "Joker" on Friday, the North American box office reported 39.35 million US dollars, and the single-house box office exceeded 11,000 US dollars. The popularity of the day slowed down on Saturday, when the daily received $32.47 million, and on Sunday, because the next day was a work day, the film received another $24.37 million. "

Having said this, Jeff Robinoff deliberately paused and glanced at the CEO. After everyone digested this amazing news, they continued:

"The film was released for three days, and it collected $96.19 million in the North American theater market in the first weekend! This figure is known to have broken the first weekend box office record of film history, the first weekend box office record of R-rated films, and the single-day box office record of R-rated films."

After he finished speaking, the meeting room fell into a strange silence. This number was too amazing, and it broke many records neatly.

Everyone was ready to explode at the box office, but they didn\'t expect this number to soar to such a high level.

"Have you informed Wayne?" Kevin Tesuhara\'s words made everyone slowly regain their senses, and looked at the proud fat man with even more jealous eyes.

"Of course, I called him this morning, and his assistant Nina answered it." Jeff\'s voice was slow. "Yesterday Wayne was interviewed until three o\'clock at night, and the assistant lady should tell him after that."

As one of the planners of this campaign, Jeff understands how close their schedules are, but none of this can be done. As the director of the film, the second most popular participant besides Nicolas Cage, Wayne was obliged to lead the team to promote the film.

Thinking of this, he suddenly said: "It should be noted that the box office of "The Hero of the Mountain" is also very strong, and it can get 21 million US dollars in the first weekend under such circumstances. Will this become a threat to us? "

In the case of "Joker" crushing the North American box office, it can still maintain a good box office in the first weekend, and Sylvester Stallone definitely played a major role here.

The influence of an action superstar cannot be ignored in the summer market, and fans who have seen this film have unexpectedly received positive reviews. This time, the rare one did not scold Stallone.

At this moment, Thomas Mendes, the head of the distribution department, said: ""The Hero of the Mountain" will not be a threat to us. According to the prediction of our subordinate department, the final box office number of this film will be about 80 million US dollars at most, and it will not be a threat to us. It takes a long time to show, and it\'s an inspirational film."

Speaking of which, he hesitated, glanced at Jeff, and still said: "But we have to pay attention to one thing, I have news, George Lucas sent an invitation to Wayne Greenberg on the day of the premiere, Hopefully he\'ll be able to direct a Star Wars."


As soon as his words fell, Jeff subconsciously refuted. "Wayne\'s production style doesn\'t match Star Wars at all, and Lucas can\'t trust this series to such a young man! Could he make a dark and twisted version of Star Wars 4?"

It\'s hard to say, no matter how reasonable Jeff\'s words are, everyone in the conference room still thinks it\'s hard to say. This is Star Wars, how many people can refuse such a film? As long as the shooting effect is basically qualified, there will be absolutely no worries about the number of audiences and the box office.

And Wayne is not only a pure director, all his films are written by himself. This young man has the ability to change a film. It is really not difficult for him to write a new Star Wars story.

Hearing this news, Kevin Tesuhara also became serious, "Jeff, pay attention to the communication with Wayne! We must always pay attention to the preparations for his new project, we can\'t learn from 20th Century Fox!"

The two biggest revenue points of Warner Bros. in the past two years, one is the Batman series, but the audience reputation of this Bruce Wayne master is getting worse and worse. I believe that if the next one can\'t reverse the bad reputation, this series will not be far from being temporarily sealed.

The second is Wayne\'s "Get Out". This film has created a large amount of revenue for Warner Bros., and the various profits created by this film can be completely ignored at the box office.

The ultra-low production cost has won the global box office of more than 300 million US dollars, but the profit shared by the box office only accounts for less than 15% of the total profit. Warner Bros.\'s complete offline and online operation channels allow this film to continue to generate large profits.

This is the main reason why they are willing to give Wayne a share of the box office. Compared with the various copyright operations and peripheral derivatives, as well as the video tapes that are now being released, it is really nothing.

"No, you don\'t have to worry about that!"

Sitting in the corner the whole time, DC President Jonathan Keller said directly without saying a word. "I\'m sure Wayne won\'t take Star Wars in the end, he has a better choice!"

Turning to look at Jonathan Keller in confusion, Jeff asked, "What choice?"

"DC!" The head of the comic company looked confident. "When he finishes overseas publicity work, I will find time to talk to him. Is there anything more suitable for him than DC? The characters in the entire universe can be chosen by him, and he can make secondary creations at will!"

The first week of "Joker" has brought too many changes at the box office. This number can allow the director to do whatever he wants with his next film, and no one will be stupid enough to oppose his choice.

Everyone is thinking about his words, no one can say this kind of thing, because there is a flaw in the comic book movie, that is Oscar!

If "Joker" is not a comic book film, but a realistic crime film, whether it is Nicolas Cage or Wayne, it will definitely have a great harvest in the awards season, which is a pity!

The old men of the academy have never awarded that as a statuette to a non-realist film. Oscar looks down on sci-fi films, manga films, and popcorn special effects blockbusters. This is a well-known thing.

The Warner Bros. conference room was quiet, and the small conference room of Sony Columbia was equally solemn.

Distribution chief Paul Turner fingered the table with the film\'s first-week box-office report. "From this point of view, at least there will be no losses in "The Hero of the Mountains", it\'s just a question of how much profit is made."

This has been much better than they had expected before. If you don\'t compare it with that dark madman, the box office numbers of this film are definitely qualified.

"Then do we still launch a follow-up plan?" Rennie Haring also did not expect that the box office battle would be settled in one weekend, and the follow-up public opinion offensive was not even necessary, because these measures would not change much. trend.

"Forget it, there\'s no point in hyping up Nicolas Cage\'s use of contraband. Leave all the evidence behind and see if it can be used in the future."

Originally, after the start of the second week, Paul Knight was going to throw a grenade out to stop the follow-up box office trend of "Joker", but according to this situation, God\'s coming may not work, not to mention the male protagonist smoking contraband photo?

It may affect the choice of sporadic movie fans, but at the same time, it also offended Warner Brothers to death. In the case that the income obviously does not meet expectations, there is no need to smear ~www.novelhall.com~.

"That young man is going to be consecrated!" Stallone, who had been paralyzed all the time, said at this time. He didn\'t have any bad feelings for that fellow director, on the contrary, he felt that the other party did a great job.

"After the accumulation of two alternative style films, the third film broke all records in the first weekend, and the final box office number of the film is now even the investigation company dare not easily predict!"

Having said that, he shook his head with emotion.

No one believes that this film will go high and go low. As long as this kind of social movie watching trend is formed at the beginning, it can only wait for the film to exhaust all its box office potential. To prevent such a phenomenal work, basically what you do is not worth the loss.

Even Paul Turner was scratching his nose flat at this time, thinking about the possibility of Spider-Man being darkened. If he asked that director to design a new origin for the little spider, what would it cost?

The storm of "Joker" has just begun, and it is still far from sweeping the world. There are already many people who are thinking about the director of Wayne...