Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and eighty-three - the worst Hollywood crew

The huge crew made a mess in an instant. The actors plus the behind-the-scenes staff and temporary workers approached the filming scene of 200 people, and more than half of them fell down at once.

Sergey ran forward with Wayne on his back like a madman. Facing the panicked crowd, as long as it blocked the way forward, he was kicked to the ground by his thighs that were thicker than ordinary people\'s waists. .

Arrived at the parking lot, threw Wayne into his usual off-road vehicle, set fire to the city hospital.

"Take care of the boss! Sergey, you should understand that he must not have anything to do with him, otherwise you will never find a boss who will give you a million-dollar annual salary in the rest of your life! Take care of him!" Before the car started, The assistant lady grabbed the car window and instructed in a very fast tone.

After turning around and preparing to run back to the trailer, she had more important things to do.

"Damn, what are you doing back here?" the Russian bear shouted to her back. "Go to the hospital with me, the boss is in this car, what are you thinking!"

Nina waved her hand back, and rushed towards the trailer without looking back. Even if she fell in the middle, she couldn\'t care less.

When she jumped out of the trailer again, she held the large megaphone that Wayne usually used, climbed directly into the car beside her, stood on the roof of the car and shouted to the panicked crowd.

"Calm down! Listen to me calmly! If there is no physical problem, call the police and call an ambulance now! Don\'t panic!! If there is no physical problem, stand on the phone and call the police and call an ambulance!"

That\'s right, this crew is the one who speaks well, and they all fell down. If there is no organization here, there may be some appalling disaster.

After making sure that she couldn\'t do anything with her going to the hospital, Nina immediately thought that she had to control the situation, otherwise it would be a mess when Wayne came back.

"Be careful, you can\'t save your friends and colleagues in a panic, load them into the car, and drive them to the hospital! Repeat, someone who is okay calls the police and calls an ambulance!"

The crowd noticed Nina on the roof of the car, and when someone controlled the scene, they gradually calmed down and began to make plans to call the police and call an ambulance.

The screams and calls for help at the scene gradually subsided. Nina\'s ordinary appearance at this time has become the backbone of everyone. It happened so suddenly. Falling down talking nonsense.

At that moment, the town was completely fried, and no one understood what was going on, what happened.

When Wayne woke up again, it was the third day, and when he opened his eyes, he found a room full of people. Anna Greenberg sat on his bed, and old Ruben walked around the ward with a big belly.

This ward is huge. This was his first impression when he opened his eyes. There were many people in the room. In addition to his parents, there was Naomi Watts who fell asleep on the bed from the other side.

Jeff Robinoff and John Gray were standing by the window, Sergey was sitting at the door of the ward, Nina was standing beside him, and the most surprising thing was Bella Grant, who was also sitting there. This woman is in professional attire as always.

There is also a doctor who has been staring at him. From the gray beard, it can be seen that he is not young. Seeing that he woke up at this time, the doctor asked him in English with an accent.

"Do you feel any discomfort in your body now, mainly because of whether there will be double images when you look at things? Are there still hallucinations in your mind?"

After carefully feeling his own situation, Wayne shook his head as a group of people watched. "No! What the **** happened, I felt like I was flying! Was it food poisoning?"

The doctor wearing a mask shrugged, opened his eyes again to observe, and explained after confirming that there was no problem. "It can be said that phencyclidine, also known as PCP, was found in your lunch, and now the police suspect that someone has poisoned maliciously. But it\'s not a big problem for you, the poisoner is obviously a layman, pay attention to rest, two You can be discharged from the hospital in a few days!"

fxxk! Wayne cursed in his heart, and this kind of good thing made him catch up again. The agent, Jimmy, said that he wanted to be cursed, and that every time he went, there would be problems. Now that he thinks about what he said, there is no problem.

"Mom, Dad." He leaned back hard, and Naomi Watts put a pillow on his back. "I\'m fine, why are you all running here?"

"Boy, do you think your mother and I are willing to take that **** plane?" Old Ruben saw that he was fine, and resumed his smile. "We saw it from the news, and now the hospital downstairs is still surrounded by people who don\'t know how much I remember."

He cast apologetic glances at Jeff and the others, and then looked at his assistant.

Seeing that he woke up, Nina also returned to her former state, walked to the hospital bed and pushed her glasses, and said, "You are not the only one who was poisoned, boss. At that time, the crew was poisoned by more than 80 people. I had to call the police and an ambulance, first a few small media here, and then..."

She raised her eyebrows and pointed in the direction of the window. "Those who remembered the beginning of the wave after wave, and now there are still people rushing over."

"Who did it!"

"Rondo Delon, he went to the port to get phencyclidine, which can cause hallucinations when taken in small amounts. If the dose is too large, it will cause people to fall into shock, and the body and brain will enter a state of self-protection, but if the rescue is timely, it is basically impossible. There will be lethal effects.”

This is the first knife for the truck driver! As soon as he heard this, Wayne immediately thought of "Titanic". Although the reasons were different, the results were definitely similar.

Some people\'s brains don\'t know what to think, and there are many such people in Hollywood!

I don\'t know if the truck driver will catch up in a few years. The highest-grossing movie before Avatar, it\'s okay to almost drown a person or something. Still because of the novel logistical brain circuit, he poisoned James Cameron. fall down.

In fact, this year is far more unlucky than the crew of "The Clown Returns to the Soul". If they compare, they may be lucky.

The crew of "Forrest Gump" was even more unfortunate. First, because of the acquisition of Paramount, the filming just started and fell into a state of suspension within a few days. When the company stabilized and the project started shooting again, there was another dispute with the original work.

After getting the original author Winston Grumman, the crew also shot very smoothly. When most of the work was completed immediately, an inexplicable fire broke out in the crew, which happened to burn down most of the film.

So this is a circle that is more miserable than **, there is no more unlucky, only the most unlucky. Of course, there are some things that can\'t be studied deeply, and the water behind it becomes mixed up.

"Nina, call Steven Spielberg for me and say I can\'t go to the premiere of \'Schindler\'s List\' and ask Jimmy to go there for me."

"No problem, boss!" Nina pointed to the newspaper on the cabinet. "I think Mr. Spielberg already knows that, and even if you can\'t be there, he\'ll understand."

At this time, Anna Greenberg, who had not yet had time to speak, stood up, reached out and stroked her son\'s face lightly, then turned to look at Naomi Watts and Bella Grant.

"Baby, your dad and I will go back to the hotel to rest first, and let Nina call us after we talk about business."

"Okay, Mom!"

It wasn\'t until the couple left the ward that John and Jeff gathered together.

"Fortunately, the children didn\'t have time to eat those things, otherwise the trouble would be even greater. Now you are the most poisoned in the entire crew, and I don\'t know if this is lucky or unlucky."

Jeff Robinoff said with emotion, looking at this unlucky **** with a strange look in his eyes.

Luckily, except for the director, Wayne, no one else had a major problem. After being sent to the hospital, they woke up one after another, and most of them have been discharged and returned to the hotel.

Moreover, those little actors had an accident before they had time to eat lunch, which also avoided a greater impact.

Unfortunately, Wayne, who is physically stronger than most, was taken care of by the other party. According to the criminal confession provided by the police, he deliberately took several times the amount of the cod sandwich that the director likes to eat.

"That **** lunatic is probably going to spend the rest of his life in prison."

John also shook his head with emotion. "That\'s a bad guy too, don\'t worry, Warner Bros. won\'t make him comfortable! We\'re back at the hotel too, and the crew has to be appeased."

Before the two of them left, they also gloated at the two beauties, leaving him a self-seeking look. Sergey and Nina also walked out together, and closed the door of the ward carefully.

I can vaguely hear Nina\'s complaints~www.novelhall.com~ big man, you should stay in there, if the two women fight, at least you won\'t see blood..."

The three people in the room obviously heard this sentence, but what Nina expected did not happen. Bella Grant stood up against the huge mountain and came to the hospital bed tremblingly.

She first nodded politely with Naomi Watts, and then said gloatingly: "I want the exclusive right to report this matter, and now I don\'t know how many people are waiting for news, can I wake you up? Report it out?"

Wayne rolled his eyes and took his attention away from the tall mountain. "Whatever you want, you should know what to say and what not to say, Bella, thank you for coming to see me."

He knew very well that the relationship between them was at best a friendship that attracted each other. This beautiful reporter didn\'t even accept a penny of a present from him. It was already very good that the other party could come to see him, no matter what the purpose was.

And even if this woman maintains a relationship with him, she has never reported any scoops privately, which is what Wayne appreciates about her. This is an independent, principled strong woman.