Hollywood Drawing

~: Four hundred and sixty-seven - no-brainers that only appear in the news

"Forget it, inform the crew to take a break in the morning, and we will officially start after lunch."

Enduring the discomfort coming from all over his body, Wayne shook his head and said helplessly to the producer, "Give me a few hours, and I will adjust my condition before lunch."

Today is the first day of the official production. No matter what happens, he will ensure that he will appear at the shooting site. Otherwise, regardless of how the outside media will exaggerate the factual reports, even in the huge crew, there will be people who will fluctuate.

When he signed the director\'s contract with Warner Bros., the huge power brought not only the pervasive pressure, but also the imminent responsibility. If you want to gain something, you must give something. This is the most basic operating rule of a commercial society.

"Gilmore, go talk to the bank again, we\'ll start after lunch." After thinking about it, Wayne continued: "The street scenes, the scenes in the car, and the scenes outside the bank will be handed over to you to host the shooting in the afternoon. ,be ready."

"Don\'t worry, boss."

Hearing the man on the bed\'s request, Gilmour couldn\'t wait to wave his fists to celebrate, he was waiting for this kind of exercise opportunity. You must know that even if it has been several times in Hollywood, there are few opportunities to host hundreds of millions of dollars in projects and coordinate the shooting of super-large crews. This is a training opportunity that many people dream of.

The scene scheduled for today is not complicated. This is the opening scene of a group of "clowns" robbing a bank. The most important thing is the blasting scene in the bank building. The crew has already coordinated with the **** bank. Yes, and will borrow their bank building in the Big Apple for the shot.

As for the blasting scene, it will be moved to an old rented building in the suburbs to shoot, and will eventually be edited together after the post-production work begins.

Now Wayne is also rejoicing. Fortunately, in the first two days, the shooting plan he arranged was some shots that did not involve a large number of protagonists. Based on his current feelings about his own state, he understood that even after treatment, he would not be able to recover in a short time. healthy.

The physical discomfort is okay, but the difficulty is that he can\'t concentrate at all now, which is deadly for work.

The crowd came in a hurry, and under the leadership of Charles Rowan, they left the suite in a hurry. The producer has issued a password prohibiting anyone from being interviewed by the media in advance, but no one raised any objections.

"Hey, Nami, what\'s wrong with you?"

Everyone\'s attention was on Wayne from the very beginning. When there were only three people left in the room, Nina suddenly realized that something was wrong with Naomi Watts. The Australian actress was pale and frightening at the moment, and her breathing was clearly audible.

"Damn it, boss, you infected Nami with a cold!"

The assistant wanted to help her to the bed, but immediately felt that the other party\'s body temperature was abnormal. Obviously, Naomi Watts also became a victim of the flu.

As a result, a very happy picture appeared on the big bed. Two people were leaning on the head of the bed side by side, and the doctor\'s opinion was very clear. It will recover in a few days.

However, Naomi Watts is okay. There is no scene about her ahead. You can rest in the hotel with peace of mind. There is nothing you can do about Wayne. It is impossible to coordinate with those old fritters.

It didn\'t take long, and both of them fell into a drowsy sleep. It wasn\'t until 10:50 in the morning. After waking up, Wayne felt that he had recovered a little bit. He didn\'t disturb the sleeping woman, and gently placed her Kissed on the forehead, endured the discomfort and got out of bed and started getting dressed.

Taking advantage of the time, he didn\'t even bother to eat lunch, so he took the assistant and Sergey first, and took a low-key car from the back door of the hotel to the shooting scene. Without seeing it with his own eyes, Wayne was always worried about preparing for work.

"what happened?"

After the car drove to the parking lot, Wayne instantly sensed something was wrong. The **** bank building was full of people coming and going, which was not what he imagined on the set. The bustling crowd meant that the bank was still in business.

"Call Gilmour and find out what\'s going on."

Standing on the square in front of the building, he frowned at the people coming and going. "Let\'s go in and see, it\'s just bullshit."

Several people did not stop in front of the door, and walked directly towards the interior of the hall. The lobby of this bank is very tall, and it is a busy scene when you see it. There are constantly customers coming to the window to handle business, and several bank security personnel are wandering around vigilantly from time to time.

This is indeed very suitable for filming the opening scene of robbing a bank. Wayne took the two to sit in the rest area, silently observed and calculated, and kept thinking of examples to simulate the shooting scene.

"Gilmore said that the bank staff, who would withdraw from the building before lunch, did not imagine the filming crew in the afternoon."

Nina put her mobile phone in her briefcase and reported to Wayne in a low voice. "The manager of the bank heard that the crew would not come in the morning and made a decision without permission. We can sue them for breach of contract."

"never mind."

Shaking his head, Wayne looked down at the time, thinking about whether to go out to eat first.

"They are here."

Gu Xie Nina reached out and stabbed him lightly, pointing to the door as a reminder. There are several behind-the-scenes staff members of the crew, who should have come over to prepare for the shooting. They will make some simple arrangements after the withdrawal of the bank staff.

The first thing to shoot in the afternoon is definitely the cutscenes in the streets and squares. After these simple shots are completed, we will enter the lobby to shoot the bank robbing shots. When the outside shots are finished, everything will be prepared inside.

"Don\'t worry about it, let\'s find a place to eat first...f**k!"

Before Deng Wayne finished speaking, he was directly pressed to the ground by Sergey, and was firmly pressed under him by the Russian bear, and then Nina was also pulled to the ground, lying beside the two of them.

"Don\'t move, don\'t make a sound!"

Sergey\'s low roar sounded in his ears, and Wayne lay on the ground and glanced at Nina. Although it was a surprise, the two chose to obey Sergey\'s words and kept their bodies close to the ground, not daring their heads at all. Lift up.

To be able to provoke such a big reaction from the Russian bear, they understand that the other party must have observed a threatening accident, otherwise there would never be such a sudden action.


Seeing the movement of the Russian bear on his body, Wayne cursed again in a low voice. It is very rare that this former elite instructor in the special forces actually pulled out a pistol from his armpit, which means that those who can threaten them must also have this thing in their hands.

Several people have been lying on the ground, except for a few chaotic shouts at the beginning, and then the hall strangely returned to silence, followed by a cry of a child with a cry, and a woman\'s prayer.

"A lunatic kidnapped a little boy at gunpoint."

Sergey lay on the ground, holding the cold pistol in one hand, raised his head slightly from time to time to observe, and then immediately retracted his head. "The madman was trying to rob money just now, but was directly surrounded by the bank\'s security guards. Now he has kidnapped a little boy. We don\'t move for now, the police will come soon."


Hearing the explanation, Wayne adjusted his uncomfortable posture. At that moment, he thought the danger was coming at him, so he broke out in a cold sweat.

There are dozens of cases of getting some money from the bank almost every day in this land. Of course, he had only seen it on the news and newspapers before, and this was the first time he had experienced it himself.

Normally, the person who can do this kind of thing is either a brainless guy from the bottom who is driven crazy by life, or a well-trained professional robber. When he heard that there was only one person with a gun, Wayne was slow. Slowly let go of his heart, at least he can be sure that this kind of goods that can no longer be loaded in the prison should not pose a threat to himself.

A few minutes later, the sound of sirens came to mind outside the bank. This time the police came so fast that they could already be heard shouting at the criminals.


Sergey, who had been observing secretly, lowered his head abruptly. "The door is full of media reporters. Those reporters should have gotten the news that we were inside. They are likely to stimulate the robber. Don\'t look up, that person may go crazy at any time now."

It was a coincidence that a large number of media reporters gathered in New York, originally planning to report on the "Dark Knight" crew, but now they caught up with a bank robbery farce, which instantly excited these people.

If it was just a simple robbery, it wouldn\'t interest them at all, but they\'ve already got the news that Wayne Greenberg is likely to be trapped in the bank, and there\'s a lot to talk about. went.

They don\'t care about the robber who took the hostage~www.novelhall.com~ who is confronting the police, now everyone cares about the young Hollywood mogul.

"Bang, bang."

Two shots were fired in a row, and the scene suddenly became chaotic. The police either hid behind the bunkers or lay on the ground. Contrary to these police officers, several reporters seemed not to be afraid of death, and had no intention of avoiding it. The bank lobby is a burst of slaps.

"What happened?"

Hearing the gunshot, Wayne immediately pulled the assistant under him, put a hand on the back of Nina\'s head, looked at Sergey and asked.

"Those police officers are a bunch of rice buckets!",

The Russian-born Xiong cursed angrily. "That madman put the negotiating expert in, and his head was shot. You\'d better not look at it. Be careful to go back and have nightmares. Maybe it will leave a psychological shadow."

This kind of scene is like playing a family to Sergey. There is not the slightest worry in his tone. If the robber dares to target them, he will never consider the safety of the hostages. The opponent empties the magazine.

In fact, this is a common practice. Don\'t look at the fact that the police are still confronting the robbers. After a long time, there is a high probability that they will still choose to attack. They will not consider the safety of the hostages, and will only empty all the bullets on the other side.


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