Hollywood Drawing

~: Four hundred and fifty six - only choice, not education

"I\'ll adjust it soon."

Nicolas Cage, who had been silent all the time, suddenly gave a low and hoarse response while sitting in a chair. Obviously, the result now is very different from what he imagined.

"and many more."

Raising a hand, Wayne gently scratched the stubble on his chin, tilted his head and kept looking at the big star across the table. "Take off your clothes, go back and try to break free from Arthur\'s state. You may not realize that you are habitually unable to control the crazy laughter.

There is a method that may help you find your status as soon as possible. Come back to the crew tomorrow and hold a script reading meeting with others. I am also responsible for this matter, and I did not remind you as soon as possible. "

The script is read around, usually before the official start of shooting, the actors will be organized by the director or producer, and everyone will sit together to read their own scenes. Similar methods are used in Hollywood and other areas. The effect can\'t be said to be very good, but it is definitely more useful than being alone.

"Okay." Nicolas Cage nodded, gestured to the producer who had been watching silently on the sofa, stood up and walked outside the office.

"Honestly, Wayne."

After Nicolas Cage left, Charles Rowan got up and closed the door, sat on the sofa again and lit a cigarette, and then said: "Similar situations have always existed in Hollywood, and I want him to be in a few days. It\'s so hard to get out of one brightly colored figure and then into another, more elusive state."

"Wait and see."

Wayne also sighed, helplessly finding that he still took it for granted. "The role of the Joker is too important. If he fails to meet the requirements, we will start a large-scale audition."

In fact, among comic fans in North America, there has always been a saying that Marvel looks at heroes, while DC looks at villains. From this statement that is recognized by most ordinary people, we can find out how useful a charismatic villain is in DC movies.

As early as the moment Nicolas Cage entered the performance, the reason why Wayne frowned was because of an absurd figure that ran into his mind, Captain Jack Sparrow!

The state of the other party just now was almost the same as that of Johnny Depp, who played Captain Jack Sparrow. After his great success, he also lived in the state of a pirate captain in reality, and there was almost no difference.

A role that is too successful will limit the actor\'s on-screen image. This statement has always existed in the circle, so normal actors who have pursuits are always changing their performance methods and roles.

But a more successful screen role has a greater impact on the actor himself. It is not only the image on the screen, but even the person himself will live that role in reality. The representative is Jack- Captain Sparrow.

Now Nicholas Cage, after more than a month of crazy masochistic slimming, has once again entered the mental state of Arthur the Clown. It is already obvious that there is such a trend. This is not the same as being too deep in the play. If you are too deep in the play, you can adjust it back through calm rest and the help of a psychiatrist.

This kind of complete entry into the role itself, even I don’t realize that I have become that role, it is too difficult to get out of it, or it is better to simply say that they enjoy the feeling from the inside out now, and they feel from the bottom of their hearts. Resist breaking free.

Shaking his head vigorously, Wayne put aside all these messy things, opened his half-drawn storyboard, lowered his head and continued to work.

All aspects of the crew are waiting for him to make a decision and make up his mind. He also has to take time to draw a storyboard, customize a shooting plan, and exchange personal financial issues with Nina from time to time. He really has no time to put more attention on it. How to help Nicolas Cage adjust.

Seeing that he started to work again, the assistant lady gently closed the office door and exited the room.

"Don\'t you feel a little cruel?"

Nina had just walked out of the corridor of the office when Naomi Watts\' voice suddenly sounded beside her. She was among the people who watched the performance outside the door before.

"Everyone can see how hard Nicolas Cage has prepared. Even if he only looks at his figure, he knows how much he has paid for this role."

"No, Nami."

Staring carefully at the blue eyes of the Australian actress, Nina reminded her if she had something to say. "Everything can be seen clearly in the boss\'s mind. He never chooses to dismantle some things, but when the critical value is reached, he will silently choose to eliminate it. In the boss\'s world, he generally only makes choices, never Education, Nikolai\'s chance is in his own hands, and no one can help him."


Naomi Watts was stared at by her gaze, a little uncomfortable, she waved her hand and said as she walked: "You will only wear a pair of pants with your boss, damn, if it weren\'t for me, I could be sure that there was nothing between you and Wayne. , I really doubt why there is such a big tacit understanding between you..."

On the studio side of Warner Studios, Wayne\'s work is proceeding in an orderly manner. The outside world first reported the news of Nicolas Cage and the "Dark Knight" crew, but before the fans were happy for a day, then from the crew There were all kinds of gossip inside.

"Wayne Greenberg wasn\'t happy with Nicolas Cage\'s performance."

"The Dark Knight crew has not signed an actor contract with Nicolas Cage."

"The role of the Joker is still in doubt..."

All kinds of gossip spread throughout North America within two days, and within the sub-Hollywood, the "Dark Knight" crew is about to select suitable actors for each role and audition. All are brewing turbulent. Everyone wants to be as lucky as Christian Bale. As long as they can successfully join Wayne\'s project, even if they can\'t achieve great success like Christian Bale, they can at least be there for themselves like Li Guohao. Build successful contacts.

Similar thoughts are common among actors who have not yet become famous, or who have just become famous. In the living room of a villa on the outskirts of Los Angeles, an old white man dressed as a gentleman is sitting on the sofa and looking at the opposite. young man.

"Charlie, this audition opportunity has used up my favor at Bruce Rosenblum."

The white old man with white hair said to his son in a stern tone: "Don\'t touch those "trouble" things again, this may be your only chance to turn around quickly."

Shrinking on the sofa, Charlie Sheen raised his head abruptly when he heard his father\'s words, and there was a rare light in his slightly cloudy eyes. Of course, he has heard the buzzing news in the circle in the past two days, but he didn\'t expect his father to help him get an admission ticket.

"I\'ve spoken to Bruce Rosenblum on the phone and the cast will be auditioning the day after tomorrow."

Discovering the change in his son\'s eyes, Martin Sheen continued: "The audition for the main role will be hosted by Wayne Greenberg himself, and Bruce Rosenblum can\'t help either, but he wants to repay my favor. , revealed a very important point, read the comics more in the past two days, and pay attention to the character of the double-faced man."


While muttering to himself, Charlie Sheen nodded slowly. Now there are not many opportunities left for him to choose. Since the mid-1990s, both personal life and acting career have encountered a cold winter at the same time.

Recruiting prostitutes, taking contraband, taking drugs, and entanglement with ex-girlfriend Brittany Ashland have become the main theme of his life.

Especially this year, after ex-girlfriend Brittany Ashland accused him of physical abuse, Charlie Sheen was sentenced to a year in prison by the court, and finally got a two-year reprieve due to his father\'s favor and large sums of money. Enforcement, fines of several thousand dollars in penalties.

During this period of time, he once thought that his career was completely over. Unexpected things happened like this. His father shot again and got him a coveted ticket.

Thinking of this, Charlie Xin suddenly sat up from the sofa, straightened his upper body and said, "Dad, why are you two-faced? I heard that the clown..."


What Martin Sheen wanted to do most at the moment was to kick his greedy, muddy son into the air. "Listen, the two-faced man also plays a pivotal role in this project, and it doesn\'t require top performance difficulty like the clown."

His son has some talent in acting~www.novelhall.com~ He knows this very well, but because he knows too much, he knows that the other party can\'t play such a difficult role as the clown at all.

Facing his son, who eats fat at the thought of a bite, the muscles on Martin Sheen\'s face tightened, and his voice was full of sternness. "I warn you, if you want to join the crew of Wayne Greenberg, keep me away from things like "contraband". There have long been rumors in the circle that the big director is very concerned about "contraband". Zero tolerance, not even "Leaves Smoke" in his crew."

"I\'ll adjust and be ready to audition."

Charlie Sheen nodded solemnly and put away his more greedy thoughts. He understood that this was his best chance to turn around. As long as he could join Wayne Greenberg\'s project, he would naturally be able to return to the mainstream audience. in sight.

After his father left, he huddled on the sofa. Subconsciously muttering in his mouth: "Naomi Watts, Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Li Guohao, Will Smith, Christian Bale, Ralph Fiennes, Gary O. Deman..."

There are countless actors who have become well-known movie stars in North America and even in the whole country in the cooperation with Wayne Greenberg, so he will never miss this opportunity. "Batman: The Dark Knight" is destined to be a movie star. The film of the fire is also the best ride to save your career.

Charlie Sheen is different from those young actors who have not yet become famous. In the early years, relying on his father\'s relationship, he was once called by film critics and the media as having excellent acting talents. The taste of intoxication will make people understand how painful it is to lose everything.

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