Hollywood Drawing

~: Four hundred and eighty-four - it's the clown who doesn't want to play

In fact, the overall soundtrack of "The Dark Knight" is not difficult, as long as it continues the big style of the first "War Hour", the film has a strong dark epic flavor, Wayne\'s opera-like spatial layout, and also for the soundtrack set the tone.

Especially the soundtrack of Batman Bruce Wayne\'s appearance, the style of low, dark, majestic and other elements is relatively not so troublesome, the trouble is the clown.

The reason why a movie can stimulate the audience\'s perception is that the screen, the layout, the wonderful interpretation of the actors, and the director\'s storytelling ability are naturally indispensable, but the music that can directly touch the audience\'s emotions is always an indispensable element. .

Thanks to the short video platform he came into contact with in his previous life, the clown is another enduring character. Wayne has seen many netizens\' secondary editing and creation of clowns. Naturally, the convenience of the Internet has also given many short videos a more diverse choice of soundtracks.

In fact, there are many impressive things about him, such as the "timeback", which is inevitable as long as there is a clown, the violin in the chorus, coupled with the strong and low drum rhythm, it is easy for people to substitute for the madness of the clown, the prelude As soon as it sounded, there was an urge that made people want to go crazy with it.

There are several similar tunes, but unfortunately, Wayne is just an ordinary person. He remembers the general tone feeling, and it would be a bit difficult for him to copy it. In addition, his energy is not allowed to do everything, the best way, of course, is to leave professional things to professional soundtrack masters.

Time flies, and early the next morning, the crew of the crew drove to the suburbs of New York in a mighty way. The long busy and fulfilling work rhythm gave the crew an amazing tacit understanding. Since the team arrived at the shooting site At the beginning, it was like a precise instrument, and it worked step by step.

Hank-Connor led the pyrotechnic team to check the arrangement of the blasting points again, and even checked every wiring strictly again.

The blasting scenes of such large-scale buildings cannot tolerate the slightest carelessness. Not to mention the money spent by the crew to buy these buildings, the time cost of long-term layout, the most important reason is safety. This is filming, and there are bound to be filming equipment and staff. A little mistake may cause bloodshed.

In the decades-long history of Hollywood, there have been countless tragedies because of the shooting of big scenes, and no one wants to have an accident at the end of the filming work on their own crew.

When Hank Conner came out of the building again, he came directly to Wayne\'s side, glanced curiously at John Williams, who was silently observing, and said, "The bombing arrangement is confirmed to be fine."

"Attention everyone! Clear the field! All staff stand back 2,500 feet!"

While raising the megaphone, Wayne got up on the chair and started shouting. "The blasting will start in five minutes. Attention all staff! Gilmour, do one more final inspection and make sure all staff must retreat 250 feet away!"

Seeing that the filming work in New York was about to end, no one behind the scenes wanted to have an accident, everyone started to exit the stage with ease, and the people involved in the filming returned to their respective positions.

Taking advantage of the gap between Gilmour\'s inspection of the security facilities, Wayne jumped out of his chair and stopped Nicolas Cage, who had just stepped out of the makeup trailer, and made his last warning. "I want to take the position route. You have practiced it many times, but I still want to warn you, safety first!"

Speaking of performance, maybe this is what he is least worried about. Nicolas Cage\'s performance has always been maintained at a very high level. What he is worried about now is that he is afraid of this drama, in order to pursue better camera performance. , play some free play for inspiration.

In the previous shooting, a similar situation did not occur. Wayne has never been a director who is willing to instruct actors to act, but more by letting actors go through a lot of practice in advance to achieve the screen effect they want, so there is no strictness about actors\' sometimes flashes of inspiration. requirements.

After all, they who are standing in front of the camera are the ones who really sink into the characters. Like some minor changes in the lines, he always adopts the screen effect as the standard.

"Hey, hey, don\'t be nervous, bro."

A white hospital gown, wearing it on Nicolas Cage at this time, looked extra funny. If coupled with the manner in which he has clearly entered the play, it will give Wayne a very uncomfortable feeling. "Trust me, this scene is not difficult for me."

Facing the confident Nicolas Cage, he raised his hand and patted the other\'s shoulder. "Remember, follow the practiced position, the first explosion sounded..."

"IKnow, IKnow."

Nicolas Cage shrugged impatiently. "When the first explosion sounds, don\'t look back, go to the preset safety planning point and look back. Playing with the remote is the signal, and the pyrotechnics team will help detonate the second explosion, then get into the **** school bus and leave the center of the camera. ."


Wayne didn\'t care about the impatient expression of the other party. The large-scale blasting scene was no joke. Any accident might bury Nicolas Cage below. He was too close to the blasting point.

"Hank, prepare to detonate, start the countdown!"

Returning to the director\'s seat, he nodded to the waiting pyrotechnic supervisor. After handing over the command of the crew to the other party, he quietly stared at the director\'s monitor, waiting for the blasting to begin.

"Attention, prepare to detonate! 10, 9, 8, 7..."

The shooting scene was extremely quiet, except for Hank Connor\'s voice, which was constantly coming out through the loudspeaker. "3, 2, 1, detonate!"

"Boom, boom, boom." A dull roar sounded like a huge gun battle was thrown into a closed space. Near the left side of the building 100 meters away, a wave visible to the naked eye first appeared, followed by a cloud of smoke and smoke, which drifted toward the sky and the surroundings with a low sound.

To be honest, the close-up observation of the blasting scene at the scene was far from post-editing. The shock seen on the big screen was just the violent noise, which made most of the staff cover their ears.

Wayne completely ignored the reactions of the people around him. He stared at the center of the monitor without blinking. Nicolas Cage started his crazy performance after the explosion. At least so far, his performance was perfect. Meets all expectations.

As if feeling that something was wrong, the clown in the center of the camera stopped, looked back in confusion, and began to fiddle with the remote control in his hand twice.


There was a loud bang, and Nicolas Cage seemed to be startled too. He took a few steps funny, jumped into the yellow school bus from the open car door, and drove out the camera with the transferred patients. outside.

"Steve, pay attention to shooting the demolition center."

Following Wayne\'s reminder, different camera teams, from different angles, began to capture the collapsing and disintegrating hospital building with all their might, trying to record all the details.

The explosion this time is far more shocking than the first time. Large and small pieces of concrete in the air continue to fall. If you look closely, you can also find that the steel bars in the building have been twisted into various shapes by the explosion, flying in all directions. go.

Glass, various debris and other things also became torn apart in the air, and after a short time, sparsely fell on the nearby asphalt road. The entire building turned into a sea of ​​fire almost at the same time, and then began to collapse continuously.


It wasn\'t until the scene was completely quiet that Wayne\'s voice sounded. "Hank, you guys did a great job, that\'s what I want."

With his clapping palms, Wayne turned around and walked out from behind the director\'s monitor. He didn\'t care about the hospital that had been bombed to the ground, and began to shake hands with each pyrotechnic staff member one by one.

"Gilmore, tell everyone to pack up and leave this cold New York."

After turning around, Wayne returned to the director\'s seat and gave an order to the assistant director. Seeing that all the staff were staring at him, he simply picked up the megaphone, stood on the chair, and said loudly, "Look at what I\'m doing?! End your shit-like job at hand, UU reading www.uukanshu. com let\'s go back to Los Angeles to spend Christmas with our family! I announce that the filming in New York is over!"



As soon as his voice fell, all kinds of cheers and excited whistles came from the scene. Everyone is fed up with the cold Big Apple, and no one wants to stay here for Christmas.

After nearly three months, "The Dark Knight" ended all the scenes in New York. Except for some relatively special shots, the work is about to transfer to post-production. And those special shots, which are related to the important connection with the lower film, will be secretly shot in Warner Studios after returning.

"Nicholas Cage, I remember him playing Arthur the Clown."

The crowd dispersed, and they began to pack their things in a hurry. John Williams, who had been watching silently, came to Wayne\'s side at this time. "He\'s done really well, and I can probably see what you want on the soundtrack."

"John, I think you must have seen Batman, or at least heard about it."

After tilting his head and thinking about it, Wayne made a direct analogy. "You can read the full version of the script when you go back. As for the Joker, the only hint I can give is that it\'s not Batman who won, but the Joker who doesn\'t want to play anymore."

"I will come up with the relevant soundtrack as soon as possible, and return to Los Angeles to start production immediately. We will contact and communicate at any time."

John Williams nodded solemnly. For this cooperation with Wayne, he also took it very seriously. The director on the opposite side can be called the most special one in Hollywood since the 1990s. This music master likes the feeling of genius colliding with genius.

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