Hollywood Drawing

~: Forty-Four - Eyes from Warners

After a rough look outside, the real estate agent took them to the door of the main building and said, "Let\'s go in and have a look, Mr. Greenberg, don\'t be fooled by the exterior of the house, the design inside is very modern."

"OK, why did that Wall Street tycoon sell this house?" Wayne followed him into the main building and asked casually.

"He\'s bankrupt, sir. Now the house has been reclaimed by the bank." The agent was obviously very honest, and all this information could be collected with intention.

He went on to introduce: "This manor was built in March 1970 and was bought directly by the previous owner. His futures business was doing well in that era.

It\'s just that he didn\'t escape bankruptcy the year before. Because of old-school thinking, he didn\'t want to believe in everything related to the Internet and chose the wrong direction.

There is only one owner of this manor, and he doesn\'t live much time himself, most of the time he lives in New York. In October last year, Mr. Horford declared bankruptcy and the house was seized by the bank. "

Wayne nodded. He roughly knew what was going on. In February last year, there was a frantic rise in the stock market. A lot of investment companies and investors thought they would make a lot of money, and many of them jumped off the building.

"After clearing up the debtor\'s property rights and going through all the formalities, this manor is in the hands of our company." The agent smiled. "Because he almost lived in New York, he didn\'t live in the house for a few days at all. He just sent someone to maintain it. It can be said that the house was basically empty for many years."

That is to say, this house is basically new, and all the years of precipitation have been made, which he is very satisfied with. This has little feeling for North Americans. The mansions they bought are almost all decades old, but it has a decisive effect on his soul on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

"You two, please come here! The furniture in this house are all designed by famous designers according to the overall style of the house. The furniture and items in it are all available and completely fit the overall style. If you are not satisfied, You can also call someone to adjust it at any time.”

Nina looked at this quaint, grand and luxurious house, and stars began to sparkle in her eyes. He knew that the price of this house could not be cheap, but his boss should be able to buy it.

The layout of the hall is open-plan, and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows hidden make the interior full of natural sunlight, and it does not appear gloomy at all.

The main living room set off by the high ceiling is very spacious and stylish. The open layout brings a quiet and peaceful atmosphere to the living room. Wherever you stand in the living room, you can see the beautiful view of the front manor through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Wayne and Nina remained silent, followed the agent to the huge dining room, carefully admiring everything in the house.

After seeing the restaurant, he went to the private cinema on the left side of the main building. The screening hall was not big with a dozen seats, but the existence of the cinema gave Wayne a lot of credit.

Next to the theater is an indoor swimming pool. The curved swimming pool is not big, so it is very comfortable to watch.

The upper two floors are the living area, the rest and entertainment area and the study office area. Underneath is a huge wine cellar and vault, which uses a bank vault security door and can store a lot of valuables and art for the owner.

Then they went up to the second floor. The left side of the second floor is mainly the guest room, and the right side is the study and rest and entertainment area.

The third floor is much smaller than the second floor, it is divided into two, only a huge master bedroom and a connected cloakroom are designed. The large balcony of the bedroom has a spiral staircase leading to the garden.

Wayne stood on the balcony on the third floor and looked at the entire manor. In the distance, he could overlook most of Los Angeles, and at his feet was Beverly Gardens.

"All furniture and decorations are from Chanel," the agent reminded behind him.

He took a closer look at the furniture, and the trademarks were indeed all Chanel, but he didn\'t expect that it was also a top furniture manufacturer.

After the group walked around, they returned to the first floor and sat in the spacious living room. The decoration and design of all the houses were very much in line with Wayne\'s wishes. He felt very good about this house.

"Mr. Greenberg, what do you think of this manor?" Sitting on the gray pure leather sofa, the agent asked.

Wayne recalled and said, "Not bad."

Just looking at the main building, the area is more than 2,000 square meters. There are ten bedrooms in the whole building, all of which have matching cloakrooms. Even if the parents come over, it is completely enough.

What needs to be considered now is that to maintain such a large manor, it is necessary to hire a fixed housekeeper, cook and maintenance staff, and tax issues must be carefully considered.

However, as long as there is money in this country, these problems are not a problem.

This is the first time in his two lifetimes that he has bought a house. He has never bought a house in his previous life. His parents left him a yard in the countryside and a building shared by his father\'s unit, but it also saved him the pain of being a house slave.

"Mr. Henry." Wayne asked, "The price of this house?"

The agent said with a smile: "The reason why the bank sells the house is to recover the loan and stop the loss, which is much lower than the current market price. If Mr. Greenberg hires our company\'s personnel to maintain the manor in the future, he can give you a lowest price. !"

"Just tell me the price!"

"$28 million!"

Henry knew that this young man could afford this amount of money. The reason why he recommended this manor was because there were not many clients who could afford such a mansion, and the one in front of him was definitely a potential client.

"Okay." Wayne rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then continued, "Can your company assist with loan processing?"

"Of course!" The agent said happily, "It\'s very easy to get a home loan for a high-quality customer like you."

"Take out the contract. The down payment will be made to your company as soon as possible. I want to move in as soon as possible." Wayne signaled that he was completely satisfied and could sign the contract directly. "Help me hire two maintenance staff from your company, and the housekeeper and chef also recommend two."

Henry didn\'t expect it to be so smooth. When it comes to large real estate transactions, clients are usually very picky. "Okay, no problem at all, Mr. Greenberg, go through the formalities in the afternoon, and you can move in at the earliest tomorrow."

"Nina, go and go through the formalities with Henry."

"No problem, boss." Nina heard her boss\'s instructions, and had already prepared documents in the car when she came.

"Mr. Greenberg." Henry led them out. "You\'re the fastest Hollywood man I\'ve ever seen to buy a mansion. On this Mulholland Drive, not far from you lives Tom Cruise. He\'s also our client, but a successful superstar like him. , and also struggled for ten years in Hollywood before buying a mansion here."

Wayne shrugged at his deliberate compliment, but he didn\'t take his words to heart. For the sake of pride, he complimented not himself, but the dollars in his pocket.

"Thank you, Mr. Henry. That\'s it. Please take my assistant to go through the formalities. The money will be transferred to your company account as soon as possible." Get in the car and head back to the apartment to pack some things.

He plans to bring only some personal items and clothes, and most of the daily necessities are placed here. The rent will continue to be paid, and he is not ready to retire. If there is a chance in the future, he can buy this apartment. This is his memory of college.

Wayne, who was busy preparing to move, didn\'t know. Someone in Burbank also looked at his project.

Burbank has always been known as the media capital of the world. The conjoined building of Warner Group\'s headquarters is the most important part of it, and the Hollywood film distribution and production giant, Warner Bros. Pictures, is one of them.

Like other Hollywood giants, Warner Bros. produces and distributes many films every year, and they also have their own project review and risk assessment mechanisms.

As long as each project is delivered to Warner Bros., a highly specialized team will review the script, estimate the market risk and value of the film, and analyze whether the selling point of the script meets the mainstream needs.

This series of considerations includes the genre of the film, potential audience, the box office performance of similar films, likely actors and the recent achievements of the director of the upcoming film.

Perhaps none of the above can guarantee the success of a film, but it can minimize the risk of failure.

After going through this process as quickly as possible, Wayne\'s "Escape from the Dead" and the plan were placed at the Warner Bros. high-level regular meeting. This script and plan were just obtained from the agent Jimmy. come.

In fact, they have their own news channels. As soon as Fox received the project proposal, they already received it at the same time and entered the risk assessment. Hollywood giants have always cooperated with each other and destroyed each other.

There were not many people in the conference room and it was very quiet. Jeff Robinoff personally sent the photocopied documents to CEO Kevin Trasuha and the executives. This includes the preliminary investigation he did and Fox\'s negotiating contradictions.

Jeff heard about the subsidiary\'s report a few months ago. The film and television director of Universal Pictures greeted the subsidiary and told them to refuse to release the film called "Happy Death Day", and they were happy to sell a Goodman one. face.

However, after 20th Century Fox released the film, the explosive box office almost shocked the entire industry. A film with a production cost of 1 million won more than 100 million US dollars at the global box office. It did not rely on publicity. This case analysis On the table of many company executives.

So he heard about the other party\'s new project, and the moment he broke down the first negotiation with 20th Century Fox, he had his thoughts, and the information collected earlier had a role to play.

When Jimmy sent Wayne\'s new project "Get Out" to the company, he had already done all the preliminary work and prepared all the materials.

The executives opened the file together. The first page of the information was the director\'s file evaluation. If Wayne saw it, he would be surprised. It recorded almost everything that happened to him since his freshman year.

"I\'ve heard of this director, who had a conflict with Universal\'s Goodman some time ago, and even got involved at the graduation ceremony. Threatened to play games with nearly $30 million from the film, and to sue Goodman for bankruptcy. What a crazy and competitive lad."

An executive of the distribution department said to everyone in a playful tone.