Hollywood Drawing

~: Five Hundred Fifty Three - The Golden Age of the Film Industry

"Where\'s our little Princess Greenberg?"

In the bathroom, Angelina Jolie endured the discomfort from time to time, while helping the man rub the hair full of foam, picked up the shower head, and asked him into the foam: "I remember a few The larger gossip media are all paying a lot of money to get a frontal photo of Fendi."

Hearing this, Wayne couldn\'t help frowning, then secretly sighed and relieved. With a father like her, and the Australian star mother, this child is destined to only grow in the spotlight. She has a background that more than 99% of ordinary people envy, and naturally she has to bear the consequences of these. cost.

"As long as Nami and I go out to work, my father will take her to the farm to live for a while." He replied casually, he rinsed off the foam on his body and head, pulled a bathrobe and draped it over his body, facing the Go outside the bathroom.

In fact, in his heart, he is also very much in favor of letting his daughter go to the farm more. It is better to spend the whole childhood on the farm, at least where the little guy can have a relatively normal childhood without worrying about the paparazzi\'s camera all the time.

The plane was delayed anyway, so Wayne was not in a hurry to rush to Chicago to meet the crew. energy.

"Wow even!"

While waiting for the meal, Angelina Jolie picked up the newspaper prepared by the housekeeper and exclaimed exaggeratedly after reading it for a while. Her performance aroused Cameron Diaz\'s anger. Curious, he tilted his head and tried hard to see what was reported in the newspaper.

"What\'s wrong."

With a big yawn, Wayne sat at the dining table with a click, lit a cigarette, looked at the two women and asked casually. "Good news or bad news?"

"Of course it\'s great news!"

Angelina Jolie spread the newspaper on the table and said excitedly: "My dear, your movie "Batman: The Dark Knight" in the North American theatrical market again got $4,750 yesterday, God! Is this already a strong box office trend, and you are ignoring those **** market laws once again!"

Since the release of "Batman: The Dark Knight", Angelina Jolie has been paying attention to the box office of the film. She has been promised that she will also participate in the DC series in the future, so she is particularly concerned about these data.

The film earned $200 million at the box office in three days on its first weekend, breaking all box office-related records in North America all the way. Even on Mondays on weekdays, the box office trend of "Batman: The Dark Knight" was steady and scary. It actually dropped by less than 50%, which is quite rare.

According to authoritative media and authoritative third-party investigation companies, as of Thursday, the number of viewers of this film in North America alone has exceeded 32 million, which shows that most of the potential movie fans who have the habit of watching movies have already I have seen this movie, and even some people may have seen it twice or three times...

Such a steady and astonishing box office trend has also created the fact that even if the film is shown on Thursday, it can still take more than 16 million US dollars at the box office from the theater market in a single day. When the film entered the next weekend\'s screening, and at the same time ushered in the collision of the strong competitor "Jurassic Park 2", no one expected that the film would be able to usher in another strong rebound at the box office on the first day of the next weekend.

This situation has basically swelled the faces of film experts who make box office predictions. "Batman: The Dark Knight" completely ignores the so-called market laws, and it is very crowded against "Jurassic Park 2". Pressure and competition continue to dominate the North American theater market.

"F**k! Has the total box office exceeded $300 million?!" Cameron Diaz asked Wayne with his mouth open, ignoring the sandwiches and milk brought by Hela.

"It\'s long overdue." Glancing at the newspaper again, Angelina Jolie looked at the man with intense excitement, as if some of the tingling in her body at this time came from her perception disappeared like. "Over $332 million! Over $332 million at the box office! It\'s just over a week in the air, my God, Wayne, you\'re going to be consecrated again!"

Cameron Diaz, who was on the side, opened and closed his mouth weakly, and couldn\'t help saying: "Damn it, there are 300 million dollars now, it will be over 400 million this weekend, 500 million next week, next 600 million next week, 700 million..."

"Hey, hey, hey! Wake up."

Dangdangdang, Wayne took a big bite of the sandwich and tapped the oak dining table with one hand. He was amused and helpless and said, "What are you thinking? There are only so many moviegoers in North America, let alone 600 million. , 700 million US dollars at the box office, if it can exceed 500 million, I feel that I have reached the limit, and this is only possible when a large number of fans repeatedly watch the film.”

In fact, the final box office location of "Batman: The Dark Knight", Wayne is also very confused now, this era is the tail of the craziest era of Hollywood movies, and now the Internet has just had a mature prototype, and video games are not yet. The mainstream entertainment method of young people, everyone\'s social circle is so large, similarly, most people in this era have not experienced the baptism of the information explosion.

Therefore, people\'s most mainstream entertainment now, in addition to watching TV and home video recorder equipment, is watching movies. And since the 1990s, North America has been building modern multiplex theaters on a large scale. This is an era of rapid expansion of the film industry.

There is another point that will be ignored by many people. Even if the ticket prices of North American movies have been increased for more than ten or twenty years, the price increase has been limited a few times in the middle, and the increase is definitely not much. In fact, the emergence of 3D and 3D movie formats from "Avatar" gave major theater companies and production companies a better excuse for price increases.

In fact, sometimes Wayne can\'t understand this era. People\'s mainstream consumption entertainment is watching movies, but there are not many movies with a single North American box office exceeding 300 million US dollars, but "Jurassic Park" can appear again. , "Star Wars" and the perverted box office results like Big Ship.

This shows that the enthusiasm for watching movies in this land has always been on the rise, and the group of watching movies is also on the rise. The industry is full of gold.

"What about "Jurassic Park 2"? How much was the box office on the first day?"

Picking up the milk, he raised his head and took two big gulps. Wayne asked casually to Angelina Jolie, who had been reading the newspaper while not eating.

"Close to $45 million." Quickly flipping through the newspaper in her hand, Angelina Jolie replied with her head lowered: "To be precise, it\'s $44.9 million. More than 3,200 advance notices for "Jurassic Park 2" The show, which made $12.4 million on Thursday night, and $32.5 million on Friday, so that adds up to $44.9 million."

She came from a family in the circle herself, and of course she understands what this number represents. If there are no major surprises, the box office of "Jurassic Park 2" in the first weekend will definitely be held by "Batman: The Dark Knight". pressed under him.

In fact, the box office of "Jurassic Park 2" on the first day is still added to the figure that was only available on Thursday. Otherwise, only compared with the number of moviegoers on Friday, this movie is better than "Batman: The Dark Knight". The number of moviegoers dropped by at least one-third.

With the huge advantage on the first day, the single-day box office was not enough to surpass "Batman: The Dark Knight". I am afraid that in the next few days, the box office trend of "Jurassic Park 2" will be similar to that of "Batman". : The Dark Knight is getting bigger and bigger.

Wayne nodded silently. The current situation can be said to be within his expectations. The two films are not original, and the achievements of the previous works are also amazing enough. The appeal of the film, the outbreak of the box office in the early stage is an inevitable situation. If you want to maintain the high box office, it depends on some conditions of the film itself.

What is directly linked to the box office performance is publicity marketing and audience word-of-mouth. Who can win more passers-by audiences, and even when the number of moviegoers reaches a peak, strive for the movie fans who watch the movie repeatedly, is the key to continuing the steady box office trend. point.


While eating, Cameron Diaz was also reading the newspaper. Suddenly, she put the sandwich in her hand back on the plate. After attracting the attention of the two, she cleared her throat and read: "This morning, according to an authoritative third party According to the data released by the statistics company, the audience rating of "Batman: The Dark Knight" is A+, and the audience\'s favorable rating has never dropped by 90% from the early stage to the one week after its release~www.novelhall.com~ Even the current statistics show that 93% of the fans who have watched the movie have an A rating or above!

The audience rating of "Jurassic Park 2" in theaters is about A-, 64% of the audience said that the film was satisfactory after watching the film, and 23% of the fans thought the film was exciting enough. The general forecast of third-party companies is that "Jurassic Park 2" will have a box office of about $100 million in North America in its first week, but in the next long-term screening, the box office gap with "Batman: The Dark Knight" will become more and more. big. "

Wayne didn\'t say much after listening to it, and kept stuffing food into his mouth. In fact, the prediction of the two films now has the possibility of being slapped in the face at any time. Even if he occupies the leading position now, he is not at all. I didn\'t dare to underestimate Steven Spielberg. He knew very well that if we put aside the competition and victory between the two films, compared to the not amazing investment of "Jurassic Park 2", This film is definitely making money. At most, it is the difference between earning more and earning less. No matter how good his own film is, it is impossible for Steven Spielberg to make money.

"I\'m running out of time, I have to rush to the airport in a while."

Satisfied eating the food on the plate, Wayne took the milk and drank it, wiped his mouth with the napkin, straightened his face, and looked at the two women seriously. "We\'ll talk about it later, some things have to be explained to you in advance..."


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