Hollywood Drawing

~: Five hundred and seventy-five - Early adopters, Warner Bros.

In terms of film type, Wayne has always been very clear that with his consistent shooting style, the film simply does not match the values ​​on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and in that land, Hollywood special effects blockbusters are far more stylized than his own dark style. Videos are much more popular.

Perhaps the name Wayne Greenberg has a very high reputation in many countries in the world, but it may not be there. The films he shot did not meet the review threshold of the big scissors. Since It has never been officially released in theaters, so it is impossible to talk about popularity.

According to this era, in most Asian regions, audiences almost choose to ignore the directors hidden behind the scenes, because those big stars standing in front of the stage are the focus of the audience.

Even in Hollywood, there are very few directors who can really go to the front of the stage, have their own fixed viewing groups, and have a strong box office appeal. Nowadays, there are not many directors like Wayne, let alone the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

"According to the review requirements over there, the film needs to cut a lot of places, and this is just the premise that "Batman: The Dark Knight" wants to be released there."

When Wayne and Nina sat down in the manager\'s office of the distribution department of Warner Bros., Bruce Rosenblum was not polite and directly talked about the news from the other side. "I\'ve studied it carefully, and the shots that the other party asked to cut are all large-scale shots of suspected violent tendencies, etc. Maybe, it doesn\'t matter when we look at these, but, you know... ."

He shrugged and spread his hands. While Wayne was still thinking, he took out a prepared cigar from the drawer and threw one at random.

"Well, this is already much better than I imagined."

Picking up the cigar scissors on the coffee table, Wayne slowly turned the cigar, found a suitable position, closed his fingers, cut off the cigar cap, put down the scissors, picked up the blowtorch, tilted his head and started to light it thinly, This process continued for a while, until he nodded in satisfaction, then put the cigar into his mouth and took a big mouthful.

As two plumes of smoke with a strong aroma of fruit spurted out from his two nostrils, his eyes slowly narrowed at the same time, feeling the unique feeling of the smoke colliding with the mucous membranes in his mouth. "Actually, as long as it doesn\'t affect the main story structure after editing, it\'s already very surprising news. After all, I know the style of my film better than anyone else."

"Aha, you are paying more attention to this screening than I thought!"

With a cigar in one hand and a surprised smile on his face, Bruce Rosenblum walked over to the sofa opposite him, sat down, and said curiously, "Wayne, you should have heard of Hollywood movies. , the box office share there is basically negligible, and apart from that box office share, there is no other income at all.”

"Thirteen percent, of course I know."

One thing Bruce Rosenblum is right about is that he does take the screening of "Batman: The Dark Knight" very seriously. No one can experience this feeling of fear and anticipation as much as he does.

As for the so-called share of Hollywood movies there, and even whether "Batman: The Dark Knight" makes money, it is not the primary goal. Not to mention the fact that 13% is the net profit after deducting all expenses, including taxes. To be precise, you can still make money.

It\'s still a little early. The only two who can see the potential of the movie audience on the other side of the Pacific are Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox, so Hollywood doesn\'t pay much attention to the 13% of this dispensable. .

As more and more Hollywood films began to be released in that market, the Big Six and some top-notch mid-sized film companies slowly realized this. Later, several changes in the distribution of movie box office accounts were also caused by the efforts of the film companies headed by the six giants to incorporate these terms into the bilateral negotiations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

From 1994 to 2012, the movie box office share was always 13%, and after 2012, it became 25%. This process has also witnessed the opposite land, which has rapidly grown into a The process of the second largest movie ticket warehouse in the world outside North America.

"The reason why this "Batman: The Dark Knight" was approved for release this time is inseparable from the good relationship between Warner Bros. and the other side, but even so..."

Taking a careful look at Wayne\'s face, Bruce Rosen was stupefied before continuing: "Even though Warner Bros. has a very good cooperative relationship with the other side, they also put forward some conditions."


Unlike what Bruce Rosenblum imagined, Wayne did not become unhappy because he heard the so-called conditions, but showed a very interested look, and even took down the cigar in his mouth. Looked over with interest.

"Tell me, what are the conditions?"

"It was originally proposed that I hope you can go there in person and participate in this year\'s Magic Capital Film Festival. Unfortunately, due to the negotiation time between the two parties and the timeliness of message transmission, this international A-level film festival recognized by the International Film Producers Association, It ended in early June."

Shaking his head, Bruce Rosenblum saw that he seemed to like listening to the news over there, and simply said: "If you want, you can be a guest and choose to attend two other film festivals, one is held in September. Yes, one is held in early October."

When I heard about the other two film festivals, even if the other party did not name the specific name, Wayne basically knew which one it was. Some international colors only.

Now this year is almost the sweetest honeymoon period for both parties. The Bald Eagle is very happy to see the opposite side rise. After all, their number one imaginary enemy has always been a bear this year, and Warner Bros. has a very good relationship with the opposite side. The basis for many collaborations.

"I\'ll go back and discuss work arrangements with Nina. I\'ll rush over in a few months, and I\'ll give you specific information as soon as possible." Wayne nodded. In fact, from his words, it already means that this trip to the Pacific Ocean The trip to the other side was fixed.

The director of distribution at Warner Bros. smiled, took a swig of a cigar, and said, "No problem, we have always had a branch over there, reception issues and security issues, so you don\'t need to worry about it."

"Safety, this thing is the last thing I need to worry about."

Muttering in a low voice, Wayne took a sip of his coffee. As for the branch over there, he has heard of it more than once, which is why Warner Bros. has a good relationship with there.

As one of the six Hollywood giants, as early as the beginning of 1993, Warner Bros. was the first to see the potential of the terrifying film market on the other side. After all, for a country with a population of more than one billion, the demand for film entertainment is unquestionable.

As for the cultivation of deeper viewing habits, the cultivation of the importance of copyright, etc., these will gradually have more standard rules over time. Warner Bros. has always believed in this, because even Hollywood, North America This world\'s No. 1 ticket warehouse also developed slowly from chaos to order. This is a process that the film industry will inevitably experience.

The same is Warner Bros., as early as the summer of 1994, it exported the first so-called Hollywood blockbuster "The End of the World" to the other side. This movie has a huge impact on the fans there. Harrison Ford, the big star, is also the first Hollywood superstar remembered by the people on the other side.

This is the first Hollywood movie to enter that land in the form of a split account. The meaning behind it is far greater than the box office figures obtained by the movie, because this is the beginning of the entry of Hollywood movies, if there is no Warner Bros. This attempt is meaningful "The End of the World", I don\'t know how long it will take for Hollywood to notice that market.

In the face of the conservativeness of the other five major Hollywood production companies, Warner Bros. can be regarded as avant-garde in this regard. In a few years, Warner Bros. will be the first to try to establish a theater chain on that land. Joint venture of Hollywood studios.

"Are there any other conditions on the opposite side?" Wayne thought for a while and asked casually.

"No." Bruce Rosenblum shook his head and replied with a shrug: "I know how busy you are with your work. At first, I thought you would not agree to such conditions."

Waving his hand, Wayne thought about it. "September or October, consider it a vacation."

The current time is early July. If nothing else, in September or October, the work at hand will be much easier. Therefore, in the face of that piece of land that he longs for, he still can\'t help but want to go around. , as he said, even if it\'s just a trip to relax.

Just before the two of them chatted for a while and ended the topic, Bruce Rosenblum raised a hand, clapped, patted his thigh, smiled and shook his head and stood up, After a few steps to his desk~www.novelhall.com~ Under the puzzled eyes of Wayne and Nina, he took out a large file bag from the drawer and stuffed it directly into the assistant\'s hand.

"Look at this thing."

Pointing to the file bag, Bruce Rosenblum was full of ridicule. "This is our branch over there. It took a lot of effort to collect all the information about you. The content inside may interest you."

"Ok, that\'s it, I\'ll take a look when I go back."

Pressing the remaining half of the cigar into the ashtray, Wayne shook hands with each other and left the office with Nina.

After getting on the elevator, the assistant has been observing the file bag in her hand, with a curious look in her eyes. She knew that there must be something special about the material that would make Warner Bros. distribution executives laugh.

"Boss, let\'s go home, or back to Warner Studios."

Getting in the car, Sergey\'s voice sounded. Wayne raised his wrist and glanced at the time. It was now after get off work hours. He shook his head, and the smile on his face was always there. Obviously, he was in a very good mood at this time. "Forget it, go home."