Hollywood Drawing

~: Five hundred and fifty-eight - Wayne is changing the ecology of the Hollywood film industry once again!

This is like a media carnival. Newspapers, magazines and other paper carriers have featured reports on Wayne or "Batman: The Dark Knight" as the theme, or simply printed a supplement.

The media based on credibility and authority almost all choose to report on the box office and influence of "Batman: The Dark Knight" from an objective point of view. Compared with those authoritative media with full social attributes, more specialized entertainment media will behave more unscrupulously.

"A Hollywood Jewish director takes the lead in the handover of the baton! There is no doubt that Steven Spielberg lost to his friend Wayne Greenberg in this dominant head-to-head competition. If later During the screening process, "Jurassic Park 2" cannot show explosive box office growth, and this film is destined to be "Batman: The Dark Knight" along with Steven Spielberg\'s scepter Take it all!" - Hollywood Daily Entertainment

"Darkness rules North America! This "Batman: The Dark Knight" is the best work combining artistic and commercial attributes among all Wayne Greenberg\'s works. Best Director Xiao Jinren\'s "The Departed", this masterpiece of DC comics, whether it is artistic or influential, surpasses all his previous masterpieces!" --- "The Hollywood Reporter"

"Angelina Jolie accepted an urgent interview with this reporter. She expressed that she was proud of Wayne\'s achievements and praised everything in Wayne. According to Angelina Jolie, Wayne\'s own The body is extremely strong and can satisfy almost any fantasy of a woman\'s perfect boyfriend. At the end of the interview, she also made a high-profile statement that she is very much looking forward to the next date with director Greenberg..."


Flipping through the newspapers one by one, Wayne threw away the colorful tabloids in his hand. The feast of the media industry is naturally indispensable for these entertainment and gossip media. The starting point of their reports may be what ordinary people want to see. Yes, it is entirely based on the lace news around him and various controversial remarks as a starting point. Some gossip tabloids even vividly describe several versions of his love-hate entanglement with Hollywood actresses.

Not to mention ordinary people, even Wayne himself felt that he was a debauched tyrant when he saw some so-called revelations.

Just as he reluctantly still opened the newspaper, lit a cigarette, and turned his eyes to the early morning sun outside the window, Nina tilted her head and glanced at the newspaper he had thrown down, then picked up a large stack of similar , and threw it directly in front of his boss.


The assistant lady stretched out her finger, clicked on a pile of colorful entertainment tabloids, and said, "Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Connelly, yes Now, and Halle Berry, these women have been interviewed by the entertainment media, holys**t! A real group of smart women, and sure enough, no one\'s brains are stupid."

This media feast that exploded in North America because of "Batman: The Dark Knight" has never been so popular. Women who have had a relationship with Wayne, or who have had a relationship with him, stand up to grab the heat. Now it seems too normal. , At this time, as long as the news related to him, the exposure rate is even far more than a commercial blockbuster.

And these women are surprisingly consistent. In the interviews with reporters, they didn\'t say anything bad about Wayne. They praised him almost all the time to highlight themselves. For example, Cameron, who has done this more than once - Diaz, in the next period of time, there is a high probability that Wayne will be mentioned in every person. These things are very familiar to this woman.

"Aren\'t you watching? Boss, various media have praised you as a flower, and some have directly compared you to the **** of the Hollywood film industry!" Nina saw her boss looking out the window and smoking silently, while sorting out Various newspapers on the table, while saying: "The fax from Warner Bros., it is estimated that it will take a while, it is still too early."

Raising a hand and pressing the sides of his forehead a few times, Wayne smiled and shook his head, spitting out a large cloud of blue smoke, and laughed at himself: "I\'m afraid that watching too much media touts will make me real They think they are as powerful as they say they are.”

Early this morning, Sergey bought back almost all the newspapers that were available on the market. Basically, no matter the size of the media, the praise for Wayne and "Batman: The Dark Knight" was regarded as the theme. En himself felt blushing praises when he saw it. It seemed that the entire North American media had a tacit understanding. When he casually flipped through a newspaper or magazine page, the first thing he saw was always all kinds of disgusting hymns.

As we all know, there is always an inevitable situation in the media. There will always be scenes where some people praise and some people degrade, but this time it is very special. Almost all mainstream media have not seen any words against Wayne or "Batman". : The Dark Knight\'s criticism, even those critics who have always been bitter, ironic, and critical, seem to have unified the caliber, and began to analyze the greatness of "Batman: The Dark Knight" from various angles in their newspaper columns. place.

These cookie-cutter compliments Wayne did not continue to read. The assistant, who was yawning a little, lowered her head and looked at each one with relish.

"It\'s interesting to write this, boss."

It didn\'t take long for the assistant\'s voice to break the peace in the living room of the hotel suite again. She put an open magazine directly in front of Wayne.

This is one of the top three influential magazines in the entertainment industry, "Vanity Fair", and the author of this report is an unfamiliar name called Grayton Carter. "After two weekends, Batman: The Dark Knight can be completely announced in advance, and it will become the No. 1 box office in North American film history!"

Horrible headlines, eye-catching media routines, these things Wayne has seen a lot today, frowning, sipping the cigarette from his mouth, he knows Nina won\'t let him watch this thing for no reason , patiently look at it from the beginning.

"Batman: The Dark Knight has been breaking all box office records since its release two weeks ago, with the best opening weekend, the fastest breaking through $100 million, 200 million, and $300 million, and the highest One-day results, etc., etc. Since the first week of the film\'s box office results, there have been discussions in the media whether this film can surpass "Joker", "Jurassic Park", and top the North American box office and even the global box office. The first box office statement in film history.

The same discussion has appeared many times in the past few years. At that time, "Forrest Gump" was placed high hopes by the media. When "Toy Story" and even "Independence Day" were released, there were almost similar discussions. These films No one can deny its success, but in the end, without exception, it fell short of "Joker" and "Jurassic Park", which ranked first and second.

Today, when "Batman: The Dark Knight" has repeatedly broken records, such discussions are once again noisy. After our careful investigation and analysis, we can say with certainty that this film will surpass the two mountains of "Joker" and "Jurassic Park" and become the new king of box office in film history! Not seems, not possible, but must!

The various data that appeared after the release of "Batman: The Dark Knight" is no secret. If you analyze it carefully, you will find that the total box office of "Batman: The Dark Knight" from its release to surpassing "Forrest Gump" is actually It only took a full week! The emergence of this situation represents the great changes that have occurred in the Hollywood film industry and the cinema projection mode unconsciously and with the times.

Let\'s go back to two years ago, the beginning of the summer season in 1995, in the middle of May when "Batman: War Hour" was released. In fact, the film industry has begun to change since then. From the early 1980s to the present, it took a few weeks for a movie to get a box office of tens of millions of dollars.

And because everyone knows this rule, basically only those movies with big investment, big production, good reputation and strong box office after their release can be shown in the theater market for a long time, and then spend at least half a year, and the longest After more than a year of super-long screening time, it has gradually accumulated satisfactory box office results.

However, since the highly stylized director Wayne Greenberg achieved his own shooting style and reached the level of a film master, "Batman: Time for War" was officially released that year. rule. It was only later that he returned to his original heart and filmed a relatively niche "The Departed" in 1996, which prevented such a situation from appearing on a continuous and large scale.

After a lapse of one year, Wayne Greenberg made a comeback again, once again using "Batman: The Dark Knight", a film that combines business and art to perfection, breaking the operating system that Hollywood has always followed. He used DC comics to change superhero blockbusters, making studios, distribution companies, theater companies and even audiences lose their patience!

Especially this "Batman: The Dark Knight", from the box office obtained in the two weekends of its release, we can find that not only the production company and distribution company, but also the theater company and audience focus on watching the movie. It was two weekends before the movie was released. This can explain why this film has only been released for ten days and has received close to 4 dollars at the box office.

Perhaps with the release of more DC comic superheroes, people will become accustomed to this kind of film being released for two weeks or even a week, and they can reap half or two-thirds of the total box office of the film. This is another change in the Hollywood film industry. The source of this change is "Batman: The Dark Knight", and it is Wayne Greenberg! Looking at it now, no one knows whether this change is good or bad.

But as far as the current "Batman: The Dark Knight" is concerned, such a change is definitely good. This film is sandwiched between the center point of the Hollywood film industry before and after the change. It took not only two weekends to get it The figures that account for half or even two-thirds of the total box office will continue the pattern of the previous years, staying in the cinema market for six months to more than a year!

This is the main reason why we analyze this film, which will surpass "Joker" and "Jurassic Park" in the total box office. Wayne Greenberg used "Joker" in 1993, smashing countless closures to Hollywood around the world. After the entrance of the market, once again with his unique dark epic, he is completely changing the ecology of the Hollywood film industry! "

After closing the magazine, Wayne\'s mind couldn\'t calm down for a long time. There is no shortage of forward-looking smart people in any era, and as long as these smart people have the necessary analytical conditions, they are the real trendsetters in this era.

Compared with these guys who can analyze the operation trend of Hollywood more than ten years later with only a little information, he deeply felt again that he is not a so-called genius, especially compared with these people, there are two geniuses. The words are simply insulting.

That\'s right, Wayne\'s "Batman: The Dark Knight" has the same box office trend as Hollywood ten years later. It can also be said that this movie is very likely to make the "quick success" mode of operation come a few years ahead of schedule. .

He can\'t remember the others clearly, but he remembers the "Iron Man" that created the Marvel universe very clearly. The film was released in May and dropped in October. In less than six months, it won the second place in the annual box office list in 2008! This film is also the best example of the change in Hollywood\'s business model. With a release date of more than five months, it was released in the largest number of theaters in a short period of time. It quickly earned enough box office, and then decisively withdrew from the theater market, while the influence of the film was still there. , Immediately release the movie DVD, so that the fans who have not watched the movie are fresh enough to pay for it. There are also various movie peripherals released at the same time, emptying the pockets of the fans in the shortest time possible.

This is the way Wayne is most familiar with the operating rules of Hollywood movies, and this rule is completely opposite to the strategy of the 1990s, when a movie was released for more than a year, and then slowly sold various licenses, and finally released video tapes. To sum it up in four words, it is quick success.

"Grayton Carter..."

Muttering in a low voice the name of the editor-in-chief at the end of this article, Wayne lit a cigarette again. This article by this man made him just beat Steven Spielberg for "Batman: The Dark Knight", A trace of pride was produced, and it was pressed and rubbed on the ground.

The outstanding and intelligent people of these eras flashed by by chance, and each time he realized that he was just a hard-working ordinary person.

"Grayton Carter, who joined Vanity Fair in \'91."

Hearing the murmur, Nina immediately opened her own notebook, which contained almost all the well-known practitioners in Hollywood, high-level personnel information of production companies, distribution companies, and media industries. "The past few years have been outstanding. The achievements of the legendary editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair, Tina Brown, are at least half of his credit. This year, Tina Brown officially left, and he just became the head of Vanity Fair magazine. ."

After closing the book with a "pop", the assistant lady raised her head and pushed her glasses, looked at her boss, and continued: "Grayton Carter\'s previous job was the editor-in-chief of the New York Observer magazine, and this person is very Low-key, more specific information, there is almost no circulation in the circle."

Nodding silently, Wayne remembered the head of "Vanity Fair". This guy\'s analysis of Hollywood and his understanding of the trend of the entertainment industry are destined to lead "Vanity Fair" to a higher level in the future. It is very possible Let this magazine sit on the throne of the best-selling magazine in North America.

"Crack, click, click..."

The sound of the fax machine sounded, Nina stood up immediately and walked to the fax machine to collect it. It didn\'t take long. Two pages of fax paper filled with various data were placed in front of Wayne. This is him Something I\'ve been waiting for until now.

This not only clearly marked the box office data of "Batman: The Dark Knight" for ten days after its release, but also the daily survey and analysis of fans after watching the movie, fans\' ratings, and detailed fans\' opinions and evaluations, as well as the professionalism of the film critics. Rating blah blah blah.

The data analysis above is much more detailed than those reported by the media, and it is relatively true. What is more important is not the box office and various ratings, but from the release of "Batman: The Dark Knight" to the present. All kinds of peripheral sales data, these things, real numbers can never appear in the media.

"In ten days of release, the total sales of the movie peripherals are 224 million US dollars, God!"

Nina knew Wayne\'s habits very well, so she ignored the detailed data on the fax and looked directly at the surrounding sales statistics. At the beginning of the year, even the assistant lady, who was always used to keeping her calm, covered her mouth with one hand who was diligent in making up funds.

She has not been in this circle for a year or two. Of course, she knows how big the profit is in the movie peripherals. Compared with the 50-50 split with the theater chain, she has to deduct the distribution fee, publicity fee, copy fee, etc. In terms of movie box office, these movie derivatives are the real huge profits, which are faster than selling contraband!

"According to statistics, the best-selling movie merchandise is Batman and the Joker dolls, accounting for nearly one-third of the total sales. Next are Batman\'s various equipment models, keychains, etc., er, mainly as The Batmobile used for the exhibition has also been sold in nearly 200 quantities, and there are still orders for 300 vehicles, which are being expedited in the factory..."

Other Wayne can understand that it is this Batman that confuses him. Each of these things sells for as high as 90,000 US dollars. At this price, he can buy a so-called luxury car, and this Batman The car just looks good, but in fact there is no driving experience at all, basically it is equivalent to a big toy.

"There are so many rich people in North America! It\'s a pity..." Nina shook her head and sighed.

"Yeah, what a pity!" Wayne nodded involuntarily.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled at the same time. Except for a negligible percentage of the huge profits from these peripherals, it can be said that it has nothing to do with Wayne at all. Even if the sales in this area are high, he will not even think about getting a small piece of the cake.

"Damn it, this is just the beginning. The income that can be operated from the movie peripherals will be more, I am afraid it will be an astronomical figure." Nina made a rough calculation in her heart, and immediately sighed. "And the income in this area is so long that it needs to be calculated in years. Jeff\'s heart is really big. Isn\'t he really afraid that after we see this number, he will turn his face and want more in future movies?"

Are you a capitalist? It\'s almost the most normal operation to turn your face for money, let alone just turn your face. For money, brothers, father and son, there are countless things that can\'t be counted, let alone Wayne\'s promise or contract. , If you want to get around, you can always think of various ways.

"He knew I wouldn\'t do that."

Wayne shook his head. Of course, he was jealous of these incomes. Compared with the money that was bought and sold at the box office, peripheral and copyright operations were the real huge profits, or long-term huge profits. The Vanity Fair report didn\'t just see Wayne and the others. While he was studying the report from Warner Bros. in his hotel room, in a lounge in the ABC TV studio, Steven - The dressing table in front of Spielberg was also piled with this morning\'s newspapers.

"Everyone ignored "Jurassic Park 2", Steven!" The producer Katherine Kennedy, who was sitting on the side, was still dressed in a professional dress. At this time, she still opened the newspaper in her hand and looked up at The old partner around him said: "Are these media crazy? Can\'t they see that the weekend box office of "Batman: The Dark Knight" is only more than ten million more than "Jurassic Park 2", between us The difference is not that big at all! But all the media have ignored you!"

During the speech~www.novelhall.com~ Katherine Kennedy\'s eyes gradually sharpened, and the expression on her face also showed anger, but then Steven Spielberg waved his hand and looked away from "Famous Airport" magazine He took it back, smiled and shook his head.

"You have to know Catherine, "Batman: The Dark Knight" is the second weekend of its release." There was no unwillingness to be heard in the voice of the Jewish old man. "Don\'t care what the media say, in fact, we can\'t lose money on this film, on the contrary, we may make a lot of money in the collision with the strong Batman, and..."

Saying that, he put the magazine he just read into his old partner\'s hand and motioned for him to take a look. "Also, some things are not right in the media, especially in this analysis, Wayne is once again pushing for changes in the rules of the Hollywood film industry, although such changes are not known for good or bad."

It stands to reason that when there is a conflict of interest, after Steven Spielberg puts down the camera, he will not care about the so-called personal relationship. Business is business. But this is just a movie of "Jurassic Park 2". As long as he thinks that starting next year, DreamWorks will fulfill the distribution contract with Warner Bros. starting from "Saving Private Ryan". Of course, he knows that he will continue to maintain a relationship with Wayne. The importance of good personal relationships.

This is related to the release strategy of DreamWorks for many years. It is rare because of Wayne\'s matchmaking, so that there is a giant in the circle who is not so desperate to squeeze DreamWorks. Whoever dares to destroy the development hope of DreamWorks, this old man dares to play with anyone now. , especially at this critical time, not even Universal Pictures!

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