Hollywood Drawing

~: Eighty-three - copy homework

"According to this reporter\'s information from Warner Bros., Wayne Greenberg is not just a director, he also serves as the screenwriter and producer of the film, including the post-production editing of the film. leader.

Warner Bros.\' absolute trust in the director allowed Wayne Greenberg to participate in the entire production process of the film, and the final film became the director\'s personal style.

After the test of "Happy Death Day", Wayne Greenberg added more dark elements and large-scale shots in the second film. These stories triggered by the "evil" side of human nature are rare. The harvest of the support of the public fans!

In addition, famous film critics Todd McCarthy and Kenneth Turan both recommended the film in their columns. Roger Albert of the Chicago Sun-Times also gave the film two thumbs up.

Roger Albert believes that this film, which was made with very little capital cost, is a milestone. He set a benchmark for later thrillers, telling future directors that thrillers can still be made from this angle.

Although there are still a small number of fans who don\'t like the film, and even have serious disgust, these fans feel that the core of the film\'s story is too depressing, and the **** scenes in the back are also disgusting.

However, these controversies did not affect the choice of most moviegoers, only the controversy will arouse people\'s interest and make more moviegoers walk into the theater with curiosity.

The only thing Warner Bros. needs to worry about now is whether the R-rating of the film will affect subsequent audience choices. After all, no parent will take their children to see an R-rated film on weekends. "

"The second place on the box office chart this weekend is the film "Ambition of the Earth" directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Cruise and his wife, this film depicting the elopement of peasants and village girls in the 19th century for love. It earned $22.37 million at the box office.

After the film made $9.98 million on the first day on Friday, the attendance rate gradually declined, only $6.94 million on Saturday, and only $5.45 million on Sunday…”

When Naomi Watts heard this, she hugged Wayne happily. "Did you hear that, we killed Tom Cruise, it\'s unbelievable!"

Naomi Watts is indeed happy that the film beat Tom Cruise at the box office, but what makes her even more happy is that the film she starred in killed Nicole Kidman\'s film.

When someone talks about Australian female stars in the future, they will definitely not only mention Mrs. Cruise. She will never forget the condescension that Nicole Kidman treated her at a hometown party when she first arrived in Hollywood.

"Okay Nami, Will, put down those **** newspapers, I\'m going back to Los Angeles, and when your promotions are over, let\'s have a party to celebrate."

Wayne patted the blond beauties who were hugging him, greeted them again, and went back to the bedroom to change clothes, preparing to rush back to Los Angeles.

Harry-Berry looked at the happy crowd, leaned against the bedroom door, and didn\'t say a word.

At this time, she suddenly realized that she was an outsider. They are a team, only they are an outsider!

She is very jealous of Naomi Watts\'s luck. If the first film only gave the Australian woman some fame, then after this film, the Australian woman will definitely be regarded as a star.

The Hollywood circle is very complicated, but it is simply outrageous. The production company doesn\'t care who you are, but only depends on your box office performance.

For this kind of heroine who has starred in two big-selling films in a row, some production companies will offer a big price invitation with the script. She has passed the time when no one cares, and she has become a star in one step!

"Harry, have you packed your things?" Wayne put on a suit and turned around to call Harry Berry, who was stunned.

"I have nothing to pack, I can leave at any time." Harry Berry pulled up his suitcase, followed Wayne out, and took a deep look at the radiant Naomi Watts.

Rushed from the hotel to the airport, and after getting on the plane, Harry Berry put on a blindfold. Today, Naomi Watts\' proud look made her unforgettable.

She put on a blindfold to cheer herself up. Since she is an outsider, she will try her best to integrate into Wayne\'s team. Although even her current identity is only part of the transaction, she is confident that she will get the gains outside the transaction.

From Los Angeles to New York, from New York to Boston, and then Phoenix, where they are now.

Everywhere Naomi Watts goes, she is sought after by a large number of fans, and reporters from various media rush to interview. The reason for all this is not because of the man beside her?

Now that Naomi Watts has proven that this is a shortcut to success, is it alright to copy homework by yourself?

Harry-Berry clenched his fists hard, as long as he managed the man beside him, as long as he got on his boat, he would be able to take him for a ride in the continuous success.

She has been in contact with this new Hollywood director around her for a few months, and she believes that she has figured out a little bit of his temper.

Wayne is very kind to the people around him. Even the white-collar workers on Wall Street will cry when they are offered salaries by Sergey and Nina, two of his closest people.

This is a man who takes care of his own people very much, but it is very difficult to be his own. Harry-Berry has tried countless times and tried countless times, even when playing games with him that make him feel humiliating, Wayne didn\'t let up.

During the period of living in the manor, Harry-Berry tried his best to make himself the mistress of the manor, but Wayne was always sober and never hesitated.

"Harry, hey honey, here we are!"

Wayne\'s words interrupted her thinking along the way. Taking off the blindfold, Halle Berry squinted his eyes to adjust to the light, got off the plane in a taciturn manner, and followed them out of the airport.

"Sergey, don\'t go home first, go directly to the Warner Building in Burbank." Wayne opened the car door and said to Sergey who was putting his luggage in the trunk.

Looking at this man with sweet words on the surface, but actually keeping his head awake at all times, Halle Berry squeezed out a smile, lay beside him and said:

"Darling, I\'m going to meet the manager soon, so I won\'t go with you. I\'ll go back to the manor by myself after I\'m done."

"Okay, pay attention to safety!"

At this moment, Wayne\'s mind is full of work, and he doesn\'t care about this black pearl.

Seeing that he didn\'t lift his head, Harry-Berry lightly kissed him on the face and got out of the car.

After watching Sergey drive away, she called her agent Julian. Since she left CAA to sign Julian of William Morris, the agent has barely played a role and now she needs some advice from the agent.

Not long after, a red Chevrolet stopped beside her, and Harry-Berry opened the door and sat on it.

"Harry." Julian, the agent sitting in the driver\'s seat, asked while looking at the black pearl. "What\'s the matter with me in such a hurry?"

Harry-Berry put his bag to his lap, turned his head to fasten his seatbelt, and looked up at his agent.

It can be said that they are very unfamiliar. Except for the few times they have met, they usually communicate on the phone.

"Drive first, let\'s find a place to sit."

The red Chevrolet restarts, and Harry-Berry watches his agent along the way. Julian\'s client is not only her, but she is not famous either, which is the point where she can let the other party help her wholeheartedly.

After a while, the car stopped beside a gas station, and they got out of the car and walked into the restaurant of the gas station together.

"Julian, I think you should understand my situation." Harry-Berry picked up the coffee and stirred it with a spoon. "I was dizzy at first, but it\'s not necessarily a bad thing, what do you think?"

Julian was stunned for a moment after hearing her words. In fact, he had basically given up on this client. She understands that UU reading www.uukanshu. com Halle Berry\'s current situation is basically to finish the job that Warner Bros. explained, and then disappear into Hollywood with a small amount of money.

Such an actor, no one will cooperate with her again, even if it is a role of a dragon, she will not get it. No producer or director is willing to use a beautiful snake that will bite him at any time, but this beautiful snake has no brains.

"Harry, what do you think?" Julian wanted to see what she was going to do.

Harry Berry put down the coffee in his hand, looked his agent in the eyes and said: "Wayne Greenberg and Warner Bros. have promised me that they will give me a role after this is over and give me a new beginning. Chance."

"Hey!" Julian couldn\'t hold back and laughed. "Don\'t be silly Harry, you haven\'t seen this circle yet, have you? In my opinion, you\'ve done a good job of leaving here safely so that they won\'t turn their backs on it later."

"What if I say I\'m sure I have a role for Wayne Greenberg\'s next project?"

Harry-Berry didn\'t show any expression, his eyes never took his eyes off the other person\'s face, and he spoke very confidently.

This is the experience she has summed up during this time. Wayne usually doesn\'t promise anything indiscriminately.

Since that man enjoys his service with peace of mind, it means that he recognizes his contribution. His principle of doing things is that since you paid, I will give you back.

He\'s definitely a credible man in this regard, just look at Naomi Watts.

Julian revisited his client from head to toe, as if reacquainted with her.

"What do you need me to do?"