Hollywood Drawing

~: eighty-five - just disgusting people

There has always been a saying in Hollywood circles, never overestimate the moral standards of production companies.

Especially when two films are occupying the market, in order to increase the box office of the film, it will not be surprising for the rivals to do anything.

"Our people got the news that tomorrow there will be media hype about the ending of "Get Out" and lead the mainstream public to boycott the film."

Sure enough, he still came, Wayne knew that the other party didn\'t admit defeat so easily, and after listening to Jeff\'s words, he knew that the other party couldn\'t do much, and that was the only thing left to do.

"Universal Pictures is going to come off in person?" he asked with a frown as he raised his head, which was very important. According to common sense, there will be no bottomless malicious competition between giants.

"No, I got the news that the main contact with those media is Pat Kingsley, Tom Cruise\'s agent, but it is not ruled out that Universal Pictures also intervened."

In fact, Jeff doesn\'t care much about the other party\'s small tricks. Every Hollywood movie that can be popular is all killed from various competitors. Your movie sells well, which means that mine needs to lose money.

And this kind of small means that can\'t be on the table may not necessarily affect the choices of many people, and Warner Bros. is not a vegetarian.

"Jeff, will the impact be great?" Wayne asked with a serious upper body leaning forward.

He didn\'t understand everything either. He devoted himself to filmmaking, and Wayne could only guess based on hearsay from his previous life.

"Normally, not. Since we have already got the news, the impact will not be very big. Don\'t underestimate Warner\'s public relations capabilities.

All those people can do is to seize the controversy at the end of your film and guide the public to dislike the film. After all, the mainstream audience has never been a minority. "

There is no tension in Jeff\'s tone. He has seen this kind of thing a lot. As far as the means of film competition are concerned, this is just a small means that is not even a skin.

After a pause, Jeff looked at the young director and continued: "It\'s mainly about you, I\'m afraid you are too young, and you will be influenced by those gossip tabloids tomorrow. No one can please everyone, Maybe someone will assign you the title of "white skin black heart".

Don\'t be disturbed by these, continue to participate in the promotion plan formulated by Warner, and leave the rest to the company. "

"No problem." Wayne tapped the table lightly with his fingers. "Are you sure it was done by "Ambition of the Earth"? It doesn\'t make much sense for them to do this? They should understand that this kind of small means can\'t solve the problem at all."

"Just a little possibility is enough!" Jeff shook his head with a smile on his face. "Even if everyone understands, it doesn\'t mean that they have to admit defeat. Even if this kind of thing can only cause us a little trouble, their goal will be achieved."

Yes, anyway, it is just to release a little news, the cost is very low, even if there is no effect, they will not have any loss, if it is themselves, they will not give up the opportunity to try.

"Okay, I\'ll go back to rest first. I have no problem here. I\'ll leave the rest to you." Wayne stood up and said politely, and led the people out of the building.

After returning to the manor, Wayne came to the balcony on the third floor and sat on the reclining chair he usually likes, drinking black tea and looking out the window while relaxing his mind.

From this trivial matter, it can be clearly seen that the other party has few means to use. In the final analysis, the box office of the film is still underwhelming. If the box office of "Ambition of the Earth" can be similar to that of "Escape from the Dead", I believe Universal Pictures Karma will also end up in person.

Now that they know that the film has been thrown, they will not invest too much resources to compete without bottom line. After all, the cost-effectiveness of doing these is too low.

"Boss." Nina walked to the third floor and called him softly, seeing that he was thinking about a problem. Seeing him looking at himself, he continued: "The accountant called me, oh, it\'s old Howard, not his son."

"What\'s wrong?"

"About your tax return, I remember telling you once in April that you were too busy, so I told Howard to handle it."

Nina felt that her boss really had a big heart. He didn\'t care about this kind of thing that was very important to everyone.

Wayne suddenly remembered that every April 15th is North American Tax Day, and Nina seemed to have told him.

"What\'s the matter, isn\'t there enough money left? I remember that the money left should be enough?"

"Yes, that\'s enough." Nina opened her laptop and took a look, then looked up at her boss. "Howard has carried out a series of tax avoidance measures, but still pays millions of dollars. He proposes that you register a charitable fund, even if it is only used for tax avoidance."

"Then let\'s do this for now. When I\'m done with this time, remember to remind me."

Wayne waved to her, then turned around and looked out the window. He heard the door closing after the assistant left, and within two minutes, he heard the soft door opening again.

"Nina, what\'s the matter..."

Turning his head, he found that it was not the little assistant who came in, but the black pearl Halle Berry. She was wearing an ultra-thin tight leather jacket and the same black high-heeled shoes, which set off her figure bulging forward and backward.

She wears a lace mask on her eyes and a pair of cat ears on her head. Most importantly, she wears a leather collar around her neck, which is attached to a leash and grabs it in her hands.

After Harry-Berry came in, he gently closed the door behind him, knelt down slowly, and began to slowly climb over to Wayne like a kitten.

Wayne sat on the balcony, watching the performance of this black pearl.

"Harry, I remember that you don\'t seem to like it very much, do you play this kind of game?" Wayne put his hands on his shoulders, tilted his head and watched her come to him.

He obviously noticed that when the black pearl climbed into the balcony, her body trembled unnaturally. It seemed that her shame was still there, and she was afraid of being seen by outsiders. After all, it was broad daylight.

"No, I just didn\'t get used to it before, but now I\'m slowly liking it." Harry-Berry put the leash in his mouth, then put it in Wayne\'s hand.

"I thought of a new trick again, can you see the difference?"

Harry-Berry knelt at Wayne\'s feet, raised his head and slowly licked his lips.

Wayne noticed that she had an extra tail, which made him smile a little excitedly...

The game continued until it was dark, and the refreshed Wayne was leaning on the reclining chair. Harry-Berry was probably a little tired, and lay on his arms with a tired face.

"Harry, there is something you can say directly." Wayne never believed that a person would insult himself for no reason to please others. "You did a good job, what do you want in return?"

Harry endured some physical pain and looked up at Wayne\'s chin with a look of enjoyment. "Your work just won the box office championship. This is a gift I prepared for you. How is it? Are you satisfied?"

She knew that she had to speed up to please the other party, otherwise, after another two weeks of the popularity of the film, she would be kicked out of the manor by the other party, and maybe she would really get nothing by then.

"Tell me about it, Harry!"

Wayne picked up the cold black tea, drank it, and glanced sideways at the woman lying on his chest.

"Do you remember being in my apartment and saying that if I did well, I would be given a role in a new project and a chance to start over..."

Wayne patted himself on the forehead and suddenly realized.

It turned out that this woman was watching the movie and her mission was over soon, for fear that she would turn her face away and not recognize anyone.

He understands the feeling of Black Pearl, the feeling of not being able to control his own destiny. He has also experienced it briefly. In fact, he has just relied on two films to have a little bit of initiative.

It\'s definitely not a bad thing that she can rely on her own efforts to get the chance to succeed, even if the way she works is a little different.

This kind of effort is definitely a common phenomenon in Hollywood, and it is also a kind of game rule.

As soon as Wayne turned his head, he wanted to understand everything. Halle-Berry has no rich parents, no Hollywood "sugar daddy", or even someone willing to take care of her now because of her own death.

A girl with a very good body and face like her~www.novelhall.com~ Seeing that it is possible to leave Hollywood soon, she will naturally use some special methods.

And all she can give is her body and dignity.

"I\'ll keep my word, you don\'t have to worry." Wayne put his arm around her and patted her on the back lightly. "I don\'t care what Warner promised you, but what I promised you will definitely come true.

The premise is that you don\'t have any crooked thoughts, and feel at ease as my girlfriend until the end of the plan! "

Harry-Berry got the promise he wanted, suppressed the joy, and looked at Wayne tenderly. "Darling, you know my heart, I am willing to be your girlfriend all the time..."

"Harry!" Wayne interrupted her. The game just now made him feel good, and he didn\'t want to ruin his good mood so soon. "I said, don\'t be careful, understand?"

"Understood! I\'m just telling you my heart, and my words will always be valid for you."

Wayne let out a long breath, let go of the woman, sat up from the reclining chair, and lit a cigarette. He never believed what this woman said, and he didn\'t have the halo of mental retardation.

"Go to rest early, you have to get up early tomorrow for an interview, you accompany me."

After fully relaxing his body and mind, Wayne slept until dawn, looking at the black beauty curled up beside him. His only regret last night was that he forgot to record the game.

"It\'s not a big problem, there\'s still time and opportunity!" Wayne whispered to himself, getting up and starting to wash.

As a person who aims to be a great director, I have to shoot some "wonderful" movies by myself, and put them in the safe. When I get older, I can still reminisce about my youth!