Hollywood Drawing

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Once in the working state, Wayne\'s life will become very regular, and the time will last until late October. In addition to plunging into Warner Studios on weekdays and busy shooting "The Flash", there are also days off. Follow the work progress of "X-Men".

At the same time, Peter Jackson, who was preparing for "The Lord of the Rings" in New Zealand, and John Gray, the producer who represented Wayne and Warner Bros. as the management representative, also maintained daily contact with Los Angeles. As time went on, the preparatory work for this epic masterpiece also entered the right track.

The "Charlie\'s Angels" crew in Miami was once more than a week ahead of the shooting schedule, and the film was gradually coming to an end. According to the latest information passed to Nina, no later than the end of November, the shooting of the footage will end, and the film will soon enter post-production work.

All kinds of work information kept coming. The closer the filming progress of each crew came to an end, the more things Wayne needed to make decisions. Coupled with the "Flash" filming work at hand, for a while, in his life, in addition to work, Don\'t worry about any problems anymore.

Once again, as the year draws to a close, the mood in Hollywood is, as usual, getting more and more frenetic. Seeing that another year of awards season is coming, both the industry participants in the circle and the entertainment media all over the streets of Los Angeles are accumulating their last strength and preparing for this carnival of fame and fortune.

"Listen, you\'ve been doing really well."

The commotion in the outside world seems to have nothing to do with Wayne, and he doesn\'t care about anything other than work. In the Warner Studios studio, he was wearing a red prop suit and covered with sensors. Lanke made an exhortation.

"According to what you practiced during preparations, it\'s enough to control your expression and make a running movement, ok?"

While accepting the makeup artist\'s final touch-up, James Franco agreed a little bit: "ok, it\'s easy for me."

As Wayne said at the start of filming, every actor has his ups and downs, and so does James Franco, a rookie.

During the first few days of filming, the smoothness of the entire crew far exceeded his imagination. The performance of the male protagonists was excellent, especially those scenes centered on the male protagonist, who were often able to enter the performance state very quickly, allowing the entire filming work. As if there is a kind of hearty illusion.

It is a pity that the good performance status has not been maintained all the time. With the addition of various supporting roles, the interactive scenes between actors and actors have increased. James Franco, who was in excellent performance before, faced the camera. Also began to frequently ng.

But this is all normal. Wayne has already made relevant preparations. Even with the deepening of the filming work, the actors and the behind-the-scenes workers have begun to enter a period of exhaustion. In fact, the filming efficiency of the crew has remained very high. high.

A very important point is the difference in the type of film. In the works he shot before, all of them actually had rigorous artistic elements, so the requirements for performance were quite strict, especially the two "Batman" and "The Departed" in the past two years.

But this "The Flash" is completely different. In fact, this is a purely commercial popcorn. Wayne\'s performance of the actors is much easier to talk than before, almost reaching the line of basic qualifications. Will continue to ask actors to repeat.

The relatively relaxed performance requirements make the crew\'s efficiency very high. No one is really stupid enough to perform in commercial popcorn, and he naturally won\'t ask for actors. In a movie like "The Flash", play out What kind of acting has exploded, and the so-called profound performance is used to reflect humanistic care.

"Ok, The Flash, Scene 97, Act One, First Time, Begin!"

The sound of the field record sounded, James Franco immediately made preparations to run, paused for a moment, a trace of nervousness appeared on his face, and then immediately opened his legs and ran forward with great strides until he was completely out of the camera. , then slowly stopped.

The entire shooting site was surrounded by green screens on three sides. Although such green screen shooting is far easier than real shooting, and can better reflect the speed and special effects of The Flash, relatively speaking, the troubles that need to be solved later are also the same. Not a lot.

This scene mainly reflects the flashman Barry Allen, who was choked by lightning, and tested after he obtained his superpower. The relatively simple and fast shot made the entire crew shoot for an entire afternoon before they got Wayne\'s test. nod.

When the green screen was first used extensively, the actors and behind-the-scenes workers were very curious about this way of filming. However, after filming more, everyone began to feel disgusted with green, mainly the performers. It\'s uncomfortable to be put on a sensor, and people who look at it also feel inexplicable.

At the end of another day of work, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and started talking and laughing with each other to pack their things. Nina, who was in the corner, got behind her boss after Gilmour announced the end of work, and whispered while watching Sofia Coppola help him organize his things:

"Jeff just called. I hope you can go to Warner Bros. after work."

"Do you know what\'s going on?"

Standing up and stretching hard, Wayne tilted his head and lit a cigarette, looked at the assistant and asked, "Today?"

"Yes, it will be a while to be exact." Nina nodded, glanced at Sofia Coppola covertly, and continued: "As I reported to you before, all the filming of The Matrix is ​​over. , today Zach and Ector, have led the crew back to Los Angeles, and now the two of them are at Warner Bros."

Wayne suddenly realized that he has been busy with his work all the time. It can be said that he ignored a lot of problems during this time. The third part of "The Matrix" has been filmed, and he really can\'t keep his face away. After all, this is the joint work between him and Warner Bros. The investment project is related to his vital interests.


He nodded, gestured with producer Charles Rowan, turned and walked out of the studio.

Unlike what he imagined, in Jeff Robinoff\'s office, not only Zack Snyder and Hector Henry, but also several main actors of "The Matrix" were there. After he pushed the door in, A special hug to everyone, thanking them for their hard work at work.

At the end of the chat, when everyone sat down again, Jeff Robinoff gave Bruce Rosenblum a covert look while trimming his cigars.

The Warner Bros. distribution director nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, and took the lead to say: "Wayne, you know, the filming and post-production of "The Matrix" have been going on synchronously. If the action is fast, it will not reach ten By the end of February, Matrix Revolution will have all the work done..."

While speaking, Bruce Rosenblum first glanced at several of the main creators, and then carefully observed Wayne\'s face. Seeing that he took the cigar handed by Jeff Robinoff and lit it on his own, without any other indication, he frowned slightly, and secretly made a foul language to some shareholders in his heart.

"That\'s right, the completion progress of "The Matrix" is about a month faster than Warner Bros. expected. Therefore, after discussions within the company, it is hoped that the film can enter the theater market as soon as possible. All films will be produced by the end of December at the latest. Done, then we immediately hold a press preview to get Matrix Revolution into theatrical market in time for the Oscars!"

Not to mention others, even Bruce Rosenblum felt that some senior executives and shareholders were too eager for quick success. But there is no way, he and Jeff Robinoff are, to put it bluntly, only executives of Warner Bros., and they can\'t ignore the opinions raised by some shareholders.

"Well, it will be completed by the end of December, and the promotion and preview will be held in January." Exhaling a cloud of blue smoke, Wayne raised a hand, rubbing his fingers back and forth on the stubble of his chin, while gulping, thinking like this possibility to do. "That\'s the end of January, or the beginning of February at the latest..."

The benefits are obvious. In this period in early 1998, compared to the summer period in the middle of the year, the competition faced can be said to be completely stress-free. I believe that the shareholders who proposed this plan also considered this, because with the influence of the first two "The Matrix", in the absence of fierce competition ~www.novelhall.com~ It is easy to appear a dominance scene, and even some May occupy the entire early 1998 period.

"f**k! February?"

His fingers twitched, and Wayne\'s eyes immediately became round, reflecting it all at once.

"How about it?"

His strange performance and rare foul language made several people in the lounge look over. Jeff Robinoff thought he felt too eager for quick success, and immediately explained: "Listen to me, Wayne, there are many benefits, compared to the more competitive summer season, perhaps the beginning of the year, more release. The box office potential of The Matrix: The Matrix Revolutions, by then..."

"Hey, hey. I understand."

Waving at the CEO of Warner Bros., Wayne shook his head with a serious face. If possible, he would like to roll his eyes directly. Is it not good enough to die or what?

The idea of ​​unleashing box office potential is indeed correct, but it has to be without strong competitors, but starting from the end of December, there has been no film from any company except 20th Century Fox and Paramount that can get it. own expected results.

"No, I don\'t agree!"

No one expected that Wayne, who has always been a good talker, would choose to refuse without hesitation. Even the core creators of the crew can see the benefits, it is impossible for him to not see it.

"Listen, Jeff, according to Greenberg Studios\' agreement with Warner Bros. Distribution, The Matrix: The Matrix Revolution will be released in the summer of 1998, and that\'s not going to change, my opinion is , everything went according to the contracted plan!"