Hollywood Drawing

~: 294 - About Workplans and The Matrix

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That\'s right, most of the rest of the year Wayne was on vacation by himself. He was going to go back to the farm to live for a while and spend time with his mother.

Maybe it was the sudden loosening of the tight string, which made him feel empty all the time. He wanted to rest for a few months, and he didn\'t want to think about the various problems of a huge crew, but that didn\'t mean he couldn\'t initiate other projects. .

"When the popularity of Batman passes, I will take out the backup project I wrote before and let Zach Snyder direct the barrel. He has been training with me for a long time, and you can rest assured of his ability."

"That gorilla\'s project?" John Gray asked immediately.

No matter what Wayne did, he didn\'t deliberately hide from Warner Bros., so while he was filming in New York, he filed a framework for a sci-fi script, which was clear to the company.

"No, Zach is not suitable for that project, I have another candidate for the director of Gorilla." He shook his head directly, stop making trouble, let Director Zach direct King Kong, I am afraid it will make a dark, **** and violent film.

"And this gorilla script is also an idea that I suddenly remembered from "King Kong" in 1933. Well, it is another script that has been written a long time ago. It is about a computer interface that needs to be used to enter world."

That\'s right, if any R-rated film is suitable for Zach Snyder to shoot at this stage, Wayne immediately thought of "The Matrix". Since the production and distribution company is Warner Bros., he is only a few years ahead of schedule. , just get the epic in this R-rated film.

Compared with directing himself, he is more inclined to control the direction of the film and hand over the specific work to Zack Snyder, which can not only exercise his directing ability, level him up, prepare for subsequent films, but also allow him Take time out for yourself.

As for the director who first became brothers, then became siblings, and finally became sisters, he didn\'t care, he didn\'t really like them anyway.

Jeff Robinoff frowned slightly. Like the shareholders of the group, he thinks of DC superheroes in his heart, but he doesn\'t care so much about other projects.

"Then, when are you going to start making the second Batman."

Wayne sighed in his heart. Warner Bros. has a tradition of quick success. If he hadn\'t taken control of the series too early and let the shareholders reach out, the DC Universe would have been overturned even if it appeared ten years earlier. .

"Next year, there will be a year in the middle, the second part will not require long preparations. I can guarantee that it will be released normally in the summer of 1997. Don\'t worry, when the second part introduces other characters, the follow-up progress will be more and more sooner."

This was a plan he had already customized, but it was delayed for a year. In addition to taking vacations and launching other projects, he also had a plan of his own.

Maybe that Anthony Minghella has forgotten him, but Wayne has never been a generous person. It can be said that a very low bottom line and a careful eye are his inner qualities.

Since the other party said that kike, he was ready to pinch this soft persimmon, and calculated that the other party was unintentional, even if Harvey Weinstein was willing to turn his face, I am afraid that in the case of understanding the other party\'s means, the probability of losing Not high either.

Moreover, Wayne has long recalled carefully that this Oscar is very rare, almost no film like "Schindler\'s List" and "Forrest Gump" will win awards, which is also what he changed his plan. one of the reasons.

"Okay then." With a long sigh, Jeff Robinoff knew that as long as he made up his mind, no one could force him to do something against his will now.

If Hollywood superstars are a scarce resource, then the top Hollywood directors are even more of an existence that no one can force. Like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, they themselves represent enormous resources, and Wayne does now.

"What kind of computer interface plan, you can ask the agent to hand it over to the company at any time, and I will push forward the review process as soon as possible."

In Jeff Robinoff\'s mind, even if the film is a money loser, he will forcefully let the project pass, as long as Wayne can open the DC universe early, nothing else matters.

"no problem."

After learning about Wayne\'s work arrangement, the two executives of Warner Bros. were not polite and left the manor in a hurry. Wayne can rest assured at this point because he has completed the main work.

But they will not relax. Don\'t worry about the North American box office of "Batman: War Hour". The marketing department and third-party research companies have predicted that the final landing point of this film will not be less than 250 million US dollars.

But the overseas screening tour that started at the same time today is their main concern. No one can guarantee whether this dark and serious story core without a trace of funny atmosphere will encounter difficulties in other countries.

"Boss." Nina sat opposite Wayne after waiting for the two of them to be left in the living room. "It is determined that all subsequent publicity activities will not participate in all of us, right?"

Wayne nodded. "Yes, I\'m not in the mood to face the media right now, I just want to rest quietly."

Seeing Miss Assistant\'s hesitant expression, he shook his head and smiled, understanding the other party\'s concerns. "Don\'t worry, "Braveheart" is definitely not a threat. I tell you what will happen after that, that is, Batman crushes the box office of the other party, and then dominates the summer season. Believe me, no one can cause social viewing in Batman. After the trend, beat it."

Maybe "Braveheart" has a big enough reputation in later generations, but it itself is a box office of tens of millions of dollars. It is not as good as "Die Hard 3" that has been insisting on, but the Oscar has given too much fame to the film.

Now that the two giants are attacked, whether this film can get more than 70 million US dollars at the box office as it was originally, Wayne has to put a question mark on it.

"Is there anything else?" After saying that, he got up and went upstairs to take a shower.


Nina opened her workbook and glanced at it. "The share of "Blair Witch" has arrived. Except for the part that needs to be "donated" to the Greenberg Charitable Fund for tax deduction, Colin Howard wants to pay off part of the loan and put the rest into the financial market, and continue Buy Internet shares."

"Don\'t move the money yet." Wayne thought about it and sat back on the sofa. "Following up on the copyright issue of witches, there will be a fund coming in. Don\'t worry about the loan side. At least 35 million to 40 million must be left for this money. I have other arrangements."

It won\'t be long before Naomi Watts will end his promotional activities, and the New Zealander he has been asking Jimmy to investigate also has results. "Angel of Sin" even won the Silver Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival. This is not an unknown person.

However, compared to the temptation of Hollywood, the world\'s film center, Wayne believes that the other party will definitely not be able to resist, and embarking on the road of Hollywood movies is the trajectory that the other party should have.

And the investment of "King Kong" is destined to be small. Even if it can\'t reach the 200 million US dollars that Universal Pictures claims, it is estimated that it will cost hundreds of millions to make it. However, there are many places where it can be operated. The reason why Universal Pictures dares to report such a high production cost is because the operation of the left hand and the right hand is too common.

He believes that as long as he initiates this project by himself, even if Warner Bros. hesitates, he will eventually pass the review of the investment film, but he cannot prepare for nothing. If Warner Bros. has a different opinion, he will prepare himself to be involved. .

Originally, the rule of the game in Hollywood was that directors would not spend their own money to invest in films. Borrowing chickens to lay eggs was the mainstream practice, but for the sake of that Australian woman, he was willing to take a risk, and he would never be short of money. .

"By the way, go back and give me a copy of the script of "The Matrix" and give it to Charlize Theron, so that she can get familiar with the role of Tritini in advance."

"No problem." Nina knew that her boss was repaying her debt, and the opportunity that the South African girl had been waiting for had come.

After finishing speaking, Wayne waved his hand and returned to the bedroom on the third floor with the golden retriever who never left him.

While taking a shower, he was still thinking habitually. Regarding the follow-up questions of "The Matrix", Zach Snyder is absolutely assured, as long as he sets the production direction and the other party\'s shooting style is similar to his own, the production of the film should be No problem.

This is not only a test for Director Zha, but also an opportunity for him to prove himself. A film director can make a big production by himself, and there is not much to learn from it.

For the main actor of the film, he also had some ideas in his mind. The role of Murphy in this film was originally invited by Warner Bros. The first generation James Bond Sean Connery~www.novelhall.com~ But I was rejected for not understanding the script.

Later, Warner Bros. found Gary Oldman, but for the same reason, he was also rejected.

The situation is different now. Gary Oldman has just cooperated with him. As long as he speaks by himself, there is basically no possibility of being rejected.

And that Agent Smith, the best candidate in his mind, is "Leon", that is, Jean-Reno in "This Killer Is Not Too Cold."

The most important protagonist is the easiest to find, yes, Li Guohao. Originally, Keanu Reeves played the savior after four months of kung fu training, but Li Guohao did not need to train from scratch. He had a good kung fu foundation since he was a child.

Coupled with the long-legged Charlize Theron, almost the core framework of the film is built.

He remembered that when the directors Wachowski brothers (sisters) made the film, they were shot in two parts. The first part cost $10 million and made the first ten minutes of the film.

After Warner Bros. watched it, they invested the follow-up 70 million US dollars with confidence, but Wayne, as the project initiator and film producer, definitely didn\'t have to be so troublesome, and the investment was definitely not a problem.

In fact, he has thought about directing this film himself, but his energy is limited, he can\'t do everything by himself, even if he temporarily changes his plan and wants to shoot a special Oscar work, it will delay the second Batman The production of the department is hard to squeeze out of time.

"The English Patient! Aha." Wayne hummed an unknown song softly, standing in the bathroom enjoying the relaxation of his body under the hot water.

"Hey Fendi, do you think we can kill it?"

The golden retriever was lying on the side of the bathroom, raised his head and watched him take a bath, his tail was constantly wagging.