Hollywood Drawing

~: 245 - I only want 1 nomination

These scenes in the early stage of the film, in fact, except for the scene of destroying the headquarters of the Shadow Warrior Alliance, there is no big scene. Bruce Wayne and Ducard, Bruce Wayne wanders the bottom, feels the sin and joins the sin, these are actually just In explaining the growth of Batman.

Although the shooting speed is not very fast under Wayne\'s strict requirements, it is definitely not slow. Especially with Christian Bale in hot form, Liam Neeson has been playing smoothly, and more and more shooting plans have been completed.

Probably the only trouble encountered is Christian Bale, who has been out of character for longer and longer.

"cut! This one is fine, rest for five minutes."

After Wayne called to stop, Christian Bale was still sitting on the artificial ice, unable to recover, as if the whole world had abandoned him.

This has happened many times. Liam Neeson and Zach Snyder have tried to help him in the first two days, trying to communicate with him, but he has refused each time.

Whenever this happens, only Wayne approaching him, Christian Bale, would be willing to have a few words with the director.

After several minutes, he got up from the ground, sat on the makeup chair, and let out a long breath.

Wayne has been observing him with frowning, and he is constantly muttering in his heart, saying that talented actors should be able to put in and put away freely, but this is the first time he has encountered such a thing that can be put away but cannot be put away.

"Christian, listen, you need to rest!"

Opening the record book, Wayne calculated the progress of the shooting. After confirming that there would be no problems, he walked up to the male protagonist, looked at him seriously and said:

"I\'ll give you a few days off, go and have a good time in this beautiful and busy city. When you come back, we\'ll shoot the scene of the Destroyer of Shadow Warrior Alliance. I need you to be in the best condition to end all the scenes here. "

"No, Director Greenberg!" Christian Bale shook his head vigorously. "I\'m at my best right now, trust me, okay?"

Of course, his current state of filming is good enough to exceed Wayne\'s customized plan, but his own mental state is difficult to say. Wayne is happy with his state, but he is afraid that something will happen to him if the scenes are not finished.

After persuading a few more words, he was still firmly rejected. Christian Bale\'s eyes were full of persistence. "Director Greenberg, oh well, Wayne. Trust me, by the time this film is done, I\'ll have time to rest, I\'ve been preparing for this role for nearly 8 months and have to keep my best on film. superior."

Seeing his attitude, Wayne shook his head, walked back to the monitor, and sat on the director\'s chair. Such an actor is certainly good for the film, and Christian Bale has also gained his favor.

But he is not Hitchcock after all, even if he thinks he is cold enough, he is also worried about the actor\'s psychological problems.

Similar things are very common in Hollywood. To put it bluntly, everyone is only a colleague relationship, and no one really cares about the feelings of the actors. There are even directors and producers who deliberately conceal the real situation for the effect of the film, and do not stop shooting to hurt the actors.

Hitchcock did this when he was filming "The Birds." He told Tibby-Heidley that everything in the film was props, and the unsuspecting heroine was pulled directly into the set.

A swarm of crazy birds attacked her, biting, gnawing! And it was full of Ollie to this big beauty. During this period, Hitchcock was completely silent in the camera effect, and the crew saw the blood and no one came forward to stop it.

This classic shot is still being talked about constantly, but no one knows that everything in it is true. Before a shot was finished, the beautiful Tibby was covered in injuries and passed out.

So in the movie "The Birds", Tibby Headley\'s crazy screams are all true. Although this shooting has made the most real and classic scene in film history, Hitchcock\'s cruel act The inaction with the crew also made some actors who worked with him shudder.

The ruthlessness of capital and Hitchcock\'s status in the circle, but no one has disclosed these to the outside world. Even if he has been criticized in the actor group, it still can\'t stop the continuous emergence of actors who want to cooperate with him.

"Batman, Scene 56, Act Three, Begins."

On the set, Liam Neeson used an orchid to make a hallucinogenic aromatherapy and handed it to Christian Bale.

"Experience the fear in your heart, and let the fear become one with you! Only then can you conquer the fear and become the fear!"

This kind of toxin extracted from blue flowers, after being made into aromatherapy, will make people hallucinatory and think of all the fearful hallucinations in their hearts.

When Christian Bale took the scent of fear, put his head down and breathed in front of him, his expression changed instantly, and the panic in his emotions gradually replaced the calm, as if he really wanted to die the most feared thing .

At this time, the close-up of his face was clearly reflected on the monitor. Both Wayne and Tim Burton were staring at the screen, watching carefully without blinking their eyes.

On the screen, Christian Bale\'s face gradually paled, and just from the expression revealed, it could be seen that he must be very entangled and hesitant at this time.

After hesitating for a while, his expression was slowly replaced by firmness, as if he had just conquered his apparent fear, and really, as Liam Neeson said, merged with fear.

"cut! Awesome!"

Wayne and Tim Burton looked at each other and nodded in satisfaction, and he picked up the megaphone and shouted.

Even Liam Neeson, who played against Christian Bale, was quietly relieved. This kind of shot that the director must have strictly required passed at one time, which made the onlookers at the same time relieved.

This kind of scene that needs to be edited into the memory material later and played with emotion transmission, as long as the director\'s requirements are more strict, it belongs to the kind of shooting that can only be shot for a day, and it is not new.

"Pack up, transition!" Zach Snyder, ignoring the male protagonist who was still standing still, loudly instructed each group to start transitioning and prepare for the next scene.

"This kid will become a coffee in the future." Tim Burton looked at Christian Bale with unabashed appreciation, and he would not be stingy with praise.

"Of course, that\'s how I see it."

Wayne shrugged and crossed out another page in the notebook.

"By the way, what do you think of this year\'s Oscars?" With the advancement of time, 1994 will soon pass, and another year of awards season will come soon. This is also another battle for fame and fortune among insiders.

Hearing about Oscar, Wayne smiled slightly, he already had another idea in his mind, so he didn\'t take this year to heart. "I only need one nomination, and although I didn\'t show up for awards season because of work, Warner Bros. still made a best director nomination for Joker.

This year should be the same strategy, "The Clown" wants a nomination. With the media prowess of Warner Bros. it\'s not difficult, Tim, you know, my age problem is too big for the Academy to not give me that statue so early.

Now it\'s just to accumulate points. If those old men want to give it to me earlier, the "Joker" from the previous year will be given to me. So, let\'s aim at accumulating points and qualifying. "

Tim Burton didn\'t expect him to be so sober. No matter which director or actor, when facing the golden statuette, he generally couldn\'t keep his calm.

The reasons the other party said were all reasonable, but he had a different opinion on one of them. "Wayne, trust me, if it wasn\'t for Schindler\'s List, you would have a pretty good chance of getting that statuette.

The social impact of "Joker" is too great, and the emotional motivation of the film is too strong. I have heard some news that some academy bosses did vote for you, but unfortunately I came across "Schindler\'s List"! "

This is what Tim Burton really thinks, and although he also knows the odds are unlikely, he still feels a pity.

Before joining the crew, he met Steven Spielberg at a party and talked about Wayne and Joker.

Steven Spielberg sighed at the time, \'Me and George both thought that Wayne would slowly embark on his own road of masters through the accumulation of film after film, as we did at the beginning. Unexpectedly, his "Joker" directly shortened this time by at least ten years. ’

According to the good old man and George Lucas, his "Joker" is definitely worthy of a golden statuette. After all, the social environment is too suitable. Unfortunately, the director\'s age is a flaw, and he encountered "Schindler\'s List". It\'s also bad luck~www.novelhall.com~ Forget it, Tim, as long as there are nominations, I\'m still young and not in a hurry. "Wayne looked at this little golden man casually on the surface, but what he thought in his heart was another matter.

Originally, he had already thought about it. Through the path he planned, one film after another, he would definitely be able to break the Oscar.

But after meeting Anthony Minghella, his thoughts changed again. He doesn\'t care how Harvey Weinstein PR "The English Patient" then, business is business, "The English Patient" is a soft persimmon, he really wants to Try a pinch.

Dodging the director\'s monitor moved by the crew, Tim Burton patted him on the shoulder and said, "It\'s good if you have this mentality, I can promise you, when you need it, this vote of mine And some old buddies, I can help you win."

"Ok, I remember."

He knows that these old people in the circle have influence, and the vote is not just one vote, but will affect the choices of many people. At that time, coupled with the media capabilities of Warner Bros., and finding a better public relations company, it may really scare many people.