Hollywood Drawing

~: 241 - turbulent caa

The first day of filming was not a busy one. Everyone on the crew needed to get into the state slowly, and Wayne chose to do a lot of repetitive and simple shots and grind them back and forth again and again.

Let\'s shoot the location scenes here first, and it also means running the tacit understanding between the actors and the behind-the-scenes personnel. Compared with New York, where shooting is quite restricted, this kind of outdoor studio shooting environment is much more relaxed.

"Hi, why are you here?"

When Wayne came out of the bathroom with a towel and wiped his hair, he saw his agent for the first time. It seemed that he had just arrived, and there were still folds left on his suit.

Jimmy nodded feebly, put down the coffee cup in his hand, and said, "I should have come with you, but something happened to the company, and it was delayed."

Wayne sat across from him, lit a cigarette in a leisurely manner, and cocked his legs comfortably. "What happened? Don\'t you want to tell me that you are going to take me to another agency, right?"

Jimmy knew he was joking, but he didn\'t find it funny at all, instead he looked gloomy.

"CAA\'s founder, Michael Ovitz, the so-called Broker Emperor, is about to resign and leave the company he founded. There is a lot of turmoil inside the company. Unfortunately, my immediate boss, Wright Manning, became the first wave of this wave. Victim, has left the job a few days ago."

Hearing this news, Wayne was also stunned. He didn\'t care what happened to Wright Manning. What he cared about was that the manager, Emperor Michael Ovitz, was really willing to abandon the empire he built and become a migrant worker.

My agent doesn\'t need to worry here. As long as he is still his client, Jimmy will be marginalized at most. No one dares to force him to leave CAA. No partner wants to see this consequence.

"Michael Ovitz has left?" Wayne asked curiously.

Jimmy leaned on the sofa and shook his head. "Not yet, but it has been confirmed. After entering 95 years at the latest, he will leave the company. Otherwise, it will not cause turmoil among partners. Now the minds of all the brokers in the company are alive."

That\'s right! Wayne can be sure that the "head of Hollywood stars" must have been tempted by his childhood friend, Walt Disney chairman Michael Eisner, to embark on the chaotic ship of Disney.

However, this is not destined to be a good journey. The manager emperor, who had not been the captain of the big ship Disney for a few days, left the media giant sadly because he could not bear the domineering and domineering of his childhood friend.

This is also the beginning of this legend\'s annihilation of everyone. Once on the Internet, he has seen many legends about the agent emperor. The most outrageous legend is that Michael Ovitz is the mastermind behind the control of stars. , playing with superstars like pawns.

Of course, such rumors are definitely not credible, but in reality, his innovative acting agency, CAA, does have more than half of Hollywood\'s front and backstage workers.

This agency, which has a large number of movie stars, directors, and behind-the-scenes types of work, is definitely not going to be able to turn around in Hollywood at any time, but it is not difficult for Michael Ovitz to break into the offices of the six CEOs.

After leaving this company, Wayne felt that this person was like cutting his own wings, and it would be difficult to fly in the future.

"Okay, let\'s get down to business." Jimmy rubbed his forehead and took out his notebook from his briefcase. "Steven Spielberg from DreamWorks, wants to sit down with you after you\'re done directing Batman."

Since he was talking through an agent, it meant that it was a business matter. Wayne rubbed his fingers on his stubble, thinking about what conditions this good man would use to tempt him.

Seeing that he didn\'t say a word, Jimmy gave his opinion. "According to my analysis, it should be that I want you to direct a film. My suggestion is to reject him! There has been gossip inside CAA, and the six major companies have formed a basic tacit understanding on DreamWorks, and they will squeeze together. These three giants."

"Ok, I\'ll consider it, is there anything else?"

No need for an agent to remind Wayne to have anything to do with DreamWorks. Steven Spielberg is a good guy, but business is business. From the perspective of Warner Bros., it is impossible for him to direct DreamWorks. Factory footage.

And he knew how tragic it was after the Big Three of DreamWorks. These three people were not complacent at all for a few years, and they had been continuously sucked blood by the Big Six.

The Big Three\'s DreamWorks was torn apart, but in the end, it was first committed to Viacom, which became Paramount\'s exclusive production studio, and then to Walt Disney, and its fate has never changed.

"And..." Jimmy looked at his client\'s face and saw that he didn\'t seem to know, so he said: "In the new episode of Roger Albert\'s "Watching Movies with Albert", one of the One of the guests you invited is Anthony Minghella, who was knocked out by your punch..."

The agent\'s words also attracted Naomi Watts\' attention this time. The Australian girl put down the script in her hand, walked over from the window, and sat next to Wayne and listened together.

Although this incident caused a lot of uproar, none of the beatings and beatings were interviewed by reporters, so within a few days, this incident became one of Hollywood legends, and there was no media hype.

Now, does that British director dare to talk nonsense? Not only Wayne doesn\'t believe it, but Naomi Watts also doesn\'t believe it. As long as he tells the reason here, the director\'s reputation will stink immediately.

What Wayne said must have more influence than that of the British director. In this circle, it is almost impossible to mingle with the Jewish people who have insulted them.

"Anthony Minghella didn\'t mention the beating." Jimmy continued: "But when discussing your film with film critics, his opinions are almost always looking for loopholes and belittling your achievements."

Although the show "Watching Movies with Albert" is not very influential, it has always been without a shortage of audiences among movie fans. People like to use this show to understand the views of movie critics on movies, so as to choose their favorite movies. watch.

"Don\'t worry about him, a clown jumping on the beam!" Wayne didn\'t care at all. If the other party didn\'t have a golden man in the future, he was one of the ordinary directors in this circle, and he was definitely not a big role.

Jimmy took out a folded newspaper from his bag, put it on the coffee table, and said, "Hey, see for yourself, although not many people agree with his point of view, and the film critics are against him, it still causes part of the impact.”

Naomi Watts picked up the newspaper for the first time, and when she opened it, she found that it was "Los Angeles Daily Entertainment", which was not an authoritative big media, which made her relieved.

The most fundamental reason why Wayne hit the director was because of herself. She didn\'t want to affect him because of these bad things.

"Wayne Greenberg\'s films are always full of crime, violence and death, masochistic large-scale shots, both good and evil protagonists, key emotions of anxiety and unease, always greed and deceit. theme, draw the ending with death or destruction.

These are all gimmicks he deliberately set up to attract attention. In fact, there are many logical errors in his film itself. Just blindly abusing these dark scenes to awaken the evil thoughts in people\'s hearts..."

After reading this, Naomi Watts threw the newspaper back on the coffee table, looked at the face of the man beside him, and said, "This man is talking nonsense, don\'t take it to heart..."

"It\'s okay, Nami!"

Wayne clapped her hand, interrupting what she wanted to say. "In some respects, what he said was actually correct, and this kind of remarks had little impact on me. It is estimated that there is no market for the movie fans."

After speaking, he smiled lightly, not taking this matter to heart at all, and turned his attention to the manager again.

Jimmy shrugged. In fact, he didn\'t think it was a big deal. It was just the first time someone criticized his client in the public media. Some people like him and some people hate him, that\'s for sure, but no one has ever disparaged him so much in the public media.

"The last thing, before I came, Jeff Robinoff of Warner Bros. asked me to tell you that it is best to give the specific completion time of the film before the new year~www.novelhall.com~, this kind of super big production , all need to arrange schedules and theaters as soon as possible.”

Jimmy glanced at the book and continued: "Jeff, the editor sent by Warner Bros., wants you to work with him to cut a trailer before the new year. They are going to buy the Super Bowl halftime commercial time again."

"Ok, I\'ll tell him later. He doesn\'t have to worry about this. The commercial will be cut first, and the company will be notified before the new year when it will be completed." Wayne nodded, looking at the tired look of his agent, said:

"You don\'t look very good. Go to rest, have a good night\'s sleep, and then look at the city."

Jimmy stood up, packed his briefcase, said hello to the rest, and returned to his room.

Before going to bed at night, Wayne held a local newspaper in his hand and leaned against the bedside to read the news on it. Although it was in traditional Chinese characters, he still read it with great interest.

The newspapers also covered them extensively. Most people are full of curiosity about this Hollywood crew, especially his director. After all, several of his films have achieved good box office here.

"Huh." Wayne suddenly reached into the quilt and let out a long breath. After a while, Naomi Watts covered her mouth with her hand, got out of the quilt and ran into the bathroom. The sound of running water and brushing her teeth also sounded.

"It turns out that you are also very famous here."

Naomi Watts lay back on the bed and said in his arms.

Wayne smiled and asked, "Can you read these newspapers too?"

"No, I don\'t understand these square characters, but I still recognize your movie poster photos."
