Hollywood Drawing

~: 208-00000 Don't scare people to death in the theater

"Hollywood Draw(!

The beam of the old-fashioned projector hit the big screen, and hundreds of people in the hall were quietly and intently watching the big screen.

The story continues. On the way home, Mommy Eddie, who has asthma, passed an abandoned villa and watched curiously, but when he turned around again, a horrifying zombie with sores on his face suddenly appeared.

"Ah! Ahhh..."

"Oh my God!"

The quiet atmosphere in the movie hall was broken by the exclamations of hundreds of people at the same time.

Naomi Watts angrily pulled out the hand held by the man and twisted it directly on Wayne\'s waist, but the other hand still hugged his arm tightly, and the upper body was almost drilled. into his arms.

She raised her head close to Wayne\'s ear and whispered through gritted teeth: "Damn, Wayne, do you have to do this? This is the first time, first use a peaceful environment and psychological suggestion to draw the audience\'s attention. Entering the little actor, and then suddenly appearing a terrifying and thrilling picture, this is too scary, this is too scary! After this movie, there will definitely be fans who will scold you together!"

Naomi Watts is watching the film for the first time, and she belongs to a more emotional woman, so she will not fall at the terrifying breaking point set by Wayne, and she will be scared and scream every time.

Fortunately, she wasn\'t the only one screaming, and hundreds of people covered up her shrill voice.

Wayne stretched out a finger and placed it lightly on her mouth. "Shh! Continue watching the movie, Nami, horror movies are not scary, and the core selling point is gone!"

"Then you have to be careful, don\'t scare people to death in the movie theater!" Naomi Watts muttered softly, returning her attention to the big screen.

Her unintentional words made Wayne stunned for a moment, and a brainstorm started immediately in his mind.

He couldn\'t help but whispered: "It\'s a good thing to scare people to death..."

Yes, he seems to have an impression of this matter. It seems that any horror movie is marketed this way. Given the lower limit of a Hollywood distribution company, it can definitely do such a thing. Even dead people can squeeze the last ounce of value, let alone some fake news when marketing a movie.

It seems that I have to discuss it with the Warner Bros. distribution department, and leave it to them to judge and investigate whether it is feasible or not. Anyway, there is nothing to lose. If the plan can really be successfully implemented, this is equivalent to using a million-level publicity cost to create a ten-million-level publicity effect!

The key is to find a way to provoke social attention, and the attention of the whole people can make the movie popular out of the circle!

As soon as Wayne\'s head turned around, a lot of things came out naturally. If no one reminded him, these unremembered fortunes would be garbage, but as long as someone unlocked the lock, his knowledge beyond the decades would be lost. Valuable.

He directly took the assistant\'s bag over, and under Nina\'s puzzled eyes, he took out her work notebook and clearly recorded the idea.

This was only a momentary thing. When he was about to look up to accompany the Australian beauty to continue watching the movie, the action of closing the notebook suddenly stopped again.

Grass (a plant)!

I thought of this marketing method, but I ignored viral marketing. Immediately afterwards, he quickly opened the notebook and wrote a familiar name under the ones he had just recorded: Blair the Witch.

It used to be because I didn\'t have the ability to play this, but now it\'s different!

The money for this thing is the same as picking it up. Is that movie important? It\'s not because of a set of viral marketing that is both true and false, which quickly reverberates in the society, arouses the curiosity of the public in a short period of time, and walks into the theater to find out.

With your current status, you can create a new company or partner with others to create a company, and you can replicate this process in a month!

But don\'t reveal your name, and neither can Warner Bros. You can\'t touch it at all, or you will be drowned in the public\'s saliva afterwards.

This thing is equivalent to the director\'s half-life\'s reputation after overdrafting, to earn this first bucket of unexpected gold.

Regardless of Wayne\'s brainstorming, the movie continued. Horrible and disgusting zombies chased Eddie, who had cleanliness and asthma, and was almost scared to death.

Eddie ran all the way, and sure enough, the clown suddenly appeared in front of Eddie in the camera, looking at him like that with a smile on his face.

Wayne was twisted by Naomi Watts on the waist again, and there was another scream in the theater. Looking at the blonde beauty in his arms, he was scared to death, and he couldn\'t help staring at the movie screen. He suddenly laughed, that was his purpose.

The camera turned again, and the heroine Beverly heard a strange sound in the sewer at home. The girl put a tape measure into the drain, and when she pulled it out, it was covered with **** hair!

Suddenly, the hair swooped out of the drain, tied the heroine Beverly, and pulled it towards the drain.

The frequently-appearing terrifying scenes kept bombarding everyone\'s nerves. The screaming had just stopped and started again, and even many men were screaming "Aah".

An old filmmaker like Harvey Weinstein himself has never been overly frightened. Unlike ordinary movie fans, he has been keeping a clear head, but this time, he also felt numbness in his scalp and a cold sweat. The back came out.

This is not the end, after the **** hair tied the heroine Beverly, a large amount of plasma spurted out of the sewer in an instant, dyeing the entire bathroom red in a short time!

This is what these North Americans are most afraid of. How could Wayne miss this method? The audience\'s emotions at this time also reached a high nest.

The scolding is just a means of venting, it does not mean that someone is insulting, which shows that most people are terrified!

"fxxk!" Harvey Weinstein also whispered a dirty word. "No wonder this film is an R-rated film, Wayne Greenberg, I thought you had restrained your style, but I didn\'t expect to use it more fiercely!"

On the big screen, the heroine Beverly was already frightened. The mutable father heard the movement in the bathroom, opened the door and walked in, turning a blind eye to the **** scene in front of him.

Could it be that only children can see this? !

The camera here focuses on describing the state of the heroine. I went to buy the aunt\'s towel because she just arrived, the symbol of a woman, the aunt. So what she was afraid of was the blood plasma and the strange behaviors the perverted dad did.

Unlike before, the pace of the film seems to have suddenly become faster.

The perspective comes to the little male protagonist Bill again. Something strange happened to him at home. In the basement of his own house, his long-disappeared younger brother appeared.

The younger brother was wearing the yellow raincoat from the day he disappeared. Just when Bill\'s attention was drawn to his younger brother, the clown suddenly appeared. This time, its image was more scary than before, and Bill ran upstairs.

The next day, everyone got together again, and they came to Beverly\'s house together to help her clean the blood-stained bathroom.

Bill was the first to talk about what he saw, and after one person confessed everything, there was a second and a third. In this way, everyone encountered the clown\'s deliberate fright.

Except for the spectacled boy Richie Tozier, he didn\'t have any accident, and at this time his sentence: "Can only virgins see that thing?"

Amusing all the audience, the nerves that had just been tense together were slowly relieved by the real and innocent performance of several teenagers.


Even after watching it for the second time, Todd McCarthy let out a sigh of relief. The whole film here can be said to be very catchy, but when everyone is emotionally fluctuating, it can use the beauty of a few innocent teenagers to pull the story back, let the audience return to a stable, and once again pull the audience in. into the story.

The famous film critic lowered his head and wrote down a comment in his notebook. "Just talking about this type of film, Wayne Greenberg\'s control of Jiezuo has reached the level of a master!"

Todd McCarthy has seen many directors who can tell stories, but there are definitely not many directors who are so talented in storytelling rhythm. Wayne is definitely one of the top ones.

On the screen, the group of teenagers were discussing while walking. On the way home, they found again that a group of gangsters were bullying Mike, and the black boy was pressed to the ground by several people and kept beating.

This made everyone feel the grievances of being bullied for many years, which erupted in an instant. They picked up the stones on the ground and threw them at them. Soon, the two sides fought a stone war.

There were more people on Bill\'s side, and they all plucked up their courage. In the end, they smashed the gangsters away, leaving only the yellow-haired school bully at the head to fall to the ground, facing failure alone.

When they returned to the street, they found a new missing person notice posted on the wall. Little Fatty Ben discovered the pattern. The interval between major accidents in this town is 27 years. I don\'t know when the evil clown appeared. Periodically, he would come out to create accidents and devour the teenagers. Then he would fall into a dormant state, waiting for the next 27 years. year.

And now, exactly 27 years since the last event!

Everyone ran to the garage of Bill\'s house and marked all the locations of the bizarre cases~www.novelhall.com~. Only then did they discover that the locations of the incidents were all beside the sewers.

These sewers all lead to a place where people teach how to make a well pavilion, and if they guessed correctly, well pavilion is the clown\'s lair.

Before Bill\'s analysis was finished, the projector that was playing automatically began to switch pictures. The clown appeared in front of everyone again, and the terrifying image became more and more scary.

At the critical moment, the friends opened the door of the garage, the sun shone into the dark garage, and also dispelled the light of the projector, and the clown disappeared again.

Now that he knew the clown\'s nest, the little male protagonist Bill rode his bicycle and took the lead in rushing over. What caught his eye was the abandoned wooden villa with zombies.

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