Hollywood Drawing

~: 162-300 million

“I am convinced that cinema is one of America’s greatest art forms and an important way for us to share stories and have a good time through the screen. The cinema is like my home, yet there are people in this pure and hopeful place It is devastating to me to carry out such an intolerable act of brutal violence - Wayne Greenberg!"

"It\'s all published in the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and New York Times. These are the authoritative media!" Eating a sandwich, Hector-Henry muttered and read the newspaper to his friends. , the seven or eight boys and girls around are obviously more mature than two years ago.

Looking at his friends, Hector-Henry swallowed the last bite of bread and said, "Do you remember the summer vacation of 1991, when everyone went to see the screening of "Happy Death Day" together?"

A little fat man put down the Predator model he was playing with and suddenly sighed. "Yeah, we are all seniors this year. I still remember that year when everyone went to see "Happy Death Day" together. That\'s the story of our college students."

"But this movie called "Joker" caused the misfortune in that movie theater." Hector Henry\'s girlfriend pointed to the newspaper with a frown. "Didn\'t we say we\'d give up this unfortunate film and wait for Tom Hanks\' Sleepless in Seattle?"

Just like more than two years ago, these friends still like to gather in Xiaopang and Ector\'s dormitory to study the plans and arrangements for the summer vacation together.

Originally, they watched "Happy Death Day" together, and the next year they watched "Get Out", but this year\'s "Joker" ticket was too hard to get, and it was hard to get a ticket in the past few weeks.

When movie tickets could be easily bought, there was another terrifying movie theater shooting, so several people decided to abandon the unknown movie and wait for the romantic comedy "Sleepless in Seattle".

"No, you should all read today\'s newspapers!" He took a few newspaper pictures in front of his disapproving friends, Hector Henry said angrily: "We shouldn\'t listen to the hype of those tabloids, these authoritative media have all published them Wayne\'s explanation, even for this director, everyone should take a look at what the film is like!"

The boyfriend was obviously very serious, and Daisy threw away the playing cards in her hand and picked up a newspaper. The little fat man also put down the monster model in his hand and looked at it together.

"ohmygod! The commander also endorsed this movie!"

"Willen, only fools believe politicians!"

"But Wayne is so good, I think he\'s right, a madman\'s personal behavior shouldn\'t be all blamed on the movie!"

Hearing the arguments of his friends, the corners of Hector Henry\'s mouth slowly turned up. He knew that these people had been persuaded by him. Yes, Wayne said it well!

"Hey, hey! Guys! I have an offer."

The little fat man clapped his hands, and when all his friends came over, he said, "We can go to the theater early and watch a \'Joker\' to support Wayne Greenberg first, and then watch \'Sleepless in Seattle\'. Support Tom Hanks! What do you think?"




In any case, these friends were still persuaded by Hector-Henry, and they quickly packed up and went out together, rushing to the cinema where they frequented.

But the unexpected thing is that the movie tickets for "Joker" are not so easy to buy. This movie theater is not far from the school. Tickets for the latest "Joker" will be available in forty minutes, and it will open soon. This one is full.

Several people looked at each other with stunned expressions on their faces. "Should we wait a while? Or should we watch the Tom Hanks romance first?"

"Wait a minute!" If it weren\'t for the fact that his friends didn\'t come, Hector Henry would have wanted to watch the movie ahead of time. "We\'re seniors, guys. Remember when we first met, we watched Wayne\'s movies, shouldn\'t we watch his movies again before we graduate?"

"Ok, listen to you!"

After obtaining the unanimous consent, he walked to the ticket window and said to the teller inside: "7 "Joker", yes, it is the next show. Well, another seven "Sleepless in Seattle"! 7 o\'clock ."

Holding the movie tickets in hand, a few friends walked to the rest area together and waited for the opening of "Joker" more than half an hour later. Until the queuing up to enter the venue, several people were like the fans who lined up together, chatting non-stop.

After entering the theater, Hector Henry soon discovered something. The media said that "Joker" was affected by the shooting and no one watched it. It was definitely a **** malicious hype!

At least they were full this time and the last one. According to his observation, 90% of the people who came to watch the movie were young people under the age of 40, and that kind of old movie fans were rare.

But a few minutes after the movie opened, the atmosphere in the theater fell silent, and everyone slowly immersed in Arthur\'s life. Ten minutes later, even the sound of chewing popcorn and drinking Coke disappeared.

Two hours later, when the lights in the theater turned on again, nearly 150 audience members in the audience stood up spontaneously and began to applaud silently for several minutes.

Hector-Henry and a few friends were no exception. They silently applauded the film, and at the same time thought about their upcoming graduation life.

"Fortunately, we didn\'t miss this movie. If we miss it, everyone may regret it for a lifetime!" The emotional Daisy said with emotion in the waiting area of ​​the theater, holding her boyfriend\'s arm. "It\'s so rewarding to use this film to honor our friendship and end our college years with Arthur."

"you\'re right!"

Although everyone is still immersed in the emotions of the movie, they all nodded in unison, yes, I am so lucky to be able to watch such a meaningful movie before going into society!

"Daisy, do you remember the website we found?" the little fat man said suddenly. "It\'s that website that has a lot of movies, actors, directors, all kinds of information, IMDB."

"Certainly, that data center is very convenient."

"When I go back tonight, I\'m going to give \'Joker\' a 10!" The little fat man vowed, his expression full of seriousness. "Joker deserves 10 points and deserves to be seen by more people. Just like "The Godfather", which is now at the top of the list, it is a great film that can affect a person\'s life!"

Daisy shrugged. "Okay, I\'ll rate it too, Hector, Jesse, let\'s all come together. "Joker" deserves to be seen by more confused young people."

Amid the tumultuous media coverage, the three-day weekend flashed by and Monday\'s sun shone over the heads of early risers, heralding the start of a busy workday.

Different from ordinary white-collar workers, he was busy when he came back from Spain. First, he was consoling and comforting from Colorado, and then he returned to Los Angeles to participate in various media reports. Wayne finally got free today.

There is not much he can do. After the last round of bombardment last weekend, the screening scale of the film will be reduced to more than 1,900 theaters from this Monday. This is a normal screening schedule.

On a golf course near the Santa Monica Valley in the Brenwood district of Los Angeles, Wayne waits under a parasol while Nina holds a copy of "Premier" magazine next to a copy of Wayne En\'s photo\'s "Time Magazine", read it to the boss in a low voice.

"This weekend, the North American theater market will usher in a major reshuffle. Tom Hanks and "Sleepless in Seattle" have ended "Joker"\'s three consecutive box office tours! With $50.78 million, they won the new week\'s box office championship!

Ranked second is "Joker", which also rebounded strongly. After three weeks of screening, the box office of this film continued to decline, but it ushered in a significant increase this weekend, winning $45.47 million in three days. Horror number!

It is reported that the North American box office of this film has successfully exceeded 300 million US dollars, reaching a terrifying US$304.8 million, while the overseas box office is still going up all the way, and now the global box office has achieved more than 700 million US dollars, for this phenomenal level..."

"Okay, Nina!" Waving interrupted the assistant\'s words, and Wayne stood up to greet his guest.

A battery car was parked near the rest area, and George Lucas came up and gave him a warm hug, patted Wayne on the back and said, "Congratulations, boy! You are now the number one box office film in North America. !"

"Thank you, George." After the hug, the two returned to the rest area, and Wayne said casually: "But it\'s hard to hold on, Spielberg\'s big dinosaur is coming in a few days, facing the family fun... …”

Speaking of which, he shook his head, knowing that the disadvantage of the moviegoing crowd was irreparable. At that time, everyone will see another film that is unreasonable and does not follow the laws of the market. The age of the whole family, young and old, will come to watch dinosaurs together!

"That\'s better than looking at it. When Steven and I were on the phone yesterday, they didn\'t even dare to say that they could surpass the brilliance of "Joker". And Wayne, your movie is still on show, and the box office of over 300 million is by no means an option. It\'s the end!"

The look of admiration revealed in George Lucas\' eyes~www.novelhall.com~ is simply not disguised at all.

"The follow-up will depend on time to accumulate."

Today, the father of Star Wars is in a good mood. The smile under the beard is always on his face, and Wayne points to the grass and says, "I\'m sorry, George, I\'m not very good at this kind of sports! There are some things I asked you to come here for. things want to talk about."

"I know, football? You\'re the pride of us at USC, but unfortunately you didn\'t continue to play! What\'s the matter, talk about it."

Apparently George Lucas knew his little alumnus on purpose and knew that he played on the varsity team.

"About my father!" Looking at the old man cautiously, Wayne organized the language, for fear that the other party would not tell him. "Originally, I didn\'t want to talk about the past, and my parents didn\'t want to talk about the past. They are now very peaceful and happy.

However, someone investigated me some time ago, and they also investigated the farm where my parents live. My private detective analyzed that the other party\'s target was my father. "