Hollywood Drawing

~: 102 - Go to his "Dawn of the Living Dead"

Zach Snyder! Hearing the name startled Wayne.

"Give me your resume." He pointed to the information that Jimmy brought. After watching the video tape, Wayne just thought that the director had talent and brains, and knew that he knew his shooting habits before applying for a job.

Now it seems that it is not all to please himself. If it is Zach Snyder 30 years later, there must be no problem in ability.

There was a photo on his resume, a white cap covered his messy brown hair, and a silly smile on his face.

Looking at this photo, Wayne is happy. When Zach Snyder was young, he didn\'t look like a big director at all. Instead, he looked like a young artist.

However, he obviously ignored that if he just looked at his appearance, he didn\'t look like a director who likes to shoot large-scale noir films and play with human nature.

"Zach Snyder, born in Wisconsin on March 1, 1966, graduated from the American Art Center School of Design. He has been engaged in photography and directing since 1990, and now he mainly shoots commercials and singers..."

Jimmy introduced his situation in a soft voice, while watching Wayne flip through his resume. There are many works on it, but most of them are commercials.

"Hey, I don\'t need to say more." He threw his resume on the coffee table, folded his arms against the back of the sofa, and lightly tapped his arms with his fingers. "This Zack Snyder is also a successful commercial director, right? He just came to Hollywood, and it is estimated that his income is much less than his filming. Will he be willing?"

A novice assistant director who shoots a movie will not be paid much better than an intern. Hollywood production companies don\'t care how successful your commercials were before, they only look at the commercial capabilities of the movie.

This is a circle of capital chasing successful people. As long as the box office success in the movie is capital, Warner Bros. will support him unconditionally, but will not unconditionally believe in a newcomer.

"He would be willing. I just received the news through the company." Jimmy clicked on his resume, and then pointed to the finished videotape. "Obviously he\'s been waiting for his chance to get into Hollywood, and this guy clearly has your eye on you."

"Ask him to come to Los Angeles tomorrow for a chat, and let him bring him directly to the manor. If it is suitable, I have to find a way to convince Warner." As far as the current situation is concerned, Zach Snyder may be the best candidate, but Still have to look at the attitude of the other party.

Wayne didn\'t know what would happen if he brought Zack Snyder into Hollywood ten years earlier. However, it would be foolish for him to not use this kind of person who is very likely to fit his shooting philosophy and has absolute potential.

"Okay, I\'ll contact him when I go back." Jimmy nodded, packed his briefcase, and got up to leave.

This afternoon gave him a bit of excitement. He just watched a scene as soon as he entered the manor. The filming scene that can only be seen in the San Fernando Valley made Jimmy scream in his heart, "This **** capitalism." He was both envious and helpless.

Men work hard in this circle for these things. Except for power, money and female stars, there is really nothing else that can stimulate these successful people.

"Are you very optimistic about this director?" Nina took out the tape from the VCR and put it together with the resume.

Looking back on the films Zach Snyder has made in the past, Wayne is particularly sure that he may fit his style better than his senior Luke.


The boss has the problem of being distracted when he thinks about things. It is not the first time that Nina has seen him. Sometimes he will burn his fingers with the burning cigarette butts.

She repeated it directly: "You seem to be very optimistic about the director of this commercial? I didn\'t understand what he was shooting. It was a dark, **** scene. I don\'t know what he wanted to express!"

The assistant\'s confused gaze reminded Wayne of his college career.

The experimental short films he shot since his freshman year are like this. Of course, experiments are mainly based on their own purposes. At that time, several professors thought he was going astray, but only Professor Anderson-Horowitz understood his Camera language.

"Nina, this is just an experimental thing." Wayne explained with a smile. "And this is also a little test for me. If I can\'t understand his camera language, it means I\'m not a director who can let him cooperate with confidence."

"If you\'ve seen the short films of my college days, you\'ll find that they\'re all pretty much the same thing. Jimmy was almost scared away by me because of filming them all day."

"Hi, dear, are you done?"

As soon as Wayne finished speaking, Cameron Diaz stood at the corner of the second floor and waved to him.

"Okay, come down!"

It seems that this woman is obviously very winking. She should have walked to the second floor long ago and waited until the agent left before making a sound.

Nina looked at the easygirl on the gossip tabloid, and stood up to go to the guest room on the second floor. She knew that her boss was okay and didn\'t want to get in the way.

"Hi, Ms. Klein."

Cameron Diaz was wearing a large bathrobe. After walking down the stairs, she said hello to the assistant. She knew that this unremarkable girl was the one Wayne really trusted.

"Hello, Miss Diaz, nice to meet you!"

Nina had stood up and was about to leave, but she stopped and shook hands with her. "You guys are busy, I\'ll go upstairs to see the two little guys. If they bite the furniture, the boss may be distressed to death."

"Wait, Nina!" Wayne stopped her. "I remember that you haven\'t been shopping for a long time, and no one is chasing you and you have no boyfriend."

This sentence almost made Nina go wild. She either stayed in the manor every day, or followed Wayne wherever she went. She had to help him communicate with lawyer Ryan and accountant Colin at any time, so she had no time to find a boyfriend.

Now she seldom goes back to the rented apartment, and simply lives in the manor. Anyway, since the incident with Harry-Berry happened to be filmed, the boss\'s attitude towards her has become more, and there is no room for food or accommodation here. People have opinions.

Regardless of his assistant\'s reaction, Wayne quickly went upstairs to the study, took out a card from the desk drawer, returned and put it in Nina\'s hand.

"I want to think about something, you take Cameron Diaz for a walk, and buy yourself some clothes and bags. Your boss just got a big income, don\'t save him money, quota two One hundred thousand dollars, go for it!"

Nina stared blankly at the black card in her hand. It was a black credit card from Wells Fargo, and she might never have the chance to own it in her life.

"Boss, you are so cool!"

It wasn\'t until Wayne reached the second floor that he heard the little assistant shout. He shook his head and smiled and walked into the bathroom, ready to take a shower.

He is not stingy with women like Cameron Diaz, let alone the real one. Nina\'s salary is not lower than that of a small company executive.

Hot water was sprayed on his head, Wayne was whistling in the mirror, and Zach Snyder\'s sudden appearance ~www.novelhall.com~ overwhelmed the depression of losing the assistant director and the Joker candidate.

"Eon, go to his "Dawn of the Living Dead", come on Zach, skip those and come directly to your destiny!"

It wasn\'t until the bright sunshine in Los Angeles faded and the night fell slowly that the two women came back with big bags and small bags. Even Sergey, who was driving for them, followed behind with a hopeless expression, holding his hands in both hands. tote bag.

It seems that it is right to occasionally send benefits to the assistant. Seeing Nina, whose work enthusiasm has improved significantly, Wayne shook his head while sitting behind the dining table.

Not only was the assistant radiant, but Cameron Diaz was also overly enthusiastic. As soon as she arrived on the third floor, she took the initiative to lie beside Wayne\'s ear and said something softly.

Her words made Wayne very excited. Facing Cameron Diaz\'s hotness that could melt everything, he picked him up and walked into the bathroom to start a more daring game.

The next morning, when Wayne came back from a run with two golden retrievers, Cameron Diaz left the huge manor with the gains of half a day yesterday, and began to work for the comedy called "Grangers in Disguise" The heroine is getting ready.

While Wayne was still waiting for news from Warner Bros., in the same area of ​​Burbank, on the third floor of CAA not far from the Warner Building, Alvin Martin was also talking about his alternative commercial director in the office.

"Mel, Wayne Greenberg rejected my offer, let\'s put it off your mind, he\'s not a director who can share power!"

Sitting at the desk of Irvin Martin is none other than Australian movie star and director Mel Gibson.