Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 142

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The cold air in the morning diffuses with the light wind, which makes the dew seem to be frozen, hanging on the leaves for a long time.

In "fairytail", in an open-air training ground, Noah and liantaro are standing side by side, holding their own guns, aiming at the front, concentrating.

"When --!"

At a certain moment, a bouncing sound sounded in front of Noah and liantaro.

Immediately, two light Frisbee suddenly ejected from the left and right directions at the same time, flying to the center of the field.

Without hesitation, Noah and liantaro pulled the trigger of their guns at the same time.


With the sound of a gun, two empty bullets "whew", burst out and landed on two Frisbees at the same time.


The two Frisbees that had just arrived in the center of the field immediately exploded and were penetrated by bullets. Like a bowl made of ceramics, they were turned into a pile of fragments and fell to the ground.


It's a pity that they didn't give Noah and lentaro time to be happy when they successfully shot the moving target. In the next second, the continuous bouncing sound resounded. One by one, the frisbee that turned into the shadow also came out with the ejection, drawing a beautiful arc and flying to the center of the field.

For a moment, the whole mid air was filled with flying frisbees, and there were dazzling sunlight in the distant sky, which made the Frisbees shine extremely bright and dazzling.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely as difficult to shoot a Frisbee through the dazzling arc light as it is to wear a needle and thread with your eyes closed.

However, even so, Noah and liantaro still did not have any hesitation. They stood still and pulled the trigger of their guns.

"BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, bam!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The loud gun sound and the frisbee explosion sound reverberated in the entire training field at the same time.

If someone listens carefully, they will find that the gunshots from Noah and liantaro are almost completely overlapped with each other.

In other words, Noah and lentaro shot at the same time.

At the same time, neither Noah nor lentaro missed the target once.

In other words, the two men not only shot at exactly the same time, but also at the same time as the number of broken Frisbee, which was terrifying.

The only difference is that Noah and lentaro were not loaded at the same time.

Noah's modified revolver has only six rounds.

Therefore, every time after six rounds of bullets, Noah would slap the waist fiercely and throw the new ammunition into the air. In less than a second, he would shake off his hand and flick the shells in his gun's nest. With magical skills, he would let the bullets falling from the air accurately load into the bomb nest, and then continue shooting.

Liantaro's XD series pistols have more than 10 bullets.

However, under Noah's ingenious way of filling ammunition, liantaro Leng was unable to preempt Noah to shoot, and the shooting time was always the same.

When the ammunition of his pistol is exhausted, he needs to be filled with ammunition.

According to reason, Ryutaro, who is not as magical as Noah, should be lagging behind Noah.

It's not.

Unlike Noah, lentaro, who uses the XD series pistol, only needs to take out the cartridge and install the new one that was originally prepared.

This process, as long as it is specially trained people, need to spend the same time can be reduced to less than a second.

As a result, Noah and lentaro have always maintained the same shooting timing, number of shots and complete accuracy.

Until the middle of the field, when there's only one Frisbee left.

I don't know why, Noah suddenly stopped what he was doing and pulled the trigger a beat slower than he had been until now.

"Good opportunity --!"

A look of surprise flashed in liantaro's eyes and quickly pulled the trigger of his gun.


In the sound of the gun, the bullet from the bore crossed the sky and went to the center of the frisbee flying in the middle of the field with great accuracy.

Liantaro didn't notice at all. While he was surprised, Noah had a successful smile on his face and pulled the trigger."Bang!"

In the smoke of gunpowder, the bullets shot out of the reformed revolver did not fall on the Frisbee, but caught up with the bullets fired by Lian taro and hit them fiercely.

"Qiang --!"

In the clear sound, the two bullets collide with each other, changing the path and bouncing in different directions.

As a result, a bullet that was supposed to run through the frisbee was completely invalid.

Lentaro is totally stupid.


At this time, there was another gunshot.

The bullet from the air hit the front, penetrating the only Frisbee left in mid air.


The frisbee broke in response to the sound and the debris fell to the ground, announcing the end of the shooting competition.

Liantaro stares at the last Frisbee fragment on the ground in silence, and looks at Noah who is holding a gun with gunsmoke in his hand. He can't speak for a long time.

To put it simply, it's a face full of frustration.

"Is it mean?"

Hearing the protest voice of liantaro, Noah played a gun flower without any care.

"This is also a shooting technique, but I only use shooting according to my words. What's so mean?"

"That's what it says..." Liantai Lang is still unconvinced, forking his waist and covering his forehead. He looks helpless.

"But can't you let me be an ordinary man? President Noah. "

"Is it?" Noah's innocent face.

"But I am an ordinary man, too."

The corner of lotus Taro's mouth.

Ordinary people?

After killing the exterminating protozoan named Scorpio, and easily defeating the 98 IP ranking, will the people who put them under his command be ordinary people?

Who believes this?

Not aware of what he said, Noah nuzzled to the side and motioned to lentaro to look at it.

"Besides, as far as shooting ability is concerned, the one over there is the real owner of magic skills."

Liantaro immediately followed Noah and looked at the past.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

In another field, Tina, who was lying on the ground, held a sniper gun in awe. She pulled the trigger again and again, and shot through the small targets which were similar to the palms in the distance.

Moreover, each shot hit the target with a red heart the size of a nail.

Seeing this, liantaro can't help but turn her eyes to Tina's shooting field.

There, three spherical objects are flying aimlessly in mid air, and things like cameras sweep the field and wander back and forth like patrols.

Lotus taro how tongue.

"Is that shanfield?"


A thinking driven interface.

To put it more simply, it's a remote-controlled detector.

It is equipped with an extremely precise observation instrument, which can transmit the location coordinates, temperature, humidity, angle, wind speed and other information of the target back to the operator's brain through wireless transmission.

It is because of the existence of "xianfeld", Tina can become a super sniper who can hit a hundred shots even at a distance of one kilometer.

Ann Rand implanted the neuron chip to control "xianfield" in Tina's brain, and implanted a metal balancer in her body, which solved the arm shaking caused by the heart beating and breathing of the great enemy of the sniper, making Tina a god class sniper with a hundred hits.

In addition, Tina's Owl factor has enhanced her eyesight and hearing, which makes her a super strong person specially for sniping. She has jumped to the monster level of 98 in IP ranking and achieved her reputation.

"No matter how many times I look at it, it's amazing." Liantaro spoke with deep admiration.

Although Tina was only strengthened to the limit in terms of sniping, liantaro believes that even if Tina is fighting with herself, even with Yanzhu's help, she may have no chance of winning.

Of course, it's normal to say

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