History's Top Sect Leader

V2.Chatper 51

The seven-color fighting qi practiced by Chris and Tommy is quite different from other Shushan School\'s exercises, and even more different from other schools in the practice world.

Generally speaking, if a monk has cultivated to a certain level, his energy and spirit will remain introverted, and he is no different from ordinary people from the outside.

Although Ye Wen practiced martial arts for fighting fiercely and bravely, after all, he practiced Taoist martial arts, and generally speaking, he was very neutral and peaceful. Now that he has practiced to such a level, he looks like a person from the outside. It\'s hard to tell how powerful he is, and even if he doesn\'t make a move, most people will think that he is just an ordinary young man.

But Chris and Tommy, who have cultivated the seven-color grudge, are different. After they have achieved some achievements in cultivation, they just stand there...even a blind person can feel that this is not a person to be provoked.

Chris was originally a young boy with a good figure but could only be called standard, but at this time his clothes were bulging with his strong muscles, as if he could burst the clothes at any time. Although the whole person was just standing there casually, it seemed that he could explode with tyrannical force at any time and tear anyone who dared to provoke him to pieces.

Those eyes are even more dazzling, as long as anyone who knows a little bit knows that this guy is a master - this is also a side effect of the seven-color fighting spirit, after the practice is successful, it is almost impossible to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger matter. However, this situation is very in line with the concept of Westerners, so Chris will not feel that there is anything wrong.

What\'s more, he stayed in Europe all year round, fighting with those vampires, werewolves and the like, if he seemed easy to bully, he would have more troubles, if not now, he could deter some people.

Just like now, when Chris stops there, many guys who are not very serious will hide away, and even tell some companions to see who this person is here to pick up later, so don’t accidentally choose the wrong one. The target offends a character that cannot be offended.

When Ye Wen and the others came out, they heard a lot of similar words through powerful divine sense, and when Chris came up to greet Ye Wen respectfully, those people immediately ran away——Ye Wen Xing is relatively low-key, wearing a big toad mirror, and most people can\'t see his identity.

This reaction was entirely due to Chris, and what made Ye Wen even happier was that Chris\' strength improved faster than he expected.

"The disciple has met the master!"

As the years got older, Chris became more and more respectful towards Ye Wen. Perhaps as his strength improved, his knowledge gradually became higher, and he realized how tyrannical Ye Wen was. Being able to learn something from him is the greatest blessing in my life, so I must grasp it well.

Ye Wen was wearing pitch-black sunglasses, his face with barely visible eyes turned to Chris, glanced at his hand for a while, then nodded with a smile: "That\'s right, great progress!"

Just now, Chris was reporting his cultivation results to his master, so a little red energy flashed slightly on his hand, which was the red fighting energy among the seven-color fighting energy.

According to Ye Wen\'s previous estimation, if the seven-color Dou Qi has been trained to the red Dou Qi, it means that he has truly stepped into the ranks of masters. According to his estimation, as long as he reaches the peak of the red Dou Qi, he can basically move around in this world, even if he meets a master. a certain amount of self-preservation.

Now, after learning about the situation in the cultivation world from Beihekou, he made a rough estimate, secretly thinking that the red douqi might be the watershed between monks and earth immortals. Of course, he doesn\'t know the specific gap, so he can only make a rough guess. In addition, the advancement of the seven-color grudge may be much gentler than that of the monks.

He speculated that the lower part of the green battle qi is the range of monks, while the red battle qi is the upper and lower transition points. Maybe Chris continues to practice, and when the red battle qi reaches its peak, he can be regarded as possessing the strength of an earth immortal. Of course, it is also possible that Lan Dou Qi is considered an Earth Immortal. It is hard to judge. The specific situation may have to wait until Chris has really practiced to that level.

After Chris got into the car, this time it was the extended Rolls-Royce that Ye Wen placed in the UK, which was wide enough for the group to sit down.

A group of people did a good job, and Chris immediately told Ye Wenzhi about the situation here: "There are some tricky things on Alai\'s side. This time, the Holy See may send other people to contact you, Master!"

Alai is Alessandro Flores, the person Ye Wen is most familiar with in the Holy See. In the past, the two parties communicated through this person, but this time they changed people.

Ye Wen noticed something strange from this very subtle matter, and after looking at layman Beihe, he continued to ask as if he didn\'t care, "Where is the person I told you about earlier?"

This time coming to Europe, it is naturally impossible for them to be the only ones. Apart from Beihe Layman who is the main force in finding the Magic Whip, there are many other people who will cooperate.

In the early days, someone came to Europe to make preparations. After Ye Wen knew about it, he asked Beihe to notify that person to contact Chris, and asked Chris to arrange a place for them to come over.

As soon as these words came out, Chris\'s face became very strange, and he replied awkwardly: "She is living in Master\'s villa now..."

Ye Wen noticed that Chris used "she" instead of "he" when he said it. He didn\'t expect that the person who was sent to pave the road was a female agent, but it was just the expression of Chris...

"Did that woman do anything?"

Chris shook his head: "I haven\'t done anything, but...that woman doesn\'t respect you very much, Master..."

Ye Wen was taken aback, as if he hadn\'t thought of such a situation, but he didn\'t care, it was just an inexplicable woman, he didn\'t have to deal with it. Moreover, he asked himself that he was not a saint or some well-known god. It was normal for others to respect him or not. As long as he didn\'t provoke himself in front of him, there was no need to bother.

Shrugging his shoulders to show that he didn\'t care, Ye Wen then asked Chris about the situation in Europe.

"Recently, blood clans and werewolves have seen frequent changes. Apart from a few well-known big families, there are also many hidden old guys who have started to move around recently. This time, Master..."

Chris didn\'t say what happened this time, but the meaning is that there will be more troubles this time, and there may be dangers and the like. It\'s just that he still doesn\'t know how strong his master is, and the long-haired man who came with his master, he can vaguely feel that this person is not simple, so psychologically he still thinks that this matter is no big deal to Ye Wen.

Xu felt Chris\'s gaze, and Bei He (Northern Layman\'s pseudonym in secular life is Bei He) turned his head and smiled at Chris, showing a very kind manner. Just vaguely, there was a sharp blade in those eyes. Chris was stunned for a moment, and he was full of fighting spirit, wishing to fight Bei He right away.

Bei He is a master of saber techniques, this saber practitioner is unavoidably straightforward in temperament, and also has a bit of a desire to compete, otherwise he would definitely not choose such a weapon as a saber.

When seeing Chris at the airport, Bei He had the idea of ​​competing with him, and now he was very happy to see Chris with a fighting spirit on his face, without any fear, so when the group returned to the villa, they were very happy. A posture was set up in the backyard of Ye Wen\'s house.

This trip, Ye Wen did not bring two women, but Tommy, plus Chris, a registered disciple who is already very familiar with Europe, one is that the two women are now at a critical juncture of cultivation, and the other is that this time the matter involved The one is bigger, and he can come and go freely with his own words, so if he brings two girls with him, there will inevitably be many troubles.

He wasn\'t worried about Tommy and Chris. After all, they were Europeans and Americans, and if necessary, others might not be able to find them if they mingled into the crowd.

At this time, Marven Ye was holding a glass of Coke, and a lot of fruit and popcorn were placed on the small table next to him, as if he was watching a play. While this guy Tommy cheered Chris on, he did not forget to give Marven Ye Fill your glass with drink.

"Master, how many moves do you think Chris can beat that sissy?"

Sissy naturally refers to Bei He. According to the aesthetics of Westerners, Bei He doesn\'t have that kind of exaggerated muscles. He is also very delicate. With long hair, he looks like a woman no matter how you look at it, so it is inevitable that he will give it a buckle. such a title.

Ye Wen glared at him, but saw him laughing and said helplessly: "Chris was able to survive in front of Bei He for half an hour, it\'s because of his rapid progress over the years."

As soon as the words came out, Tommy immediately changed his expression: "Can\'t you? That sissy is so powerful?"

Ye Wen glared at him again: "Stop talking nonsense, layman Beihe is a master who has been cultivating for hundreds of years, you have to respect him a bit, and don\'t talk so nonsense in the future!"

It is better to teach these things earlier, so that after the Shushan sect enters the practice world, Tommy\'s nonsense will cause trouble to the sect. The current Shushan faction is still in the stage of laying the foundation, so it is not suitable to make enemies!

Just after he taught Tommy a lesson, he heard a soft hum from his ear. He turned his head and saw a young woman standing beside Wang Zhao, about twenty-five or sixteen. A sweater with a collar, and a pair of whitish jeans at the bottom. They are plainly worn, but they undoubtedly reveal their good figure.

Especially those two long legs, which are long and straight, and the tall figure is really eye-catching. Tommy didn\'t know how many times he glanced at it just now, and even ran over to strike up a conversation—it\'s a pity that this girl almost beat her up people.

This woman is called Jiang Ning, and it is said that she is also a member of the Kunlun sect. She has not been a beginner, but her talent is outstanding, but she has only practiced in the sect for less than ten years before she was put down to practice in the mountains, which shows how talented she is!

You must know that if you don\'t learn anything after entering the sect, then the master is determined not to let him go down the mountain, otherwise what will you do down the mountain? Embarrass yourself? Ordinary people may not be able to go down the mountain to practice even if they have practiced for twenty years or nearly a hundred years.

This Jiang Ning has been working in the secular world for more than two years. Because of her outstanding talent and strength, she seems a little arrogant and arrogant. She respects Layman Beihe quite a bit. Just now, Tommy spoke to Ye Wen. When she was disrespectful to Layman Beihe, this girl would bear a grudge.

But Ye Wen didn\'t know that Jiang Ning had already thought of Ye Wen in these days, because Beihe Layman often mentioned Ye Wen in the conversation during this period, but Jiang Ning didn\'t think Ye Wen was very powerful She was very dissatisfied that Layman Beihe would teach her a lesson as soon as she opened her mouth. She was looking for an opportunity to meet Ye Wen who is so sacred, but she didn\'t expect to have the opportunity so soon.

After meeting, Jiang Ning saw that Ye Wen turned out to be such an uncommon young man, and she even looked down on him in her heart. She even felt that Layman Beihe must have misjudged him and respected such a guy so much.

"Being from the Kunlun sect, why should you bow your head to a sect whose name you have never heard of?"

Psychologically, he might not have such thoughts, but at this time, he hoped that Layman Beihe could teach that so-called Ye Wen\'s disciple severely, firstly, to show his prestige of the Kunlun School, and secondly, to tell that Senior Ye not to show off!

Although Ye Wen didn\'t do anything, in Jiang Ning\'s eyes, Ye Wen was just showing off—look now, they are standing and Ye Wen is sitting comfortably, what\'s more, they even made a bunch of drinks and melons out , you thought you were in a movie theater?

If Ye Wen heard her voice, he would probably reply cheaply: "I think this is much better than those blockbuster movies in the cinema!"

In addition, Jiang Ning was very upset about Zheng Ying\'s affairs. It\'s not that she has any conflicts with Zheng Ying. She is also very happy that her colleagues can save their lives and even step into the world of practice.

But if it\'s the Emei School, Huashan School, Wudang School, etc., she won\'t say anything, but what is your Shushan School? I have never heard of it before, and as soon as I showed up, I took over the problems that no one else could solve, saying that you can solve them! Aren\'t you slapping them in the face of these famous families?

Maybe those sect masters don\'t think so, but as these disciples who are proud of their masters, it is inevitable that they will have such thoughts. Over the years, she has also made many trips for Zheng Ying. She even found some clues in the teacher\'s door a few days ago, and she felt that she would soon find a way to solve Zheng Ying\'s physical problems. Cheerfully told her that her problem was solved, thanks to Master (Ye Wen).

"Hmph, let\'s see what you Shushan faction can do!"

Her stomach was full of displeasure, while Chris and Bei He had already moved their hands. First, one of the two burst out a flame-like green grudge, and the other summoned the portable magic weapon Tianhe Shensha to surround her body, and released a piercing knife Mang, so that people dare not face it directly. After the two sides competed for a long time, Chris\'s green grudge had a tendency to be overwhelmed.

So Chris didn\'t dare to spend any more time like this, he jumped forward directly, and at the same time received his fists at the waists on both sides, and a ball of green energy was condensed on each fist, which was the wave fist.

Wave Fist does not have to be used with both hands, it can be used with one hand. With the passage of time, Chris has mastered Wave Fist to a very high level, so at this time not only can be used with one hand, Moreover, two waves of fluctuations can be condensed at the same time, and the power will not be weakened.

Seeing that he was about to rush in front of Beihe, Chris\'s left fist slammed into the ground, and the fluctuating vigor of the fist also came out in response. Everyone saw only a flash of green light, and an explosion sounded, followed by countless dust. .

Beihe didn\'t seem to be affected by the smoke and dust, he still stood there with a smile on his face, and a second later, the Tianhe God Sand around him suddenly burst out with bright saber light, and then gathered in one place, a handle exuded The long knife of the sky-blue starlight appeared out of thin air, and the tyrannical knife aura cut directly to his right side.

The knife qi erupted, and the dust was blown away in an instant. Everyone saw Chris immediately, just at the place where the knife qi slashed, and the power of the knife was so powerful that everyone who was far away could feel it. to.

Tommy had long since lost the look of laughing just now, and the whole person looked very nervous, as if he was the one who was fighting with Bei He. After all, he and Chris are both Americans, and their relationship is relatively close, and they both practice the same seven-color fighting spirit. This battle means a lot to Tommy.

Seeing that Chris did not dodge or dodge, he suddenly shouted violently, and the green awn in his left hand became a little more intense, and then his fist turned into a palm knife, and his fighting spirit soared, forming a green blade. When he struck out, the knife light condensed by the green battle energy also burst out with strong knife energy. Before the sharp force was released, the ground under his feet cracked a hole.

Beihe was also surprised for a moment, and at the same time felt that this time seemed to be more interesting. Tianhe Shensha Fangfo sensed the master\'s thoughts, and his aura rose a little bit, and the speed increased a little out of thin air. It is the sound of unusually clear metal and iron.

At the same time, the green dou qi and the Tianhe magic knife collided to one place and burst out with tyrannical energy, and the scattered energy even destroyed the ground in a mess, even places a little further away were not spared. A back garden with a unique scenery has now disappeared. Ye Wen felt that it was a pity that he had changed into another look.

"Oh, it\'s a nice yard..."

As soon as he muttered a sentence, a figure burst out, but when he retreated, a burst of dou qi brilliance burst out all over his body, and at the same time, the ball of undulating energy that he had been holding in his hand was thrown out casually, drawing an S-shaped arc in the air The line goes straight to the back of Beihe\'s head.

If that\'s the case, Bei He doesn\'t even need to move at all. Although this wave of green light is powerful, it is impossible to hurt him. Fighting for the front, but Beihe still left a little bit as a bodyguard.

The vigor just reached the back of his head, and suddenly a lot of blue starlight appeared, forming a barrier around Beihe, and the starlight almost became the connecting points on the barrier, and the energy wall directly connected to the point, It also has the same blue brilliance as the god sand.

"Oh? Is this the protective skill of that layman Beihe?"

Ye Wenzheng found it interesting, and didn\'t want another change in the field. Chris\'s wave energy exploded violently, and then countless small red wave energy burst out from it. The power and speed were obviously stronger than the wave energy just now. I don\'t know. How much, it hit Beihe before the blue crystal wall was fully formed.

After a few crisp sounds, the unharmed layman Beihe looked at Chris in surprise, but at the last moment he used his other personal magic weapon to neutralize the fluctuating fist energy of these trumpets. Although he didn\'t suffer any damage, he was surprised that Chris could hit him, and praised: "Master Ye not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has extraordinary ability to teach his disciples!"

It is natural to praise Ye Wen by saying this, but then this Beihe layman was provoked to fight, and he actually said to Ye Wen: "This junior would like to ask senior for some advice, so don\'t refuse to ask senior!"

"Huh? Fight me?"


push book:

Title of the book "Ball King Best"

ISBN: 2082118

Introduction: His name is Li Ao, a generation of football champion Best. Lee\'s legend. All kinds of slaps, all kinds of cool. All kinds of girls.