History's Top Sect Leader

V2.Chatper 33

Shushan Civil and Martial Arts School became famous and recruited many students. After temporarily having nothing to think about, Ye Wen found himself in a state of doing nothing again.

This school is different from the sect. At that time, there were hundreds of people in the entire sect, but Ye Wen had to deal with major issues, and there were still a few apprentices who needed to be taught every day, and there were fixed things to do every day, so after ten years, Ye Wen I felt that it passed quickly, and a day that I didn\'t care much about passed.

But now it is different. The teaching in this school is done by the teacher. Although Ye Wen also has a few classes, his main purpose is to take the opportunity to examine the aptitude of these students, and the things taught are relatively Superficial Kung Fu, such as the Mian Zhang Kung Fu that the Shushan School is listed as a set that all schools can learn.

This set of palm techniques is not the most profound kung fu of the Shushan School, but in Ye Wen\'s opinion, it is the easiest kungfu to see a person\'s aptitude and understanding. Although there are only so many routines in the palm palm, the artistic conception is quite deep, and the power depends entirely on Personally, if you have good aptitude, the cotton palms you play are naturally powerful, but if you are not good, it may be difficult to improve for a long time.

Naturally, it is most appropriate to use this kind of kung fu as an investigation, so Ye Wen\'s weekly martial arts class teaches cotton palms - only moves and methods of exerting strength, and there is no way to use internal strength.

Even if you teach these children the method of internal energy exercise, they still can\'t learn it, not to mention it is too difficult to practice internal energy in this situation. Back then, Tommy was able to develop a sense of energy. Ye Wen was also surprised. After studying for so long He finally discovered that a lot of it was due to the seven-color fighting spirit.

The common point of the two sets of methods, Seven-Color Fighting Qi and Absolute Domain, is to absorb all energy for one\'s own use, transform it into energy in one\'s own system, and let the practitioner use it.

Ye Wen didn\'t pay much attention to this when he was able to practice internal skills, but now he realizes how overbearing this characteristic of these two skills is.

To put it simply, the earth\'s environment is getting worse and worse, and the spiritual energy that practitioners rely on is getting poorer, but this does not mean that there is no energy on the earth-if that is the case, the earth will become a desolate planet. There will be no life of any kind, neither plant nor living.

So as long as there are creatures, it means that the earth itself still has energy, but the spiritual energy that is most valued by practitioners is about to be exhausted.

Of course, all cultivators rely on spiritual qi, but there are some differences. Cultivators rely the most. There is less and less aura in the earth\'s environment, so it is a devastating blow to practitioners, but it has little impact on those who use other energies for cultivation.

This is when the Eastern monks have begun to have a headache for life and death, while the Western Holy See, vampires, werewolves, etc. are still living in this world very chicly.

At the same time, those who practice special evil methods, such as those who practice with the blood of living people and fierce and hostile energy, can also run around and live more and more smoothly.

The demand for aura in the Wuxiu lineage is also slightly different from that of cultivators, but generally speaking, the two are relatively close, but it is easier for Wuxiu to adapt to the current environment than cultivators. The only problem is that the current harsh environment causes It is difficult for those who intend to take the road of martial arts to step into the threshold.

But now Ye Wen doesn\'t need to think about these issues anymore. The characteristics of seven-color grudge and absolute domain allow Ye Wen to discover his greatest advantage in this world - completely ignoring the situation of the earth\'s energy composition, and can cultivate a large number of masters.

"Transform all energy..."

At the beginning, Ye Wen only thought that this point was quite similar to Beiming Shengong and Yijinjing, but now he realized that compared with Beiming Shengong and Yijinjing, these two exercises are more overbearing.

As long as he can find a suitable disciple, he can let this person practice one of these two techniques, regardless of spiritual energy, heaven and earth energy, or other things, and then...

What is strange to Ye Wen now is that Beihe Layman said that he would go to Emei to send a message. He also said that in the next period of time, Mount Emei and Mount Qingcheng would definitely become extremely lively, and there would definitely be many monks running around. know things.

However, half a year has passed, and he lives on the side of the Shushan Mountains, but he has neither seen nor felt any abnormal phenomena. He spends time every day trying to put his divine sense into the widest range to investigate the situation. Unfortunately, Nothing was found, and the entire Shu land was still so peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

Of course, he doesn\'t care if there are no circumstances. After all, he is still working hard to select disciples. He has found a few young people with good qualifications these days, and he is still investigating the character of these people. If they are really good, he is also prepared After fighting with these young people for a while, they began to teach those magical kung fu.

In addition, the biggest thing that happened during this period was a broken cheat book in his hands.

"Five Colors Divine Light Fragments"

Ye Wen knows what the five-color light is, but it is a very powerful thing. It is not clear whether it should be counted as a magic weapon or a skill. The only thing that is certain is that this thing is very good, very good, very good!

And what surprised Ye Wen the most was that he got this thing not because of his good luck, but because of the result of an experiment he was doing.

These days, Ye Wen saw that Huayi\'s colorful light belt was powerful, but no matter how difficult it was to improve, he thought about what advice he could give Huayi, but this colorful light belt was already exquisite enough. I really can\'t think of any kung fu that matches Hua Yi\'s kung fu and is stronger than this light belt.

"Even if you give me a hint, at least it will give Huayi a direction to work hard..."

It\'s a pity that Ye Wen didn\'t have much impression of kung fu magic weapons like ribbons, even if he wanted to copy one like a cat or a tiger, he couldn\'t think of anything suitable.

At this time, Ye Wen was holding a ball of Huayi\'s light and energy in his hand, but it was cut off by himself when he was exchanging lessons with Huayi just now. Because of the solid energy, it has not dissipated for a while.

A band of colored light about the size of a palm hovered in his palm for a while, just like a handkerchief, except that it glowed slightly, and the color was particularly bright.

After thinking for a while, Ye Wen didn\'t know which string was in the wrong place. It might be that he saw the ring on his finger when he was looking at the light strip, so Ye Wen smiled and said: "I Unexpectedly, maybe this thing can give me an idea!"

Then he spit out all his strength, wrapped the colorful light band and sent it to the ring, and said while practicing: "I don\'t know if the thing that Hua Yi made up will cause the ring to respond. ..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Wen heard the familiar reminder sound in his head. The baby who spoke this fairy tale was like those high-tech computers when he opened his mouth. Ye Wen really didn\'t get used to it, but he got used to it over time. At this moment, when the voice sounded, Ye Wen came back to his senses after a moment of astonishment. , followed by a burst of joy.

"Is it really useful?"

Because the prompt he heard was very similar to the prompt when he used the summoning energy with the Kuntian Treasure Sword, the only difference was that the ring did not say that it had detected the Kuntian Treasure Sword Strength, but instead said \'unknown strength\'— ——It seems that Huayi\'s light belt has already broken away from the category of Tianmo Gong, so the ring will make such a judgment.

Sending his true energy into the ring, he already knows that as long as the ring determines the type of true energy for the first time, what he has to do next is to provide enough \'energy\' to the ring. As for what type of energy is it? It doesn\'t matter anymore.

And after a while, the ring suddenly flickered slightly, just like a very small light bulb turned on, and then a thin volume fell into Ye Wen\'s hands.

Holding the volume in front of him, Ye Wen was so frightened by the large characters that he almost threw the things in his hand on the ground. It was because the big characters of five-color divine light on it were too frightening.

"Isn\'t it so cruel? Huayi\'s true energy can actually summon such a heaven-defying thing?"

But then he noticed that the name on the scroll was not only the four characters "Wise Shenguang", but also the very inconspicuous word "remnant scroll" at the back. If Ye Wen hadn\'t read it carefully, I\'m afraid that the obvious The two characters that are several sizes smaller are ignored—if you don’t know it, you may think it is a punctuation mark at a glance!

"Your sister! Can you stop fooling me like this?"

Opening the volume, Ye Wen probably took a look to understand what the word "fragmented volume" represented!

Not to mention the five-color divine light, it is said that it is the unique skill of Kong Xuan, a super-great man in ancient times, who is known as invincible under the saint in Fengshen! If Ye Wen really acquired such a skill, then he doesn\'t need to practice any Heavenly Treasures, just practice the five-color divine light!

But will things be so good?

Of course not, and with Ye Wen\'s current cultivation base, it seems impossible to reach the level of cultivating five-color divine light, so when Ye Wen opened the volume, the first sentence on it almost made him vomit blood.

This skill is based on the unique skills of the super powerful Kong Xuan, but this skill is a product of castration in a fake village. It is not the original five-color light, and its power is also very different from the original version. Practitioners should not be too complacent!

Just such a sentence made Ye Wen spurn his ring bitterly, especially the spoofed opening made him wonder if his ring was inhabited by a bully, and this time he deliberately tricked himself?

Since the things produced by the ring before are not bad, especially the kung fu with names and surnames is very good, this time it is called the five-color light, even if it is a copycat castration version or a fragment, it is not too much to think about. Rotten - after all, it is something that Ye Wen has used up all of his skills. If he can practice, then his power should be guaranteed.

At the same time, I summoned this thing with Huayi\'s true energy as a guide, that is to say, in the eyes of the ring, this exercise is more suitable for Huayi at present. If this is the case, there should be no problem that it cannot be cultivated.

Turning the volumes backwards, Ye Wen finally understood why this book is called a copycat castration edition and it is still a fragment. The five-color divine light of the original edition was created when the chaos first opened, and a trace of innate chaotic energy was generated when the five elements were divided. Yes, and at the same time, it was formed through Kong Xuan, a super spiritual creature.

The body of the five-color divine light is five peacock tail feathers, and it took tens of thousands of years for the powerful man who later switched to Buddhism to become the king of peacock Ming to refine the five-color divine light for his own use—at this time Ye Wen even He didn\'t need to use his head to understand that this thing is definitely not something that he can get now. Even if he got it, he doesn\'t have tens of thousands of years to refine it.

Therefore, this five-color divine light book is just a product imitated based on some characteristics of the five-color divine light, and then through a reverse deduction method, this unique skill that is not clear whether it is a treasure or a kung fu is turned into a set of cultivation methods .

And the so-called copycat castrated version of the fragmented scroll in Ye Wen\'s hands is actually a part of the cultivation method of the copycat five-color divine light. According to the scroll, if you can practice all of this scroll, you will be able to practice the five-color divine light Isshiki!


Ye Wen held the volume in his hands for a while, speechless, feeling that the so-called copycat castration and incomplete scrolls actually mean this, the five-colored light, your copycat version is not powerful, let alone mention it, it’s a waste of a lot of energy, but it’s only possible to practice five-color Isshiki in the divine light, is this really too weak?

But after reading it later, Ye Wen became more and more shocked, and found that what he had thought earlier seemed too simple. He didn\'t realize how awesome this so-called fake five-color light is until he read the whole volume, even if it is not as good as the original version. Five-color divine light, but if you practice it well, you can definitely walk sideways on the earth!

Copycat five-color divine light, divided into six volumes! Among them, the five volumes are the cultivation methods of one of the five colors, and the last volume is the method of unifying the five colors into one and becoming the real five-color divine light.

In other words, the book in Ye Wen\'s hand is only one-sixth of the cultivation method!

These five colors are also like the real five-color divine light, which is divided into five elements. Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth correspond to a scroll, and each attribute also corresponds to a divine light, and corresponds to the five colors of white, blue, black, red, and yellow.

The volume he is holding in his hand is the cultivation method of Gengjin Shenguang. If Huayi can cultivate this golden light, then he can conceive a white divine light in his body. This white divine light belongs to Gengjin. It is a magic weapon spell, and it also has the characteristics of Gengjin Qi and heavy killing. It does not simply exist in the form of divine light, but can also be transformed into various forms to directly attack the enemy when necessary.

"Hiss... so overbearing!"

Ye Wen understood what this meant when he saw this. As long as Huayi practiced this Gengjin divine light, then gold spells would be ineffective against Huayi in the future. At the same time, Huayi could also use his own purple energy to condense purple Like Xiao Jian, she uses the Seventh Gold Divine Light to transform into a flying sword to attack the enemy—and unlike Ye Wen, if her Seventh Gold Sword Qi transforms into a flying sword, it is really no different from a flying sword with the power of Seventh Gold !

Although Ye Wen only has one volume here, he still knows from some formulas similar to the general outline that the other four divine lights have similar effects to this Gengjin divine light. It will improve a lot, until all five divine lights are practiced.

This is not over yet, according to the scroll in his hand, the cultivation of the five rays of divine light is nothing but the foundation of this method, and the real subtlety lies in the content of the sixth volume, the fusion of the five colors of divine light!

The five-color divine light claims to be able to brush everything, and the five-colored divine light can only restrain magic weapons of the same type. Even the counterfeit objects are too discredited by the five-color divine light. It can\'t be called five-color light at all. Even if it\'s just a copycat.

Only 10% of the sixth volume can be regarded as the counterfeit version of the five-color light. After the five elements are unified, it can encompass everything in the world. Only then can the five-color light have the confidence to deal with all magic weapons, just like the real five-color light Similarly, if any person, object, or treasure is brushed into the divine light, the entry and exit of life and death depends entirely on the user\'s one thought.

What surprised Ye Wen the most was the last paragraph of this volume, where it was clearly written: If the cultivation base is extremely high, and the understanding and talent are all extraordinary, you can continue to deduce the five-color divine light in reverse, and then let the five-color divine light Light evolves chaos with the Qi of the Five Elements, and then turns into the Qi of Innate Chaos and then re-differentiates the Five Elements. If this can be done, then the five-color divine light will really be the five-color divine light, and there is no need to use the word "cottage"... …


Ye Wen looked at these words for a long time without saying a word, it is absolutely impossible to say that he is not tempted! How could ordinary people be able to resist the temptation of becoming a real five-color divine light?

He didn\'t think about hiding the exercises and not giving them to Huayi. What he was thinking about was whether he should give up the treasure of the sky, which he was still working hard on, and switch to five-color divine light?

But after thinking about it, he found that the five-color divine light was just a big pie for the practitioners at the end, and he didn\'t even mention whether it could be practiced or not. It is better than the one from Huntian Baojian.

"At most, there is a lot of room for development, but this room for development is that the practitioner himself is extremely talented. Only by continuing to deduce the five-color divine light in reverse can he reach the realm mentioned in the volume! But if there is such talent, it is No matter what kung fu you practice, you won\'t be weak!"

Ye Wen has never thought that his talent is so powerful, even though he seldom has the problem of being stagnant because of not being able to comprehend the exercises. But he knew that he relied on adventures and rings first, and he never relied on his own understanding to make continuous breakthroughs like those real diligent practitioners.

Therefore, he doesn\'t want to comment on the big cake drawn in the last part of this copycat five-color light!

He lowered his head and thought about his Huntian Treasure Mirror, and Ye Wen suddenly realized: "The five-color magical skill uses the five elements to reverse chaos, but the true energy of the Huntian Treasure Mirror also corresponds to all things in the world, and everything in the world is also born of chaos. If I wait The ten levels of true qi in the Huntian Treasure Mirror have been cultivated, so it is possible to use the true qi of the Huntian Treasure Mirror to deduce chaos! In that case, the Huntian Treasure Mirror may also change, so why bother to be obsessed with the five-color divine light technique? "

"Furthermore, even if the five-color divine light is genuine, it is only claimed to be invincible under a sage, and our Huntian Treasure is more or less created by a real sage, and it should be higher than the five-color divine light!" But remembering that these two kung fu are not a systematic routine In the past, Ye Wen\'s last question to himself seemed very unfounded: "It should be..."


ps: The thunder started in the evening, and it just stopped... I don’t know if someone is going through the catastrophe!