His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 935: I want you

Wei Wei came out of the bathroom, his cheeks flushed with heat, and said to her, "It's time for it to be miserable."

Qian Ming hummed, and his thoughts pulled back.

Turning his head, he inadvertently saw Wei Wu's surprised look when he picked up the phone and looked at it.

Such an expression is rarely seen on her face.

Then, a touch of joy with a little shame turned away from the corner of her mouth, she lowered her head and pressed the phone twice, and then put it to her ear.

Qian Miao raised his mind and went to take a bath.

The bathroom was scorching hot, she soaked in the warm water, her fingers suddenly scraped onto the bathtub with a sigh.

Looking down, the fake wedding ring on the ring finger has not been taken off.

She reached for it, and her hand suddenly paused.

After a few seconds, she dropped her hands, closed her eyes, and continued to soak.

Wei Wu took the initiative to call Feng Can.

When the other party received it, his voice was a little incoherent, and he made a haha ​​laugh, as if trying to ease the embarrassment.

Wei Wu had his missed call on his mobile phone, so he took the initiative to go back.

"I was taking a shower just now, so I didn't hear it." Wei Wu said softly.

Feng Can smiled twice again: "It's okay, it's okay, I have nothing serious, I just pressed it wrong!"


"Nothing, hahaha."

"It can be said, it's okay." Wei Wu said.

Feng Can coughed lightly and asked, "It's nothing, just...ah, did I watch the show?"

He came up with this sentence.

Wei Wu said with certainty: "Look! I remember all the lines."

Feng Can had a meal: "Always remember?"

Wei Wu said a few words.

Feng Can was silent for a while.

Wei Wu said: "Feng Can classmate?"

"Oh, it's okay, I... Then there's nothing wrong with me."

"Something's going on." Wei Wu said.

In the silence, she said: "I want to ask, you can..."

"What can you do?"

Wei Wu changed his words and said: "I'm here, I really want to."

Feng Can's voice stuck, and a slight breathing sound came over.

Suddenly, he laughed a few times and said, "We also missed us."

"I just want to." Wei Wu said seriously.

Feng Can coughed: "So,...Is your boyfriend upset?"

"I don't have a boyfriend." Wei Wu said.

Feng Can's voice became serious.

"No boyfriend? How come, don't we still wear a couple diamond ring?"

After he finished speaking, he gave a ho, as if he accidentally missed his mouth.

"I don't have a boyfriend, I really don't!" Wei Wu stood up with a firm voice.

Feng Can seemed to be taken aback, his voice paused, and he said, "I...I believe it, but what's the matter with the photo?"

"What picture?"

"I'll send it to you in a while, let's chat on WeChat."

"Okay." Wei Wu took the initiative to cut off the phone and entered WeChat anxiously.

She wanted to see who made her rumor.

Feng Can quickly sent her a photo, which was an intimate photo deliberately taken by her and Lin Zifan.

In fact, it's not very intimate when it comes to intimacy, that is, I took a photo with my shoulders together, deliberately showing the diamond ring.

Lin Zifan is smiling, and her face is mild at best.

How could this photo appear on Feng Can's side?

Wei Wu: Who gave it?

Feng Can: It was sent by Lin Wenyu.

Wei Wu: She?

Why did Lin Wenyu have this picture?

This incident involved the matter of this operation, and it was definitely not easy to leak out suddenly.

Wei Wu: It's just acting, not really.

Feng Can: Acting, that's how it is.

Feng Can's tone became brisk.