His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 932: Cuckold me in front of me

As soon as these words fell, there was a sudden movement in the group.

Sun Yi: I was really scared to death just now! Fortunately, the fire people arrived in time!

One: I was really scared to pee, really! Don't act so blindly next time, it's really a sheep's mouth, and it's almost annihilated!

Lu: Professor Si also said that Fire’s people are useless. I think it’s very useful. Xiao Tang, a newcomer, can predict that this is a game, and Fire also sent someone to save us!

"The fire person?" Lin Zifan looked at Wei Wu: "Aren't you two here this time?"

Wei Wu: "I don't know, go and take a look."

The two quickly rushed towards the place Qian Miao gave.

When they arrived, Qianmiao and Fengxian were already waiting there.

Not far away, just across from Husband and Wife City.

When the two walked out of the door, they were suddenly stopped by someone at the door, and then they were given a bag of souvenirs.

Lin Zifan opened it as he walked, and said with a smile: "Wedding candy cakes."

Just after speaking, I saw the little girl take off the ring.

When he came to Qianmiao, he deliberately glanced at her and Fengxian's fingers, they were still wearing rings.

Qianmiao saw that he looked wrong, and said, "Something happened?"

Lin Zifan raised the two rings.

Qianfeng: "Oh."

Lin Zifan: "Don't pity me?"

"Why do you feel sorry for me?"

"Hey, we both wear the same."

He handed the lady's ring to Qian Yan.

"Wear me a hat in front of my face?" Fengxian's voice slowly.

Lin Zifan was startled and forgot that there was this big Buddha next to him.


The four people returned to the hotel.

In the group news, the dozen people all returned to the hotel to rest.

As soon as she entered, she heard everyone thanking.

"Thanks to guys, it scared us to death. Just now, those people are not humans. With such a big needle, they just poke them on human skin!

"The kung fu we did just now are really cool. Did you learn it since you were young? I thought it was only in TV series."

"Fire is really talented. I took back what I said last time. Please go back and help me talk to Polita and Dongli, saying that I was offended last time. Thank you."

"Saviors, these are all saviors."

"It's really thanks to our fire this time. Is there still a shortage of people there? I want to sign up too."

"No shortage."

"I really want to get in there. Look, they even accept Xiao Tang Xiaowei's kind. How can we say they are more qualified than them. They are still in school."

"It can't be compared."

"Just now, we were really handsome, by the way, how do we know we are there?"

In the room, five well-dressed men and women were thanked by more than a dozen dispatchers, but they just nodded slightly and said nothing.

On several beds lie Shu Yu, Shi Yuqi, and several men.

They were all given injections.

Just like the fallen green cabbage leaves, several people slowly raised their eyes and looked at the four of them.

The five fire members also turned their heads.

"Old..." The five people all said in unison.

Qianmiao looked over, and they shut up in time.

Feng Xian's eyes changed slightly, and there was no sound.

"Xiao Tang, where have you been? Why didn't you see us just now?"

Lin Zifan said: "What's the matter with us? Xiao Mian didn't say that this is a game? Why are we stupidly rushing into it one by one?"