His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 930: Anti-design

Haixi threw a report to her and said, "See it for yourself."

Qian Miao took it, lowered his head and looked at the ID slowly.

Twenty-five seconds later, she raised her eyes and stretched out her hand towards Haixi: "Give me the agreement."

Haixi saw her compromise, and her smile was different from the previous one: "Just figure it out, don't worry, my research will not disappoint. In the future, we will become famous in the world together."

With that said, the agreement has reached Qian Mian's hands.

She pressed the cap and placed the tip of the pen in the signature area.

She raised her eyes and smiled faintly at Haixi: "Different ways, don't seek each other."

Haixi was puzzled, but saw that she had begun to write.

The moment I wrote down, the surrounding suddenly became dark!

Haixi and others were surprised, and suddenly heard a few sudden noises.

A female voice flicked in her ear: "Thank you."

Then came the exclamation of his subordinates: "X-2 was snatched away!"

Everyone became a mess in an instant.

Haixi was angry: "Catch me!"

A dozen people rushed out of the room and ran towards the light.

Haixi's footsteps were severely killed, and he ordered in a cold voice: "Everyone is on guard, no fly is allowed to let me out!"

"Doctor, please rest assured, our guards are tight, she can't get out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people who ran to the atrium lobby in front suddenly stopped, and everyone shuddered.

"What's going on!" Haixi quickened his pace, her voice harsh.

When she stepped into the light, the dissatisfaction between her eyebrows was immediately replaced by shock.

The whole person hall is surrounded by people, it is the local police force!

The headed man wore an official uniform with a serious face.

More than a dozen of them have over-white skin, and they are her subjects.

One of them identified her: "It was she who forced us to test the medicine, and she forced us to sign the agreement! She also imprisoned us!"

Haixi's eyes darkened, his eyes searched for Tang Qianxiang, but he didn't even see him in person!

"Take it all for me and take it back!"

An angry male voice came, Haixi was shocked, her face was full of unwillingness, and she gritted her teeth and watched these people approach her.

In front of my eyes, I seemed to see Tang Qianmin's smile that represents victory!

"Okay, I dare to design me, better than my mother!" She gritted her teeth and said, the next second, her hand was bound.

At the same time, Qianmiao ran out of the dilapidated building with a suitcase, and stood on a tall tree watching the police take away those people.

After more than ten minutes, the surroundings of the building returned to quiet, leaving only a part of the police force to block the area.

Qian Miao jumped up, followed by a tall figure, standing beside her.

"How do you see that this is a game?" Feng Xian asked lightly, staring at the police car going away.

Ever since seeing Haixi, Qianmiao has been strategizing and guiding their actions.

Wei Wu and Lin Zifan were responsible for dealing with the people in the husband and wife city and distracting them, while he contacted the police, found their headquarters according to the information given by Qian Mian, took them in one fell swoop, and rescued all the experimental subjects.

Now, I have successfully got X-2.

Qian Miao looked back at the other box in his hand, and asked, "This is the box of seeds?"

"Well, it's quite deep, it took me a lot of effort to crack the code," Feng Xian said in a shallow voice.

Qian Miao returned to the topic just now and said slowly: "It's easy to know if a person is hostile to oneself."

Feng Xian looked at her face, with a trace of pampering in her gentle eyes: "Teach me?"

(Good night, everyone.)