His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 926: Before we two cooperated, it was a secret

Shi Yuqi: I said that the east side was in such a sudden chaos. I thought it was some kind of activity. It turned out that they were fighting. They were fighting, what about? Why do you have time to look at your phone?

Shu Yu: Don't waste your time and quickly explain your identities, don't beat yourself up!

Si Han: This FOX and Lin Zifan are not too young anymore. Why are they so unstable? Let the two little girls instigate them, and they don't have their own opinions!

Sun Yi: Team leader, hurry up and order, leave these kids alone.

Leader: @唐千缈 See Haixi? Why is this a bureau?

Shu Yu: Team leader, ask what so many do, what she knows as a child.

Shi Yuqi: News came from that building again. The guards gathered to drink and were lazy. The best chance!

Si Han: As far as I can see, everyone is mobilizing now to rescue people in one go!

Team leader: Everyone, don't say anything, wait for Xiao Tang to reply.

Here, Qianmiao couldn't stare at the phone all the time. Haixi's shrewd eyes looked at her from time to time, full of temptations.

Not in a hurry to speak, his eyes seemed to penetrate her.

The topic was broad. I talked about the laws of the Golden Elixir Kingdom, and I also talked about the support for this experiment. After a while, I slowly returned to the topic and said: "My boss made some requests that I couldn't accept. I had no choice but to Escaped."

Qian Mian: "Leng Lizard know about it. He said that he bought a box of experimental seeds from here, and that thing was snatched midway. It is said that he is back here again. I don’t know where it originally went. where is it?"

Haixi smiled deeply: "Before we worked together, it was a secret."

Qianmiao lowered his eyes and didn't rush to speak.

Seeing the information on the phone, he quickly went back to the past.

Tang Qianyan: @ Team Leader's situation has changed, don't act rashly.

This passage was quickly made fun of by the "adults" in the group.

Shu Yu: There is no basis for this, who told it? The feeling of relying on it?

Si Han: Children are children after all, don't wait for them, let them play by themselves.

Shi Yuqi: I'm going out with Lingjiu to meet up with them, and leave the matter about Haixi to them.

Qian Mian sent a message to Feng Xuan, so he took the phone away so as not to arouse Haixi's suspicion.

Suddenly, Haixi pressed her hand, her eyes were shrewd and cunning: "Really didn't eat BDR?"

Qianman didn't move his hand, and calmly asked, "The number 13 captured by Leng Lizard died suddenly during the escape the other day. Where are the people who were with her now?"

Haixi was silent, with a smile in her eyes: "I know a lot."

She shrugged: "They are all human experiment volunteers. They signed the agreement. We will also pay the corresponding remuneration, which is reasonable and legal. As for the escape, I don't know about this. We have never forced them."

There was a gleam of confidence in her eyes: "Besides, my current project is no longer the one that was banned back then. Country G, I really can't control my head. The ideas in my heart can disappear."

She laughed again: "On the contrary, the child, it is dangerous. If I report to the government of Country G, the experiment will not go on, and I will go to jail, eh?"

"But if you cooperate with me and support my current research, we will be grasshoppers on a rope. Our Yihuan Pharmaceutical has a great influence in the world. I hope my research can be taken seriously. It's that simple. "