His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 904: Are you members of fire?

Shu Yu raised her lips slightly, but said: "Professor Si, don't be angry for now, just two children."

"Children? Already almost 20 years old or children? Adults, should be sensible, come to school and not study, all day long thinking about asking for leave q asking for leave! This attitude is not worthy to come to our training team! Go ahead!"

Everyone has never seen Si Hanfa so angry.

Lin Wenyu was standing outside, and it was quite scary just to hear it.

She made a small video and sent it to her mother.

Mom, my cousin was kicked out of the training team.

The message had just been sent, and she suddenly felt something was wrong.

It's quiet inside.

Suddenly it became quiet.

She was suspicious: "What's wrong? Why are Professor Shu and Teacher Shu both dumbfounded?"

The classmates next to him also looked puzzled: "I don't know. After Tang Qianfan took out two invitation books, the teacher was stupid and didn't know what it was."

Others also squeezed their heads and looked in, but couldn't see.

Indoors, Si Han and Shu Yu stared at the invitation letter lying quietly on the table with suspicious eyes.

Shu Yu picked it up, opened it, and looked surprised: "Are you members of Fire?"

Qianmen: "Yes."

Wei Wu also nodded.

She didn't know where Qianmiao got the invitation letter, but she just followed it, it didn't matter.

Si Han sighed, and picked up the invitation letter and studied it repeatedly to see if it was fake.

Two minutes later, he put down the invitation letter and looked at them suspiciously.

"You two, how can you get into fire?"

Shu Yu said in a joking tone: "Professor, I actually think that fire is already the scenery of the past. Look at the two people who were sent in front. The business ability is really not good. Now I have filmed two new people here... This is not a teacher. Say ah, in fact, this group is not so easy to enter, it is not your usual house, it is very dangerous."

Qianfeng: "How dangerous is it?"

"Well, it's not suitable for you to play anyway."

Si Han: "Fire's exam questions have become easier?"

He squinted, his eyes serious.

Qianmiao said bluntly: "It's easy."

Shu Yu and Si Han glanced at each other and curled their lips.

Si Han said: "It turned out to be weak, no wonder."

Qianmiao's mouth twitched slightly and smiled a little coldly: "Decline?"

"It's not that you think you can go in? It's not that they can't recruit people, so they recruited you!" Si Han said seriously.

Shu Yu said: "The professor couldn't enter the exam three times before, but you can do it now, which is enough to show that it's not working."

"You took the exam three times?"

Si Han frowned: "I took the test three times at its peak, which is different from yours now! I didn't think about it as early as when it was in decline! I think it can’t even compare to Teacher Shu’s detective agency. !"

As he said, he kept shaking his head: "It's so ridiculous, letting people who have never even gone to college enter the group, or two children, isn't it for us to hold back!"

Shu Yu said indifferently: "In this way, you two don't care about this invitation letter. We will explain to you. It is better to have two people less to help than two more people."

She smiled slightly: "Although the teacher speaks a little straighter, it is also true. You are not qualified enough to join the group and it is inevitable that you will make a joke. Moreover, you are still students. You should stay and study hard. This kind of thing is not your turn to worry about."