His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 886: If you move her, you will pay back a hundred times

He slowly got up, but was picked up again by Baiju who had just arrived, and threw it out again!

There was another bang, and the cold lizard felt pain all over the body, pain deep into the bone marrow!

When he was about to get up again, Atractylodes squatted down, holding his clothes in his hand, and his beautiful eyes filled with stormy haze, and his voice was as soft as jade, but cold and ruthless: "If you move her, it will be a hundredfold repay."

The cold lizard pupil suddenly tightened!

He panicked! He is numb all over now, he can't even stand up!

This was not the result he expected. He hadn't even made two moves just now, and he was thrown down by Baiju. He is dissatisfied!

But looking at the man with shady birds all over his face in front of him, he had no idea.

A touch of panic ran across the eyes.

He suddenly remembered something, and immediately reached out and made several gestures!

The person sitting in front of the computer immediately understood, opened the program, and prepared to release the mechanism.

The dry ice floated out suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, it should be a fine needle flying towards Atractylodes!

There is anesthetic on it, which can make people slow down instantly!

He was expecting, expecting, but expecting nothing!

The dry ice came out, but the silver needle did not come out at all!

He eagerly looked at the person guarding the computer, his eyes wanted to kill!

The other party also looked anxious, didn't know what happened, and kept his head down.

Suddenly, a devilish voice came from Leng Lizard's ear: "Your death date is here."

In the beautiful mist of dry ice, the cold lizard was lifted by Atractylodes and threw it into the big water tank with a bang!

Everyone was shocked.

Qianmiao's expression was silent, her eyes deep, she looked at the man in the water tank indifferently, looked at his swollen face, looked at him struggling, looked at him like a dry duck that doesn't know water, struggling underneath for a long time. , Just surfaced, but no one stretched out his hand to pull him.

This scene reminded her of every second of being sunk into the sea.

Cold, uncomfortable, stimulating her every second!

Suddenly, Feng Xian stretched out his hand and pulled him up, but when he was inhaling air, he threw him into another water tank like a trash!

Leng Lizard's men were surprised and came out begging for mercy one by one.

The corners of Feng Xian's lips chuckled, her voice cold: "This is just the beginning."

As soon as Leng Lizard climbed up, he was lifted by him again. The fist that used the most brutal force landed heavily on Leng Lizard's stomach and face, punch after punch, so that the opponent could not fight back!

When Leng Lizard tried to crawl away, his hand was severely stepped on, just like he had made people beat a thousand people at the beginning, the heart-piercing pain in his fingers instantly penetrated the limbs!

"I admit defeat! I admit defeat!" He growled vaguely.

Feng Xian chuckled lowly: "It's too late."

His whole body exudes a trembling **** breath, even if he faced the challenge of the All League at the beginning, he was not as fierce and unfeeling as he is now.

The cold lizard yelled: "Three rudder owners, if this continues, life will be lost! You stop Baiju! The referee! The referee!"

They all swarmed up, all ran to the big water tank, trying to fish out the cold lizard.

These people are all men, not a single woman. All of them are brothers who were born and died with Leng Lizard. If Leng Lizard still has such affection, I am afraid it is only this kind of brotherhood.

He personally admires the idea that women are like clothes and men are like brothers, and never put women and men in the same position. These subordinates naturally followed him to taste a lot of sweet benefits.