His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 873: The cold lizard ran to find Atractylodes for a heads-up!

The next day, the moment the sun rose, the sun illuminates one side of the tall building.

Dozens of people gathered under the tall building, pointing their heads up to a certain place on the top of the building.

There, a person was hung outside the wall of the building with only his hands tied with a rope. When the wind blew, his body shook slightly.

"Who is that person? How is his whole body colored? It's painted in skittles! He seems to be wearing shorts! It looks cold!"

"Hahaha, he wrote the words I am a sext on his back!"

"It was written earlier that I want God to slap me! I'm going, who is this, self-abuse! It's so funny!"

"Definitely he didn't write it himself! Who is that stupid, but who actually hangs him up? He doesn't seem to be aware of it!"

"It's probably been hanging up all night. It was so cold last night that I was fainted by blowing."

"Don't make noise, everyone!" a man with a telescope yelled, and everyone looked at him.

He stood on the steps of the flower garden and said: "I can see clearly, that man is Lord Leng! The rudder master of Liu Ruo!"

Everyone was shocked!

Everyone gasped.

"Who is so bold to do this to Lord Leng?"

"Here, Lord Leng has the final say, he is not dead, and dare to hang Lord Leng."

"Hey hey, how dare ordinary people, think about it, who has come back recently?"

"Yes! It must be Baiju! He and Leng Lizard have grudges, and they will get revenge when they come back!" Someone lowered his voice.

"But Atractylodes macrocephalus had already abolished one of Leng Lizard's eyes back then, and he acted with integrity. This approach is not like his style!"

"Yeah, how could our White God come to Yin? He is not a cold lizard."

"It's hard to say, don't you know what happened last night? Last night, Leng Lizard started attacking the newcomer again. Maybe it was the newcomer who called for help. Baiju happened to see it, so he walked for the sky."

This statement was quickly recognized by everyone, and they all nodded.

However, there are still sane people: "Don't chew your tongue until there is no evidence, so as not to burn yourself!"

This was right, and everyone shut up soon.

It didn't take long for the cold lizard to do it.

First, I was so scared that I screamed, and then I was at a loss and horrified.

Then he yelled for someone to rescue him.

This call attracted more people to watch.

People who are not Liuruo couldn't help but laugh, and many people watched the excitement.

Leng Lizard's reputation is not good, and many people secretly scolded him as he deserved it when he was treated like this.

After being rescued, in less than half an hour, Leng Lizard's residence quickly moved in and out of several doctors, as well as many visitors.

When some people came out, they covered their mouths and laughed.

In one morning, the cold lizard was teased so that it became ill, had a fever and was wounded all over, and spread throughout the branch.

Then it was passed that the suspect was Baiju.

Because I checked the surveillance, I couldn't see anything. After thinking about it, Baiju's dislike was the biggest.

The motive is full, revenge.

Being able to do this without leaving any traces proves that the skill is not low, and it is also in line with Atractylodes macrocephalus.

So, when we were eating at noon, a message was passed to the new department.

"Hilarious! Hilarious! The cold lizard ran to find Atractylodes for singles! Everyone, hurry up and watch the fun!"

At this time, the three of Qian Miao were eating.

Hearing the news, Wei Wu glanced at Qian Mian, and whispered: "It seems to be a big game."

The development of this matter really went beyond Qianmiao's expectations, and she did not expect Bai Shu to be involved.

Wiping her mouth, she got up: "Go and see."