His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 866: Possessive seizures in men

"Old God." Heiji said while graffiti.

"Old God? Who?"

Heiji smiled and said, "It's the one who occupies the most space on the first page of the biography of characters in the history book."

Xu Xiaomo whispered these words, with memories in his mind.

Then, raised his eyes in surprise!

A subtle smile slowly bloomed in the bulging cheeks.

The black chicken looked at him with a strange smile, frowning involuntarily: "Do you know what?"

Xu Xiaomo's eyebrows jumped: "No, I'm just thinking, you newcomers can still remember a person who quit and treat him as an idol."

"We newcomers?"

"Uh, I mean we newcomers, including us!"

"Huh?" The black chicken was alert.

Xu Xiaomo didn't notice it, but was strange in his heart, how did others know when Bai Zhu came back?

Qian Mian walked along the stream of people to the viewing hall.

From behind, the familiar light fragrance faintly came.

She glanced at Yu Guang and deliberately slowed down a bit.

Afterwards, Feng Xian walked to her, holding two lanterns in his hand.

"It's a coincidence," he said.

Qian Miao looked at him without saying a word.

"I'm going to deliver lanterns." He said again.

Qianmiao's lips moved as he was about to speak, and an excited scream came from the front: "It's him! It's really him!"

A group of men and women crowded outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cinema hall, looking inside.

The heavy curtains were not closed, and everything inside was revealed.

In Qianmiao's position, I couldn't see inside, only a group of people.


Wei Wu's voice came, and she turned her head.

"Why are you here too?"

Wei Wu smiled and said: "I was dragged by them. I heard that a great **** is back, so I will come and have a look."

Wei Wu was full of curiosity about everything about the dark alliance. He happened to hear that the great **** in the history books had returned, so he came to have a look.

Hearing from the black chicken that Qian Mian was also here, she suddenly became more interested.

She leaned close to Qianmiao, and said in a voice with only two people: "Atractylodes is your idol?"

After thinking about it, Qianmiao felt that kind of feeling in his heart, and nodded: "Well, it's my idol."

Without him, maybe she would not be where she is today.

Without him, she might not have decided to stay in the dark league at that time, she would not have met all the things that year, nor would she know so many so good people.

People who can guide their own lives and influence their own decisions should be idols.

She didn't know that after she had finished speaking, a man next to her lip lined slightly.

The lantern in his hand was completely unrecognizable by him.

He thought of Feng Can, who used to chase stars, and of fans who blocked stars at the airport on TV.

Their feelings are very passionate, and the words "I love you" can be spoken casually.

Will she have such passionate feelings too?

To the man who was regarded as an idol.

When the two girls were about to step up the stairs, he said: "Please have a meal and eat the best."

Qianfeng: "Next time, no time."

Fengxian stood in place, his forehead tight.

"Go send the lantern." Qian Miao said.

After speaking, she walked up the steps with Wei Wu and squeezed into the crowd.

Feng Xian glanced at the lantern in his hand, frowned, gave it to a passerby at random, walked under the gloomy tree, and waited slowly.

He restrained his inner impulse and persuaded himself not to restrict Qianmiao's freedom and respect her.

A man's possessiveness erodes his reason, and he always has the urge to rush out and pull people away.