His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 837: This newcomer is so handy

After a while, the sauced pig's knuckles were warmed.

Just as the camera turned away from Cui Jinghuan’s face, the old lady took a bite of the radish, then looked at her disgustingly and said, “Eat the pig’s feet.”

Qian Miao put on an expression of disbelief.

The old lady asked her to run errands to eat this pig's feet, but now she doesn't eat it?

Or does she never want to eat?

"Do you want to eat? If you don't eat, I will throw it to Ah Fu!" The old lady was hoarse.

She has a black dog in her backyard.

Qianmiao just happened to be greedy, so she wouldn't be polite to her.

"You can eat well with a mask? This pig's trotters are made by my dear boy and his grandmother. It has a unique taste. There is only one family in the world. If you can't finish it, it's a waste. I'll destroy you."

The fierce old lady.

Qianmiao thought that there was no one else here. The old lady had seen her face last time, so she wanted to take off the mask.

Before that, she was holding the plate of fragrant sauced pig's knuckles and walked to the table, wanting to put it away.

With a violent click, something suddenly flew from a distance and knocked off the sauced pig's feet unexpectedly.

All of a sudden, the clean floor was covered with greasy sauce, and eight trotters were scattered everywhere.

The department is dirty.

Qianmiao's eyes were stained with a dark color, and he slowly looked forward.

Leng Lizard brought three men, three women and six subordinates arrogantly towards this side.

Those three women were the three who were beaten away by Baiju just now.

The old lady is okay again, gloating and saying: "Little mute, you can't eat this meal."

After finishing speaking, she sucked a wide fan as if showing off, and made a hmm.

"Master Leng punishes you to clean up. How dare you sit and eat with your grandmother? You are a newcomer, so lawless!" The black whip girl's tone was crazy.

"That's right, this little mute came to grab food with me!" The old lady complained.

The cold lizard stood still, murderous.

Smiled and said: "Then, I will teach this newcomer who doesn't understand the rules for grandma."

As soon as he moved his finger, the three men behind took a step forward. Inside the black hole of each person's mask, there were a pair of ruthless eyes.

Qian Miao glanced at the sword that the old lady was laying beside, and quickly fished it out.

Before she hit three, she was at a loss because she didn't have weapons.

The old lady seemed to be very painful, so she chopped her feet anxiously: "I stole the sword! I stole the sword! The little dumb stole my sword!"

Although he was chopping his feet, the glance in his eyes gave out a touch of surprise.

When the cold lizard heard the sound, his eyes darkened, and he looked at the sword in Qianmian's hand.

Others also showed hesitation at the same time.

They all know that the telescopic sword of the old lady is not simple.

It is heavy, but it makes it flexible, but it is also very light.

Many people tried to take this sword before, but were defeated by its weight.

Now... this newcomer actually held it so lightly, just as heavy as a few catties of this sword!

Seeing this scene, the three male thugs silently raised several levels of Qianmiao's ability prediction.

Suddenly, they were kicked away by the cold lizard, and then quickly retreated to the side.

Leng Lizard stared at the sword, recalling how he couldn't even dance when he held it last time, and suddenly became interested in the newcomer.

Qianmiao was quite puzzled by their sudden look.

They all seemed to have a lot of opinions about her picking up this sword.

The cold lizard didn't say a word, and suddenly stretched his hand to the side.

Immediately afterwards, his men sent two big hammers.