His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 832: S3 master

The faint smell of medicine came, and the old lady's eyes were deep.

A certain soft emotion flashed quickly under her eyes.

After that, she quickly covered the softness with a gloating smile, clutching her belly and smiling exaggeratedly: "Hahaha, why don't I dare to wipe the oil, it turns out to be an ugly monster! Hahaha..."

Qian Mian was speechless, and his mood was not ups and downs.

Anyway, the old lady's behavioral style can always refresh her cognition.

She took the mask and put it on, and was about to leave.

Behind him continued to hear the old lady's merciless ridicule.

"I will never tell you, I have the best medicine that can cure your injury quickly, hahaha..."

Qian Miao didn't believe it, and didn't plan to ask her for help.

This sly little old lady might have done some prank waiting for her.

"I have medicine, I won't give it to you, ugly, ahhahaha..."

Stepping onto the conveyor belt, Qian Miao quickly got out of there.

She was very tired when she went to class during the day and tossed so much at night.

I just want to go back to the dormitory and get a quick sleep.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw the black chicken and Polita.

They all have food in their hands.

Seeing her, he shook the food in his hand.

"Hungry, I bought it for you." Polita said.

Qianmiao touched his stomach and signed: "I have eaten it."

"You can eat it again after you have eaten it."

As he said, he took her in for dinner.

She turned her head and glanced at the black chicken.

Sign language: "Why are you so gloomy?"

Polita smiled: "This man is sulking and wants you not to sweep the floor."

Heiji: "It was originally. Just leave the meaning on the first day. You go every day. Doesn't it make it clear that you are bullying?"

"By the way, I heard someone say just now that a newcomer walked around next door and had a good relationship with Baiju."

Qianfeng: "The newcomer is me, but I have a normal relationship with him, and it can even be said that it has nothing to do with him."

The two of them were dumbfounded, and hurriedly asked about their passing.

Qianmiao's sign language: "The old lady at the gate of Unmanned Valley asked me to get two bottles of wine from him. I just went to run errands."

Heiji: "The old lady who was the gatekeeper is a master, rated S3. She used to teach newcomers, but because of her stubborn temper, she was sent to the gatekeeper. She is a legend here."

Polita: "Who did you hear about this?"

Black Chicken: "It's in the historical records of the library. Read more books."

Qian Miao was very curious, and signed: "What's her name?"

"The codename is Konjac, but she forced others to call her grandma. Her grade is indeed the oldest, so most people call it that way. She has been here for decades, her personality has always been very stubborn, and she has committed a lot of things, but The grades are not small."

Qianfeng: "Is her main weapon a ring?"

Black Chicken: "The ring? It's not a ring. What does the ring have to do with her? She hasn't been married all her life, and her main weapon is a telescopic sword."

The mask ornaments on Polita's face moved slightly with her smile, and she said: "I'm still more interested in this Baizhu. Looking at his figure, his face must be very handsome."

The black chicken snorted: "The handsome has a shit, there is a problem with professionalism."

Qian Miao glanced over.

Polita: "By the way, when it comes to this, it has been rumored that he is going to quit these days. Why is this?"

The black chicken grilled a chicken leg and gave it to Qian Miao, and then said: "He took a platinum sheet. The task was to take out a package for the customer abroad. I don't know what was in the package. Anyway, the package was accidentally dropped on. A minefield."