His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 822: Angry Black Chicken

Her heart shrank fiercely, and then closed her eyes in disbelief, and focused on her hearing, but she could no longer hear distant sounds.

The sense of smell and hearing also failed.

She was a little flustered, thinking about these things all afternoon.

In the evening, someone came over and untied her rope.

She fell heavily.

The black chicken caught her in time.

The humanity of Leng Lizard said: "Master Leng said, you are forgiven for death, but for life, you are fined to go to Unmanned Valley for a week of cleaning work, go now!"

Black Chicken: "You deceived people too much! She didn't get a drop of water today, so let her work?!"

The other party: "Why, do you want to follow along?"

"Go and go, I have suffered for her!" Black Chicken said.

The two of them looked at each other for a second, and then laughed: "Come on, kid, don't find yourself unhappy. Our Leng master is not so kind to a man as he is to a woman. You still think that you haven't been hanging on for long enough that day, I am now Can satisfy you."

He shook the rope in his hand.

Qian Miao pushed the black chicken away, and then walked in the direction of this uninhabited valley.

As soon as the black chicken was about to follow, he was caught by the old man.

"You will only make things worse."

The black chicken shook his hand away: "When she was hanged in the morning, you couldn't turn it over after you said that you didn't hang it. Now that it's hanging, have you turned it over? Did you turn it over?"

Lao Dong was speechless when he asked.

Heiji: "She is just a minor child, you and I are so many years older than her, so you can bear to see her being bullied?"

Old Dong was helpless and angry: "I will go with you."

Leng Lizard's men suddenly applauded and clapped their hands.

The two looked back, glaring at them.

Just listen to them: "If you want to go, ask if your group leader agrees or not. Anyway, there is one more person to sweep the valley of no one. We will not object to it, hahaha..."

"Fuck you."

The black chicken cursed, and chased Qian Miao's footsteps.

Old Dong didn't move. He looked at Polita: "Go and talk to the team leader and ask for a vacation for us."

Even if the newcomer is not qualified to accept the task, he can't slack off.

Not to be absent from school for no reason.

Because every class is about rating.

The overall rating of each group will be compared, and those who fall behind will directly put the punishment on the group leader.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the team leader will not agree that the new team members are absent from school for no reason.

Qianmiao walked slowly, toward the unmanned valley.

The Unmanned Valley is not really a barren mountain.

It is a part of the rating field that can pass the test of the unmanned valley, and the final rating is at least S grade.

In this S level, 123 levels are subdivided.

In this dark alliance, there are very few people who can go to S-level, and there are very few people who can go to S3.

So not many people go there because they are not qualified to go up there. Over time, it was called the Unmanned Valley.

She took the pass given by Leng Lizard, and walked towards that side step by step.

There was no obvious anger on his face, and no uncontrollable emotions.

Just like her mask, her face expressionless.

She suddenly understood that one's dignity is earned by herself, not by others.

It’s better to make yourself stronger if you have time to cry and cry.

The black chicken rushed to her and snatched her pass.

"Lao Dong will send you to the infirmary in a while. Take a good look at your throat and nose and go."

He turned his back to her and walked forward slowly, leaving such a sentence.