His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 808: I was caught everywhere I was going to be eaten

The back door was open at this time, and many people were walking back and forth.

Most of the newcomer training is carried out here.

In the canteen, a yellow-haired man leaned on the middle pillar, looking at the little girl in front of him with disdain.

After a while, the little girl finished the meal, turned her head and smiled at him, then made a middle finger.

"Hey..." Heiji's temper came up, he couldn't see the little girl's smile, only saw her raising his **** to him "without expression".

But he can't help her. Who can let his long legs of 1.8 meters can't run away from others.

After Qian Miao finished his meal, he went straight back to rest.

In Dark League, under normal circumstances, everyone can't see each other's face, so everyone is a room.

The room is small but well equipped.

As soon as the door is closed, no one will break in.

She put her meal aside, took off her mask, and went directly to the bathroom to take a shower.

Twenty minutes later, the girl with half-dry hair was sitting on the desk in front of the window, watching the sea water churning in the distance while eating.

The afternoon sun fell on the ground, feeling a lazy and comfortable feeling.

Her room is in a tall building, and you can see far away, but you can't see anything other than the sea.

Here, there is no mobile phone, no computer, the only thing to relieve fatigue is books.

There are more types of libraries here than outside, whether it is reference books, idle books, or textbooks.

She has been here for nearly a month, and she has read all the contents of the university.

But she has just been promoted to the third grade this year.

She looked at the waves in the distance, a little confused.

She came here to hide from the bad guys who always wanted to assassinate her, and it did work here.

But there is no way to send news to her mother to let her know that she is okay.

She didn't worry less about this matter.

The rule here is that only after completing the first task can you get back your phone and everything.

But her current rating is still F, and she is firmly pressed by her head.

Sitting on the windowsill thinking for a while, she decided to talk to the big sister in the kitchen tonight.

At night, it was more than eleven o'clock.

This building is occupied by newcomers, and a day's training allows them to sleep when they touch their pillows.

At this moment, a door opened on the eighth floor.

Qian Miao dressed neatly and walked towards the stairs.

"Sleep well when you go to bed, and you will be eaten if you are caught everywhere."

An unceremonious but inexplicable male voice rang.

She turned her head and looked over.

The black chicken was leaning on the edge of the corridor, the mask on his face had been torn off, and there was a cigarette in his fingers, flashing brightly.

He carried the moonlight on his back, slowly swallowing the clouds, and glanced at her carelessly.

"Go back to sleep."

Qian Miao ignored him and continued to move forward.

The black chicken sneered, with contempt in his eyes, and smiled: "Little girl who lives and lives."

Qianmiao fell far behind her with this sound, and she has now removed all the earplugs from her ears.

Usually these earplugs are not very useful. If she wants to sleep, she can only sleep until everyone is asleep.

In addition to good listening is bad for rest, it is very useful when doing tasks.

For example, now, she doesn't have to go to Qianmen to know which direction there is someone and which one is nobody.

Perfect avoidance.

After arriving in the kitchen, she first found something to eat to fill up her stomach.

After that, he slipped into the lounge and looked for the older sister.

Today, she saw her eldest sister playing with her mobile phone.