His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 806: four years ago

Walking along the road, I soon saw the plaque with the three characters "Baishuguan".

Opposite is the material room.

Qian Miao stood outside the Baizhu Hall and looked at the furnishings inside, not in a hurry to find materials.

Atractylodes macrocephala can be seen everywhere inside.

His mask, the clothes he wears on missions, the most commonly used weapons, etc.

In addition, there are his personal biography, photos, documentaries, all in the loop.

In the middle area, a one-to-one statue of the human body was placed on the double-layer circular display platform.

Qianmiao pushed the door in. There were only three people watching the video, and it was still quiet.

She walked to the surrounding showcase and suddenly saw something.


Actually, even the surrounding area of ​​the smoke was gotten out.

Most of these woodcarvings are woodcarving works of art, and a few are jade carvings, all of which are lifelike.

In the compact cigarette case, two cigarettes are stacked, and a "No Touch" sign is placed next to it.

In the next second, Qian Mian picked up the pack of cigarettes, and a smile hung on his lips unknowingly.

four years ago.

At noon, the scorching sun was clear.

In the endless dense forest, there are hundreds of figures fast shuttle.

Someone ran fast, comparable to a cheetah or tiger, and some people looked forward and backward, cowering, walking faintly, falling shortly after running, being hit in the back, stained with blue powder, and sighing.

In a short while, someone stepped forward to arrest these eliminated people.

With every second of time, the number of people in the dense forest changes.

Five minutes later, only fifteen people remained, and they continued to run toward the depths of the dense forest.

A girl of about sixteen years old mixed in the crowd. The pure white mask was very eye-catching among the masks of different colors.

Her mask has no expression, like a robot, cold and merciless.

Just like her mask, her speed at this time is also tirelessly rushing forward.

Swishes whizzed past.

She gently avoided the attack launched from behind, and then a sneer overturned the thick wood lying in the middle of the road.

With a clatter, she landed steadily, without needing to rest for a second, she continued to run forward.

At this time, she can already see the big flag on the hill, as long as the flag is pulled out, she will be the winner of the game.

"Oh, little girl, you are tender."

A voice flew past her ear, and then she saw a yellow-haired man passing her.

His feet are like springs installed, and one foot on the trunk can pop out far away.

Unwilling to be left behind, the girl caught up with her energetically and quickly ran shoulder to shoulder with him.

In the yellow-haired man's Tai Chi mask, a pair of eyes showed surprise, and he paused for a second.

In this second, I was overtaken by the little girl.

Behind him is the distant opponent who was dumped by them.

The winner will be among them!

Just in the last one hundred meters away, the final sprint began.

Here, there is no trickery, the fight is speed.

With a bang, a wall was suddenly cut off from the side, directly embedded in the ground half a meter deep, and stood upright in front of the two of them.

The two shuffled to a halt and almost hit the wall!

The two looked at each other, then shrugged tacitly, a little helpless, a little mocking.

In the next second, fireworks will be fired in front to celebrate the birth of the first place.

At the same time, the iron wall in front of it was slowly retracted, like a lift pole standing at the exit of a parking lot.