His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 787: As long as you copy these ten thousand times, you will be granted leave

Teacher Shen: "What, what?"

He sighed, and simply said: "Then you go and copy the ten thousand times first, and I will tell Teacher Si."

He pointed to the lounge next to the school gate.

It just so happened that Shu Yu, who passed by not far away, saw this scene.

Qianmiao followed him in and watched him put pen and paper and the rules of the training team in front of them.

"Now, copy it well, behave better, and the chances of getting a leave of absence will be greater."

Teacher Shen groaned and went to see Teacher Si.

As soon as they left, Qian Mian and Wei Wu looked at each other.

One took out his mobile phone to read, the other took up a pen and began to copy.

"Miscellaneous, don't you copy?" Wei Wu turned to look at her.

Qian Mian lazily said: "Wasting time, don't copy."

Wei Wu admired her calmness very much.

There are a total of 121 words in this rule, and if you copy it 10,000 times, it won’t be enough for one day, and your hands will be useless.

After thinking for a while, she put down the pen.

Don't copy anymore.

At this time, Shu Yu walked in, looked at them twice, and said, "You are lucky, Mr. Si said, as long as you have copied these ten thousand times, you can approve fakes. Copy them well."

Wei Wu picked up the pen again and began to copy.

After a while, Qianmiao put down the phone, took the pen and looked at it, turned around, and then opened his bow left and right with one pen in one hand.

After Shu Yu went out, she saw Liao Yan rushing here.

She stopped Liao Yan: "Hey, Teacher Liao, where are you going? The meeting will start soon."

Liao Yan smiled and said, "I'm going to explain something to my two students."

"Don't, now they are being punished by Teacher Si, so you'd better not disturb them."

"When you go, they see relying on, and they are even more lawless, don't you think?"

Shu Yu's eyes made Liao Yan very uncomfortable.

Indeed, because Tang Qianming and the two did not come to train on the weekend, teachers from other schools kept reading her from behind.

Thinking of this, she said: "Then go to a meeting."

Shu Yu hooked her lips, released her arm, and continued to walk forward.

After arriving at the door of the meeting room.

Liao Yan walked in first, but Shu Yu pulled Teacher Shen aside.

"Teacher Shen, I just heard what you said to those two students just now. Are you really going to tell Teacher Si about this?"

Teacher Shen looked sad: "Yes, for a week, I can't say it, but the two children said it is a matter of life and death. I think I still have to talk to Teacher Si."

Shu Yu shook his head and said with a light smile: "Mr. Shen, you are really too kind. Nowadays students are more naughty, and lies come with their mouths open. Do you believe that there will be a life-threatening matter for the two students? One is not a doctor, and the other is not a soldier. How could it be related to that kind of thing?"

Teacher Shen hesitated: "But, this Tang Qianyan is a very famous perfumer. Others say that her perfume can cure diseases. I'm wondering if this is the case."

"Perfumer?" Shu Yu frowned, puzzled.

Teacher Shen: "You haven't watched the news some time ago? This Tang Qianmin is the famous perfumer Bai Mi. He is very famous. He had a fight with Zhang Xuela before and was in hot searches for many days. "

Shu Yu was a little embarrassed and surprised. After quickly sorting out his emotions, he said lightly: "Oh, I don't chase stars or watch these."