His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 777: She just wanted to know, and he happened to take the initiative to say


These two words echoed in Shu Yu's ears like a spell.

She couldn't hold back her face and felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Although I haven't seen each other for several years, I don't need to slap her on the spot like this.

The atmosphere is awkward.

But only she felt embarrassed.

Feng Xian dropped the words cold as water, and followed Qian Mian's heel.

Tang Qianheng was still carrying Tang Qianheng.

"The cousin is the same, why don't you talk to the teacher for you, if it is mine, I will definitely not be willing to be so embarrassed by the teacher." Lin Wenyu suddenly said.

Shu Yu got down the steps and said openly, "It's okay. After all, my girlfriend is here. Even if he is very familiar, it's not surprising that a man will be unfamiliar."

Lin Wenyu: "Girlfriend? You mean, the cousin told you that she is Feng's girlfriend?"

Shu Yu: "You don't know?"

Lin Wenyu: "As far as I know, they haven't determined the relationship yet, but they are quite ambiguous. Alas, it may be related to my cousin's style. She is a person who cares more about her own feelings and lives very freely."

When Shu Yu listened, the impression of Tang Qianxiang in his heart became even worse.

Isn’t it selfish to only care about your own feelings?

However, since there is no certainty, why did Fengxian say that that day?

This discovery made Shu Yu feel even more uncomfortable.

Tang Qianheng was sent away by Fengxian with two candies, and the only two of them were walking in the quiet plum garden.

"This row was planted by me and my mother, and she did the rest by herself." She pointed to the row of trees and said.

Fengxian joked: "I planted a row, tired?"

"No, I was young at that time, and my speed was very slow. When I planted a row of saplings and watered them, my mother had already finished everything else."

Seeing her agile and relaxed appearance, Fengxuan is in a good mood.

An idea came up quietly in his mind.

After walking for a while, Qian Mian stopped suddenly.

"I have something to tell you."

She turned to face him.

Fengxian said: "You said."

A voice was a step faster than her, and came out of Feng Xian's body.

She said: "You answer the phone first."

After speaking, he took the initiative to walk to the side.

This is the first time she has done this kind of confession.

It's awkward, a bit like a child asking his parents to admit his mistake.

The sound of sealing strings came suddenly.

When she turned her head, she realized that he had walked to the side, listening to the call with a mobile phone in his hand.

"Don't act rashly, check things out before you talk."

"The cold lizard thing," he said.

Qian Miao's face was slightly startled, a little surprised that he would tell her so directly.

Then he said: "This person is the elder of the dark alliance. He has done a lot of things recently. Apart from framing my shipping company, he seems to be doing some shameful things. I'm investigating. In a short period of time...no Get rid of him."

This short paragraph made Qian Miao silent for an instant.

What a coincidence, she just wanted to know if he was going to deal with the cold lizard, and he happened to tell her?

Fengxian: "What are you going to tell me?"

"It's also about the cold lizard." She stared into his eyes and said.

With a drum in my heart, I didn't know where to start.

"Wei Wu's house was stolen twice because he sent someone to do it."

A hint of surprise appeared in Feng Xian's eyes: "Really?"

Qian Miao blinked, always feeling that he already knew.

"Yes, I'm sure."

About to continue talking, her cell phone rang.