His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 762: You let go of those two people on purpose just now

Qianmiao's voice came from the phone: "Why don't you speak anymore?"

Feng Can here quickly hid to the side, and then quietly looked inside the door.

The figure on the second floor was still standing there, without light, and could not see clearly.

Feng Can whispered: "Sister Mi, I'm at the door of Wei's house, there is a situation."

"what's the situation?"

"I can't tell. It's that there is no light in the Wei family's house, but there is a man on the balcony on the second floor of the house, who looks like a man, standing there dry, with his back to me, looking up. From the ceiling, it was strange. Wei Wu didn't come back either, and he answered my phone and returned my message. Is something wrong?"

Qian Mian was silent for two seconds, and then said: "You wait and don't move, I'll call you back later."

Here, Qian Yan hung up the phone and called Bian Jingyan.

I played it twice in a row, but it didn't make any sense.

She changed clothes and beat Wei Wu at the same time, it didn't make any sense.

In the past two days, she had asked Black Chicken to withdraw all the people who had been with Wei Wu, so she could not obtain information.

Fortunately, Wei's house was not far from here. She rode the mountain past, speeding up, and arrived within a few minutes.

The street lights are not very bright, and there is no sound from mountain bikes. She ridden from the side of the road and it was not obvious.

The Wei family is higher than the surrounding area, and you have to go up a small **** to see the gate.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw the three people fighting hard.

It was a bit difficult for Feng Can to be one enemy and two, and he looked at the head and the tail.

And the other party is obviously professional and very tacit, one is responsible for attracting his attention, the other catches him behind and prepares to attack.

Qian Miao stopped the mountain, picked up a laughing stone at random with his hand, and threw it over.

The man behind him originally wanted to lift a big rock and smash Fengcan's head, but as a result, his wrist was beaten by Qianmiao's stones, and he suddenly softened. The rock in his hand fell uncontrollably and directly hit his feet!

A scream sounded.

Qian Miao rushed up and played a set of high wind punches, but after five strokes, the two of them were beaten backwards by her, and they got up in an embarrassing posture.

"Call the police, there is a thief." Qianmiao said while looking at them, but didn't step forward to stop them.

The two looked at each other and ran back together.

Feng Can wanted to take advantage of the victory, but was stopped by her.

"They were injured and they didn't run far. I saw them come out with a bag of things just now. They must have been stolen from Wei Wu's house!" Feng Can said.

Qian Miao looked at the direction the two people were leaving, and only after confirming that they were far away did they speak.

"It's okay, you go back first."

"Huh?" Feng Can frowned: "Sister Miao, are you and Wei Wu hiding something from me?"

Qian Miao looked up at him without speaking.

Feng Can was determined now: "Sure enough! You just let go of those two people on purpose, didn't you?"

He lowered his voice and asked.

Qian Miao's mouth twitched without emotion, and said, "I've called Wei Wu and Bian Jingyan's phone, but they couldn't get through."

Feng Can's attention shifted: "Here, then go in and take a look!"

He didn't care too much, and went straight over the wall.

Qian Miao looked at him neatly behind him and raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

The Wei family's alarm system had been destroyed, and there was no sound when he went over the wall.

Qianmiao didn't go in and waited for his news at the door.

About twelve minutes later, Feng Can came out.

"There is no one at home, it's a mess, why do you think her house always recruits thieves?"