His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 754: There is no connotation at all, superficial and arrogant

The male anchor next to him saw that he didn't answer the conversation, a trace of panic flashed across his face, but he quickly opened the topic to hold on to the scene.

Immediately afterwards, Bian Jingyan started to lose control of his facial expression management and laughed while introducing the product.

The barrage was filled with doubts.

"Is this thing really that good?"

"Oh, my cub laughed so happily, I haven't seen him so happy, buy it!"

"Did he see any good things? There is no one laughing."

"IMHO, kind of two"

"My stupid husband made everyone laugh."

"I want to see what's in the phone too."

Wei Wu glanced at the phone, and Bian Jingyan had agreed to her friend's application.

It didn't take long for Bian Jingyan to download it, and the first thing was to call her by voice.

When Wei Wu went to the balcony to answer the call, the door was knocked.

Qian Miao put down the comic book, put on a piece of clothing, and went to open the door.

Across a door, she smelled a faint fragrance of perfume, the same as the smell she smelled at the painting exhibition yesterday.

The door opened and I saw Shu Yu as expected.

At this time, Shu Yu looked at Qian Mian's eyes with a filter.

It is no longer the politeness of hospitality at the painting exhibition yesterday, but the majesty of teachers above students.

She held her arms in both hands, looking up at Qian Mi.

I looked at her for two seconds and said, "You are not curious why I came to you."

Qian Miao released the doorknob and leaned against the door frame.

"Mr. Shu, please tell me something."

The faint and shallow tone has a small, lazy tone like a misty Jiangnan, with eyes like peach blossoms, small nose and pink lips, and the white skin that makes people feel like a touch.

It turns out that the type he likes is like this.

I didn't see it clearly yesterday, but now I take a closer look. It is indeed a person who is more beautiful than a flower, and looks more than a fairy.

No matter how beautiful the skin is, it will be bored after a long time.

She has read Tang Qianyan's information, and this year's birthday has not passed, and she is not yet twenty.

A child under twenty has no connotation, superficial and arrogant.

I really don't know what Fengxian thinks.

After taking back her thoughts, she said: "The formal training will begin tomorrow. I heard from your school teacher that you two applied for no class on weekends. No, you only have half-day classes on Friday. Can you tell me why?"

The cold night breeze was blowing, brushing Qianmiao's temples, and strands of black hair swept her cheeks.

She said: "The reason is written on the application form."

Shu Yu secretly said arrogantly, but smiled on his mouth: "No matter what the reason is, unless it is a funeral at home, it will not be approved. Since you have entered the training team, you must abide by the rules here."

A hint of unrestrained smile appeared in Qianmiao's eyes: "What if I don't comply?"

Shu Yu lowered his head and smiled, seeming to restrain a certain emotion.

Then, he said: "If you don't comply, there is no way, you can only deduct points."

"There is also a comprehensive quality score here?" Qian Miao asked lazily.

Shu Yu maintained a faint smile: "This is not true."

"I remember that the standard for selecting representatives is test scores. Why, if I take one less class, my points will be deducted for the test?"

Sharp teeth and sharp mouth.

Shu Yu said again in his heart, raising his eyes and staring at her for two seconds.

"We are a team here. If everyone wants to come and leave like you do, then there is no need to train again."