His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 749: He is the man i like

Lu Wanyu put down his pants, walked over and hugged her, and then said, "It doesn't matter, your situation is special. As long as you explain it to him, he will definitely understand that Feng Can is so good, right."

While speaking, Lu Wanyu suddenly realized that this method would not work.

Because I can't speak out.

Qian Mian said, "Just say what you want, I believe Feng Can is a person."

Wei Wu's eyes lit for a second, but shook his head: "No, I don't want to involve him. You see, he was injured because of me yesterday. Who knows what else will happen in the future?"

These words seemed to touch a certain heartstring of Qianmiao, her eyes darkened for a second.

Wei Wu picked up the chopsticks and put a small steamed bun for each of them, and said, "Don't talk about this, we will go and play after we finish eating in a while."

Lu Wanyu: "Yes! Come and touch one."

The three picked up the tea cups and touched each other.

Lu Wanyu posted photos of morning tea to his circle of friends, and then concentrated on eating and chatting.

It was almost ten o'clock after breakfast, and they happened to learn that there was an art exhibition next door, and the three of them planned to take a look around, digest food, and then play some exciting projects.

Opposite Wutongji is the Art Center, where there are many activities every month.

Today, there is a painter holding a solo exhibition here.

The three of them bought tickets and went in to see them.

Lu Wanyu flipped through the pamphlet issued by the conductor when he bought the ticket. It introduced the personal information of the owner of the exhibition.

While turning over, she said: "This Shu Yu is not only a painter, but also a detective. She opened a detective agency by herself, which is quite famous. Apart from these two, she is actually a visiting professor."

She turned to the page with the photo and raised her eyebrows: "So young, only 25 years old this year, and she looks good."

Just after speaking, she suddenly felt that her clothes were torn.

Turning to see, it was Wei Wu.

Wei Wu glanced at a certain place and motioned her to look over.

Lu Wanyu looked up, and was suddenly startled by what was in front of him. He swallowed involuntarily, and his whole body was not calm.

On the wall three meters away, there is a portrait painting.

The man in the painting is standing in front of the French windows, and the white curtain is raised in the wind. He looked forward, as if looking at the camera.

Lang Yan is unique and unique in the world.

I don't know if it is because the people in the painting have peerless looks, or the painter's profound skill, which makes those eyes uniquely charming, like a deep-sea vortex, attracting people to stare constantly.

No matter which angle they looked at, they felt that he was looking at themselves.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with this, but the person above... is actually a Fengxian!

Qian Miao stared at the painting silently, his expression unclear.

"This is my favorite and most proud work."

A female voice rang in my ears.

Qian Miao looked away from the painting, and saw a beautiful woman dressed up with intellectual standing beside the painting.

Faced with the three of them, she smiled slightly: "It seems that it also attracted your ideas."

Lu Wanyu coughed slightly, glanced at Qian Mi, and asked, "Is the man in this painting your friend?"

Shu Yu smiled slowly: "Not a friend."

Lu Wanyu and Wei Wu breathed a sigh of relief. They were not friends. They drew according to the photos in the magazine.

After all, Fengxian has also been on the covers of many financial magazines, and it is normal for someone to notice.

"Not a friend, but a man I like." Shu Yu said again.