His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 743: suspended animation

"The most troublesome thing now is that I don't know who the traitor was back then." Qian Mian said.

Wei Wu looked at Qian Ru and whispered: "They once suspected that it was Professor Qian you and Qian Mian's mother, so the subsequent research and development results were not shared with you."

Qian Ru choked with a sullen breath: "How can they do this? I am absolutely innocent. My old money has never done anything wrong in his life."

Wei Wu said: "It may be that Qianmiao's mother married the Tang family, and they avoided it. Then Professor Qian had the best relationship with her, so even you avoided it."

"The Tang family? Why do you say that?"

"Because of Yihuan Pharmaceutical, because of the Tang family company, they feel that Aunt Yunhuan will contribute all the success of research and development to Yihuan Pharmaceutical, with a double heart."

"Fart!" Qian Ru was excited again.

"She is the person who needs help most in this incident. What is the purpose of our research on the antidote, isn't it to resolve the side effects of BDR-2? Alas, someone must have troubled it!"

After saying this, everyone suddenly found that Qian Mian had been very quiet.

Lu Wanyu asked: "Miaomiao, do you have a clue?"

Qian Mian lifted his eyes and said, "Not yet, and the vacation is almost over. From tomorrow, everyone will continue to study and work. It's hard work. Let's go eat now."

She stood up and asked the black chicken to take everyone to dinner.

After Wei Wu took out all the medicine, he put on the skin bag.

Qian Mian looked at her so hard, and said: "It's been exposed anyway, why do you still wear it?"

Wei Wu smiled bitterly: "I... don't want Feng Can to find out."

No one will lose weight overnight, she hasn't figured out how to explain to Feng Can.

It doesn't matter to others, but to Feng Can, she can't tell a lie.

Qian Mian nodded lightly, and said, "By the way, did they jointly decide the method of suspended animation?"

Wei Wu: "It should be. Only in this way can we escape tracking, but some people fail and continue to escape after being found."

Thousands of contemplation.

She thought of Feng Wei's death, and also of Feng Xian's secret investigation of the cause of Feng Wei's death.

If it were not for the strange cause of death, he would not keep investigating.

That year, Feng Wei claimed to have died of illness and was buried in a hurry.

It's almost the same as her mother's situation.

Thinking of this, Qian Miao's heart shrank suddenly.

But her mother really fell ill and died.

Thinking of this, the feeling slowly faded.

She retracted her thoughts and said, "Let's go, go eat first."

Lu Wanyu was waiting for them outside, and the three of them came to the restaurant downstairs. Everyone was talking about the key points of the next experiment.

Qianmiao called the black chicken aside and asked him the result of the treatment of the cold lizard group.

After the lobster meat in his mouth was swallowed, he said: "They were all taken by Fengxian, and they are all locked up in the bureau. I guess someone will bail them soon."

People in the dark alliance will not be left behind by the organization as long as they don't die.

Qianmiao thought for a while, and then said, "What happened to the last time I asked you to seize the string that was framed?"

"Oh this, I'm about to tell you."

The black chicken said, took out his phone, turned up some photos, and said, "This Martin is the connector sent by the Dark Alliance. He is a capable man of Leng Lizard."

"Cold Lizard, it's him again."

Seeing the murderous look in Qian's eyes, the black chicken was inexplicably excited, and said, "Boss, should we go back and kill him?"