His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 741: Ruined

However, they were helpless with her. They didn't even dare to mention her name in front of the police, only saying that it was caused by an accident!

But when she thought that she deserved retribution when she was scolded by the Internet, she became angry.

"No! I'm going to tell the police that the small wild plant set the fire!"

As soon as she screamed, she walked towards the door.

But before he took a few big steps, he was stopped by his family.

"Did you forget what she said before she left?! She has all of us in her hands. If you hand her to the police station, she will not die, but our life will be difficult!"

The speaker was the aunt who spoke for her at the banquet.

Auntie's house sells building materials. Something happened, but later took the money to fix it. Wei Wu didn't know where to find out about it, so she squeezed Auntie's handle.

The situation of others is roughly the same.

"Dad, what do you want to do? Our family was mostly burned this time, and our relatives and friends were injured a lot. Should we just forget it?"

Father Zhang looked struggling: "Okay! That's it!"

The second aunt said: "We are not reconciled, but that wild species is a monster. Have you seen anyone walking so fast? She must have been caught by the evil spirits. We can't provoke someone who has been caught up with evil spirits. ! Otherwise, what can we do if it is worse than it is now!"

Now they are slightly injured, which is caused by their panic, crowding and falling. The most important thing is that the burning house is not theirs, and there is no loss. If you go to provoke the monster again, maybe the next one The burnt is their house!

"Brother, I think you should give her some of the property, so as to comfort her." The aunt said.

Zhang Xuela looked at their selfish faces and was gradually forced to the brink of collapse. Suddenly, she burst out a scream, and then drove them all out.

Only the agent, Man Qing, is by his side to discuss public relations matters.

Man Qing had no clue, and said with a sad face: "I think there is nothing to do this time. I can only quiet for a while and watch the timing before coming back. There is no way. The evidence thrown by the other party is too sufficient. We can only apologize.

I have already issued an apology with your account. Then you can recover from your injury or travel abroad for a period of time. I will notify you when you have the opportunity. "

Zhang Xuela was cold all over: "Sister Qing, what do you mean by this is that the company wants to hide me? I made so much money for them, so they treat me like this?!"

Man Qing said embarrassedly: "You know, it's only one afternoon since you've been engaged in posting, but your previous collaborations have been ruined. Let's take a chance, the variety show also called to let you recover from your injury. The meaning in the words is I don’t need to go to the next issue, and I guess that the next episode will also cut your shots."

"Don't I just scold someone?! As for this to me! Which one of them didn't beg me to sign? Huh?"

Man Qing sighed: "This is the way this line is. As an artist, you can't make any mistakes. Otherwise, even if the audience doesn't care, your peers will pinch this to crush you, or listen to me, and go abroad to avoid it. Avoid, when this matter subsides, our company will give you a chance."

After Man Qing finished speaking, he picked up his bag and left.

When Zhang Xuela became soft, she threw herself on the bed and wept bitterly.

Thinking of something, she took out her mobile phone to call Bian Jingyan and asked him to help.

However, the person who answered the phone was his agent.

"Ms. Zhang, our contract clearly stipulates that we cannot do anything that will damage the other party’s reputation. What you did this time has already affected us. Today, many people scolded him under his Weibo. I think, This is the end of our cooperation!"

(Good night, keep going to sleep~)