His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 719: Someone followed Feng Can secretly

The news not only exposed Feng Can's identity, but also vaguely exposed Zhang Xuela's bullying.

At present, many reporters and paparazzi have gone to the recording site to interview Feng Can.

During the recording break, Zhang Xuela had learned of these things from Man Qing.

For these things, they had anticipated in advance.

Now it's up to Feng Can to say.

For this reason, Zhang Xuela did not dare to provoke Bai Mi and Feng Can deliberately during the entire afternoon of recording.

He even took the initiative to avoid them, not fighting or grabbing.

In the evening, today's recording finally ended, and a group of people came out of the woods and went back to the nearest hotel to rest.

Feng Can's car was in front of Zhang Xuela.

Man Qing said: "I have received news that there are many reporters squatting in the hotel parking lot. Feng Can will definitely be blocked in a while, and so will you."

Zhang Xuela is wearing sunglasses and can't see anything, her voice is still domineering: "Where is the childlike heart?"

"She won't have the guts to talk nonsense." Man Qing said.

While talking, several cars have slowly entered the parking lot.

At this time, Feng Can was apologizing to his father.

Just now when the recording was over, he took back his cell phone.

Sitting next to him, Qianmiao could faintly hear the words in the sealed transcript.

I could hear that I was still very angry, and I still disagree with Feng Canhun's business.

The car stopped, Feng Can said anxiously, and hung up the phone.

bad mood.

Qian Miao looked at him and asked, "Drinking?"

Feng Can put away his negative emotions and said, "Forget it, I will continue to record tomorrow, let's go."

The two got out of the car and walked towards the elevator side by side.

In the next second, a group of people rushed towards Feng Can and her with microphones and cameras.

But they couldn't get close to the two of them, and they were stopped one by one by a group of black-clothed bodyguards that suddenly appeared.

Feng Can was stunned, turned his head and asked Qian Yan: "When did these people come?"

Qianmiao glanced at it and said quietly, "Oh, it may be arranged by the crew."

Feng Can frowned and glanced back at the bodyguards behind him. He always felt that one or two faces were familiar.

After a while, the two entered the elevator.

Zhang Xuela in the car breathed a sigh of relief.

Then get off the bus.

Not surprisingly, they were surrounded by reporters.

Zhang Xuela did not move forward, but faced the camera, denying the rumors that were unfavorable to her one by one.

Back at the hotel, Feng Can and Qian Mian went back to their respective rooms.

Qian Mian deliberately slowed down for a while before opening the door.

She stood at the door and waited for a while, and saw two bodyguards in black standing at the door of Feng Can's room, guarding them like sculptures.

Those people are not hers.

As early as the last time she recorded it in the uninhabited village, she had noticed that someone was following Feng Can in secret.

Later, it was determined that he was protecting him, but he ignored it.

If you want to come, it is also the person sent by Fengxian.

Thinking of this, she opened the door and entered her room without much thought.

Perhaps because she was too tired during the day, she fell asleep with her head on the pillow after taking a shower.

After a trance, she opened her eyes, saw the branch outside the window that was about to be crushed by the snow, and blinked.

The house is decorated with antiques, and there is a stove next to the bed.

Someone knocked on her door outside.

"Eleven, are you awake?"

Hearing Master Songya's voice, she lifted the quilt and got out of the bed.

The master stood at the door and did not enter.