His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 710: Couldn't surpass her

She turned her head and saw that what Qianmiao held in her hand was the most standard equipment for the Games, and the others were not far behind, only hers was the worst.

Others laughed and said, "It's okay. Anyway, Xuela is highly skilled, we are different. I haven't learned it, and the equipment is not the best."

A few people comforted her, her face was not so good.

However, under the lens, it didn't show much.

The director quickly cueed the process and began to show them one by one.

Wang Mai's distance is the shortest, only 20 meters. And the bow and arrow in his hand are not bad, so volunteered to be the first one to go.

Hearing only a scream, the not-so-stable voice sounded, the arrow flew out, skewed out an arc in the air, and then fell vainly.

Everyone laughed uncontrollably, and they laughed while comforting Wang Mai.

Wang Mai was not reconciled, thinking that there were two more opportunities, so he focused and kept coming.

In the final result, the second is the third ring, the third is the 5 ring, and there are 8 rings in total.

She fell into the ground, but after another thought, the others might be worse, after all, the distance was much farther than hers.

So, I have confidence again.

Thinking of something, she walked to Qian Miao and whispered: "Sorry, Bai Mi, I shouldn't have changed with you, so let's, if I win in a while, which amateur you want to team with, I absolutely I won't fight with you."

Without waiting for Qian Mian to speak, he said: "Actually, I just want to be with Feng Can team, not to **** other people."

Feng Can is now the most popular among amateurs, and everyone wants to team up with him.

After saying this, she smiled and walked away when she didn't speak to Qian Miao.

Just as Qianmian raised a cheer, Qianmian looked forward, and it turned out that Zhang Xuela shot at the ten ring.

Three times, except for the first time I didn't adapt to that set of bows and arrows, I shot 7 rings, and the remaining two were 9 and 10, and the total number was 26 rings, which is currently the first place.

Afterwards, the others got on one by one, and none of them could surpass her.

Qian Mian didn't fight to go up, and only waited until everyone was over before the last one went up.

Currently, the first place is Zhang Xuela with 26 rings, the second is a male artist with 18 rings, the third is with 13 rings, and the fourth is Wang Mai’s 8 rings. The rest is the worst. 5 rings.

Someone said: "Come on, as long as there are more than 5 rings, there is still a chance to choose!"

Others are the same, so comforting.

Even Zhang Xuela said: "Just pull the bow hard and shoot out. You can exceed 5 at will."

In the various voices and eyes, Qianmiao took three arrows out.

Everyone was taken aback.

"This...is to send three arrows together?" Wang Mai was stunned.

Zhang Xuela also changed her face, her eyes were a bit strange and mocking.

"This is not filming. No matter how good the equipment is, how can an archery person do it if they don't have the basic skills."

"Bai Mi, or you come one by one, so that the three arrows are sent out, if they all fail, you will be the last."

Qianmiao didn't squint, and quickly found his footing. Hearing the words, he said indifferently: "Who said I want to post together?"

When the voice was not over, everyone only heard a whistling sound suddenly passed by their ears, and immediately after that, they heard two whistling sounds one after another!

The three sounds are neat and simple. The most important thing is that the time before and after the sound is a beat slower!

When hearing it, everyone saw three arrows fly out, and the front and back were also separated by a certain distance!

After a very short time, all three arrows shot into the bullseye!