His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 199: Not decisive

However, almost everyone in the research team was unwilling to do so, so someone continued the research secretly.

They also know that their research has made a very important breakthrough, but this level of breakthrough is not within the scope allowed by the state, so they can only quietly enter the school.

Thinking of this, Qian Mian couldn't help but think of the poor batch of experimental living bodies in his mother's mouth.

According to my mother's recollection, the scene of the experiment at that time can only be described as shocking.

There is a lot of information. Qian Mian spent more than a time reading the department's information, circled the main part, and quickly sent it to Qian Ru.

In the end, at the core of BRD-2, Feng Wei is the main researcher, yes, without her, there would be no such thing.

After Qian Ru received the information, he was very pleasantly surprised and praised her for her ability.

Uncle Qian: Take a look at it roughly. Our current research direction is the same as this document. I'll show it to others.

By the way, what about other years?

Qian Mian: It's been a long time since 2003. I haven't seen the information after that, and I need to look for it again.

Uncle Qian: Since it was found on the computer where the string was sealed, he should know something. Would you like to think about it and confess to him? He likes you so much, he will certainly not be willing to watch you die.

Qian Miao stared at the screen, but didn't reply to any news.

Qian Ru had mentioned similar words to her several times.

She even took it into consideration-face to face with Feng Xian and talk about a deal straightforwardly.

But in this way, she always felt that she would owe him a favor that would never be paid off for a lifetime.

She never likes to owe favors, and if she can solve it by herself, she can solve it by herself.

If you can't solve it by yourself, trade fairly.

For example, Lu Wanyu and Qian Ru were invited by her to negotiate a deal.

One is material, and the other is to help resolve family grievances.

But what about Fengxuan?

Thinking of Fengxian, her mind got stuck.

What kind of conditions will he offer, and whether she is willing to accept this condition? If she does not accept it, she will definitely not stay in this family.

Or, the one who proposed the deal was the one where she left the house.

Whether or not the Fengxuan agrees, it will not affect this result.

This is still her, one of the few "undecisive".

However, it is also related to Fengxian.

The last "not decisive" was also about him.

Her eyebrows tightened, she closed her eyes and squeezed before giving Qian Ru back the news.

I will figure it out.

Second, in self-study class,

The chemistry competition was about to come, and Yan Su was quite concerned about her review. He came to her desk during the break and glanced at her desk.

Youyou asked: "It's another pile of comic books. The chemistry competition is on this Saturday. Didn't you sign up? Read the book quickly. Look at your deskmate Shi Chengan. You work hard and the papers are full."

When the boy next to him heard this, he immediately sat down, looking at the paper very seriously.

Qian Mi said quietly: "I'll watch it in a while."

"Where is your information? Don't tell me you are preparing for the naked exam."

Qian Miao took out a pile of materials from the drawer: "The materials still exist."

Yan Su picked it up and glanced at it a few times.

There are certain similarities in mathematics, physics and chemistry. She is also a science talent and can roughly understand it.

"Not bad, where did you get this information?"

All the materials of Shi Chengan and others have a cover and a book number, and she obviously sorted and printed it herself.

Qianmiao said casually: "Just... a brother gave it."