His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 799: 800: You go out


After all the dust settled.

Jiang Ling knew that he didn't even have a trace of strength.

In a dazed room, it seemed as if he was taken into her own room and took a shower in the bathroom.

Jiang Ling knew that a vague idea came up.

He clearly said that he helped him.

In the end, why was she still the one who fell?

Also, why can this matter be so tiring.

She didn't even want to move a finger now.

Half-dreaming and half-awake, when he was tossing around and wrapped in a bath towel, Jiang Ling knew that he was so sleepy that he was not even shy.

Feel at ease being served by him.

Li Shunan took her back to his room.

Back in the room, she almost fell asleep on the pillow.

Vaguely, I heard the man say something in her ear.

Jiang Ling knew that he was too sleepy, and did not listen carefully, and fell completely into sleep.


Jiang Ling knew that he was asleep.

Probably because she was too tired last night, it was probably more than four o'clock in the morning when she slept.

So I slept for a long time.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, when Li Shunan opened the door and came in, the little girl was still asleep.

Called once in the morning and again at noon, probably too sleepy, Jiang Ling didn't even bother him.

Can't sleep without food for a day.

The girl seemed to be extremely sleepy. She was lying on the bed, her face sunken into the pillow, her red lips slightly opened, and her eyelashes cleverly cast a small shadow.

The thin quilt slipped slightly, revealing his white shoulders.

Li Shunan put his arms on the edge of the bed and stroked her long hair. His voice was deep and magnetic, and the sound quality was very good: "Baby?"

Hearing his voice, Jiang Lingzhi frowned, opened his eyes strenuously and glanced at him, then turned his face away, facing him with the back of his head.

Don't want to talk to him at all.

But no matter how she hid, it was his room after all, the sheets and bedding belonged to him, and the breath that belonged to him.

Jiang Ling knew a lot more sober.

Li Shunan stretched out his arm and put her in his arms through the quilt, his voice deliberately lightened: "I have been sleeping for so long, get up and eat something before going to bed."

Jiang Ling knew that his eyelashes were shaking slightly.

She hurts everywhere now, especially when he leaned over, and the breath on his body instantly approached.

She suddenly thought of last night again.

The men are serious and yet make those extremely astringent movements.

He pinched marks on her wrists and legs.

Jiang Ling knew he took a breath, his cheeks started to get hot again, he pushed the person away, pulled the quilt over his heart, and sat up from the bed.

Her black hair was draped over her shoulders, and she had the beauty after being ravaged.

Jiang Ling stared at him angrily: "You go out and don't want to talk to you."

Her voice was somewhat dumb.

Thinking of her crying-begging for mercy last night, but the man's indifferent appearance, Jiang Ling felt so angry that she knew it.

Li Shunan raised her eyebrows, raised her little hand and kissed her lips. His voice was low and gentle: "You didn't want it yourself?"

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

Although it is true to say so.

But she didn't expect it to be the result now.

How could he, how could he be so unscrupulous...

Li Shunan's gaze fell on her neck, lowered his head, and smirked, "It seems to be, a little impulsive-moved."


Jiang Lingzhi pulled his hand back, and looked a little unnaturally away: "You go out, I want to change clothes."

Li Shunan stared at her for a while, but she didn't move.

Jiang Lingzhi couldn't help but urged him.