His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 797: 797: so proactive

Not waiting for him to stand up.

Jiang Lingzhi leaned forward, hooked his neck with his arm, and kissed his lips.

Li Shunan suddenly froze in place.

A faint smell of alcohol filled his breath.

Because of the shower just now, the breath has become a little bit weaker.

Almost inaudible.

Jiang Lingzhi closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembling lightly, as if he was infected by the alcohol on his body, which made people feel slightly smoked.

Men's eyebrows are particularly clear in the light.

More often, he was extremely tolerant and restrained, as if he was afraid of hurting her or hurting her.

Give her the utmost respect.

As long as she showed a little unwillingness, he would never touch her.

It seemed that no matter what she did, he would condone.

Jiang Lingzhi bit his thin lip lightly and sucked it, both jerky and bold.

Li Shunan leaned slantingly against the sofa, looking lazy, with a spring look between his eyebrows, as if he was stalking people to ravage.

His arms are loose, holding her side waist,

Li Shunan raised his hand and gently rubbed the water stain on her lips with his fingers: "Tsk, why are you so active?"

Jiang Lingzhi sniffed, and answered honestly, "Drink."

Li Shunan's finger paused slightly, and instantly reflected her meaning.

Because he had drunk today, she came to him to drink indirectly.

Li Shunan laughed softly, like holding a child, picked her up, and walked towards the room: "Go to bed, I don't want to see the sunrise tomorrow."

When he walked to the door, Jiang Lingzhi suddenly said, "I want to sleep with you."

As soon as Li Shunan's footsteps stopped, his temples jumped suddenly, and he tuned in with his voice: "Don't toss me, save me your life, can you?"

"I'm ready." Jiang Lingzhi pressed his side face to his chest and suddenly said.

Just that moment.

She seemed to relax suddenly.

Li Shunan hadn't realized what she meant: "Huh?"

"That's it," Jiang Lingzhi cleared his throat and reminded him.

Li Shunan laughed softly: "What are you going to prepare?"

Instantly reflected her meaning.

Li Shu Nanjiaoerlang took the lead: "Aren't you afraid of pain?"

He is only coaxing him as a little girl.

His child is a squeamish bag, not only loves crying, but also afraid of pain.

Jiang Ling knew that his dark eyes were staring at him, he was obviously nervous, but he mustered up the courage to finish the sentence: "I too...may hurt you."

This sentence fell.

The lethality is very significant.

Reason was ignited in an instant, and then exploded with a bang, but everything was to be reduced to ashes.

Li Shunan breathed for a while, the color of his pupils was obviously darker, and the temperature of his body was obviously hotter: "You know what you are talking about?"

His breathing became thicker, and Jiang Ling knew that he could clearly feel his emotions.

But desperately restrained and endured.

Jiang Lingzhi leaned forward and kissed the corner of his lips, showing some timidity in his movements, but he did not flinch: "I am yours, you can do whatever you want."

The girl's voice was soft and soft, and his reason sank.

Li Shunan's eyes darkened, and he paused for two seconds at the door of her room, then turned around and carried her back to his own room.

The light was not turned on in the room, the door was taken, and it was plunged into darkness.

This is not the first time Jiang Lingzhi has come to his room.

It was the first time he spent the night in his room.

In the darkness in front of him, the senses of the body became more and more clear.

Jiang Ling knew that he lost weight instantly, and his body sank into the soft mattress.

The breath of the breath all belonged to his body, and it struck down like the sky and the earth.