His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 315: 315: This bet is good

Seeing Jiang Ling knew that he really wanted to participate, all three of them were immediately intrigued.

Zhao Zifu enthusiastically explained to her: "If you see the map above, you can buy the site with the name of the region written on it. After you buy it, it will become your land, and you will be paid when others pass by. rent."

Jiang Lingzhi nodded and listened carefully.

Zhao Zifu: "Whoever goes bankrupt will lose. At the end of the game, the person with the most net worth will win."

Jiang Lingzhi thought it seemed very interesting, and raised doubts: "What should I buy?"


Jiang Ling knows but does not understand: "Real money?"

Zhao Zifu showed her a card: "Look, everyone has a bank card with an amount in it. Swipe it on the card machine and it will show your account balance."

Jiang Lingzhi got up from the sofa, took the card and looked at it, and sat down cross-legged in the gap between the sofa and the coffee table: "It seems very interesting."

She had never played this kind of game before, and found it quite interesting.

Jiang Lingzhi looked back at Li Shunan behind him: "Why don't you play?"

Li Shunan raised his eyes, his voice was as lazy and careless as ever: "Naive."

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

It seems that two words are not enough to express his dissatisfaction, so Li Shu Nan slowly added another sentence: "Games played by children."

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

Sun Yan: "..."

Qi Liangji: "..."

Zhao Zifu: "..."

Sun Yan also felt that the goddess wanted to play this game with them, which was incredible, and asked again: "Then, come or not?"

Jiang Ling knew that he took his gaze back and nodded affirmatively: "Come on!"

Li Shunan: "..."

Sun Yan nodded: "That's OK, let's start."

Sun Yan and Zhao Zifu on the side looked at each other, and the two successfully realized what each other meant.

Sun Yan cleared his throat: "But, since the boss said so, let's play with adults."

Jiang Ling knew: "?"

Suddenly I had a bad feeling.

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Zifu touched his nose, and agreed with Sun Yan: "Those who lose have to be punished?"

Jiang Lingzhi thought of the white paper strips on the faces of the three people when they entered the door just now: "Does the loser put stickers on their faces? Yes, I can."

Although a bit ugly, this punishment doesn't seem particularly unacceptable.

Zhao Zifu thought for a while: "I think, this is too plain, let's change it to a separate one."

Qi Liangji still didn't know what the two of them were trying to winnow in front of them: "What to change?"

After thinking about it pretendingly, Sun Yan suggested: "Or, whoever loses, who will kiss the boss for a minute, what do you think?"

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

Qi Liangji: "..."

Li Shunan: "..."

The air was silent for three seconds.

Qi Liangji was happy: "Are you sure, you can kiss him forcefully if you lose?"

"Dare to be within fifty centimeters, I respect you as a good guy!"

Zhao Zi winked at him again.

Why can't my mind turn around today and I can't get it anymore.

Isn't the mind turning very fast?

Qi Liangji hadn't reacted yet: "What are you doing? Are your eyes convulsed?"

Zhao Zifu: "..."

After Qi Liangji's eyes went back and forth on Jiang Lingzhi and Li Shunan twice, he finally reacted.

He snapped his thigh: "This is good, this bet is good!"

Jiang Ling knew: "..."