His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 313: 313: Brother Nan, your wife is here

After replying to the news, Jiang Lingzhi put the phone back in the table hole.

Concentrate on listening to the class carefully, and dare not make any more desertions.

After school, review papers were issued for each subject.

Although Li Shunan was not in school, he would give out his homework, and there was a thick pile on the desk after school.

After Jiang Lingzhi sorted out his schoolbag, he also stuffed his test papers back into the schoolbag, planning to take it with him.

Stop by and see if he has taken the medicine.

When Jiang Lingzhi walked into the yard with his schoolbag on his back, he could hear voices from the main house.

It seems quite lively.

Occasionally there was a few laughs.

Jiang Lingzhi walked to the door, but the door was not closed, hiding it.

She reached out and opened the door.

Seeing the scene inside, I was stunned.

The people inside were obviously stunned.

In the spacious living room, the lights are bright, and there are a few boys around the coffee table.

There was a mess of notes on his face.

Rarely, the junior troupes of the Second Secondary School are here today.

Qi Liangji, Sun Yan, Zhao Zifu.

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

Hearing the movement, several people glanced at the door.

Seeing the girl at the door, all the cards in her hand fell on the table.

Jiang Lingzhi stood at the door, looked at the people inside, raised his hand and said hello: "Hi."

The audience was silent.

It was Zhao Zifu who reacted first, and subconsciously shouted: "Sister,"


Sun Yan and Qi Liangji also reacted instantly.

"Sister-in-law is here."

"Sister-in-law, come see Brother Nan."

Before anyone could react, Sun Yan patted the sofa fiercely and reminded him: "Brother Nan, open your eyes! Take a look, your wife is here!"

"You are like a flower like a jade, a beautiful wife!!!" Sun Yan shouted hoarsely.

Li Shu Nan Tao's eyes half-closed, kicked him, and his voice was faint: "Shut up, I'm not deaf."

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

Three people just gathered around the coffee table to play a game.

Li Shunan obviously did not participate in their game, leaning lazily on the sofa, one big long leg stepped on the edge of the sofa, and one big long leg stretched at will.

The little pumpkin nests on his abdominal muscles, looking very comfortable.

His phone was still stuck in the game interface, raised his eyes, and after seeing her, he threw the phone aside and hooked his finger at her.

"[51 Novel www.51xs.info] come here."

He didn't wear a mask anymore, his nasal voice was heavy, and the color of his thin lips was a little lighter, and he still looked faint, even more lazy.

Jiang Ling knew that his pace had stopped for a while, he still walked in with his schoolbag, glanced at the map-like thing on the coffee table, and asked hesitantly: "Are you partying?"

Zhao Zifu stood up hurriedly and stepped aside from the road next to him: "Small Gathering, the main reason is to come over to see Brother Nan, but I dare not come over these few days. Just when a few brothers are free today, they came together."

Jiang Lingzhi took off his schoolbag and put it on the chair next to him. Hearing the key words in his words, he subconsciously asked, "Why don't you dare to come over?"

The friendship between them is very deep.

Every now and then we have to gather for a meal or something.

I was fortunate enough to have a meal with them last time.

Jiang Ling knew that he hadn't seen them several times, but he was quite familiar with them inexplicably.

Sun Yan has always had no taboos, and he said whatever he mentioned: "It’s not just a few days after November 8th. On that day of each year, he is very decadent. Brothers dare not shake in front of him for fear of being caught by him. Killed."